Different portrayals of women in Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations” Essay Sample

In “Great Expectations” . the virtuous/vixenish duality is chiefly explored through Estella. one of the chief female characters in the novel. and besides through Miss Havisham. who brought her up from the age of 3. and Biddy. a simple state miss.

Estella begins the novel as “vixenish” character. brought up by Miss Havisham to be so. She is cold. misanthropic and manipulative. trained to turn up to interrupt the Black Marias of work forces. She hurts Pip and oppress his feelings continuously. and the audience picks up on these qualities and dislikes her. Unlike the warm. honest and sort heroine that readers would sympathize with. Estella is the exact antonym. and viewed as “vixenish” .

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Miss Havisham besides begins as a “vixenish” character. who trained Estella to be the girl she’s turning up to be. and delectations in the manner Estella interruption Pip’s bosom. Dickens justifies her actions by subsequently explicating that Miss Havisham was jilted by her lover proceedingss before their matrimony. and from so on hated work forces. wishing to ache them as they did her. and although we dislike her actions and see her as vixenish. the audience is positioned to experience sorry for her.

In contrast to the pervious two. Biddy is apparent and simple. but she is besides kindhearted and befriends Pip. assisting him better his instruction. Although she comes from the hapless. labour category. she is sort and moral. the antonym of Estella. who is beautiful and cold. Because of her admirable qualities. the audience is supposed to wish Biddy. the virtuous one.

However. Dickens shows that all is non so distinct and that the virtuous/vixenish duality is non so clearly defined as the novel draws to a stopping point. Estella. after an opprobrious and unhappy matrimony. repents of her former wickednesss and realises her errors. Although we were originally positioned to dislike Estella and her vixenish qualities. we besides sympathise with her battles. and we see that through her experience. she breaks free of her upbringing and becomes person more morally desirable. The audience can see that Estella. gaining her vixenish qualities. has repented. and might finally accomplish the virtuous ideal.

Miss Havisham. with her resolved pursue of retaliation against work forces. her selfishness and inhuman treatment as she raises Estella to ache others as she was hurt herself. is decidedly non a sympathetic character. Her qualities. even more so than Estella’s. is tied to the position on vixenish adult females. and non until the terminal of her life did she deliver herself. and our sentiment of her. in any manner. She realises that she has hurt Pip in the same manner as herself. and eventually sees how barbarous she has in her use of people. Alternatively of acquiring retaliation on the adult male who jilted her. she has merely hurt others. and she begs Pip to forgive her. In this manner. she additions the understanding of the audience. and although she is still considered vixenish. she is viewed in somewhat better visible radiation. Biddy. from the start to the terminal of the novel. has been blessed with qualities linked to the virtuous.

By the terminal of “Great Expectations” . Dickens shows us that while one can be vixenish. attrition and understanding can deliver person. and that it is non impossible to go the virtuous adult female.
