Does K-12 Education the Solution? Essay Sample

With the launching of the K-12 educational systems in the Philippines many have supported it and many have expressed uncertainties on this move by the authorities. K-12 screens Kindergarten and 12 old ages of basic instruction ( six ( 6 ) old ages of primary instruction. four ( 4 ) old ages of Junior instruction. and two ( 2 ) old ages of senior high school ) to supply sufficient clip for command of constructs and accomplishments. develop womb-to-tomb scholars. and fix alumnuss for third instruction. middle-level accomplishments development. employment. and entrepreneurship. But still we are faced with this inquiry: Is K-12 truly the solution to the few of the many jobs of the Philippines? Most of us are steadfast trusters that alteration is needed and must be changeless ; nevertheless. some remain unsure of the result of this alteration in our educational system. From the point of position of the sceptics. there is this rough world that we lack resources. substructure. work force and financess. A book is shared by 3 pupils. a instructor shared by 1000s. Teachers are even overworked and underpaid. They do non acquire the regard that they deserve when in fact they are the builders of society. How can we anticipate good returns if in the first topographic point we lack the capital? We have a good possible pool ; nevertheless we can non take advantage of it due to fiscal restraints.

Furthermore. this plan will certainly make a vacuity in the third degree. Obviously. it adds abuse to an hurt. For the optimists nevertheless. what they see are autonomous scholars who are able to confront the existent universe after completing the K-12 plan. Surely. there would be jobs to be encountered but the authorities is making decisive moves in order to turn to each job which may halter the program’s execution. As a affair of fact. the Department of Education is making its best to bridge the spread between what is and what should be in footings of resources. substructure. adult male power and financess. Contrary to the misconception that it would be an extra load on the portion of the parents because of the extra two old ages. it is reasonable to believe that K-12 plan is in fact cut downing the biennial load of parents if they will direct their kids to college.

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President Aquino himself stressed “We need to add two old ages. Those who can afford pay up to 14 old ages of schooling before university. Therefore. their kids are acquiring into the best universities and the best occupations after graduation. I want at least 12 old ages for our public school kids to give them an even opportunity at wining. ” Harmonizing to the K-12 DepEd Primer ( 2011 ) . K-12 Curriculum envisions “holistically developed scholars with twenty-first century accomplishments. It aims to decongest academic work load. giving pupils more clip to get the hang competences and for co-curricular activities and community engagement. therefore. leting for a more holistic development which will make a positive Domino consequence to the system and to the state edifice every bit good.

The end of the enhanced K-12 Education Program is to make a functional basic instruction system that will bring forth productive and responsible citizens equipped with the indispensable competences and accomplishments for both womb-to-tomb acquisition and employment. Finally every alumnus will be able to believe for himself/herself and do sound determinations on the best classs of action to take in the different fortunes of his or her life. Every alumnus is inculcated with the regard for human rights and values. notably. Maka-Diyos. Maka-tao. Makabansa. and Maka-Kalikasan. A vision achieved through an enhanced course of study. Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Program twin-objectives: 1. to give every pupil an chance to have quality instruction based on an enhanced and decongested course of study that is internationally recognized and comparable ; 2. To alter public perceptual experience that high school instruction is merely a readying for college ; instead it should let one to take advantage of chances for paid calling and employment and/or self-employment in a quickly altering and progressively globalized environment harmonizing to the instruction experts.

Should at that place be constitution of legal model for K-12. how will the authorities finance this sing the present predicament of our budget and what about the vacuity in the Higher Educational Institutions during the first biennial execution of Senior High School ( Gr. 11 and 12 ) ? The authorities should increase allocated budget for instruction. Rechanneling the budget used on paying foreign debts to education sector may besides be considered. Additionally. the function of PPP plan is indispensable ; therefore. it should be strengthened. As respects idle resources in Higher Educational Institutions. some steps may be considered. Colleges/universities may see offering senior high school and adapt to K-12 course of study.

It is an inevitable fact that public schools can hardly suit enrollees due to famine of installations despite authorities attempt to make full the spread. Undergraduate plans may besides be cut in length: Five- twelvemonth plans into four old ages and four-year plans into three old ages. Vocational classs may besides be reinforced as ( to some extent ) these classs are extension of senior high school. Is K-12 Education the solution? The reply to this inquiry depends on its execution and the confidence of its sustainability in the ulterior old ages. As of the minute. one thing is certain—Change is changeless so we have to encompass it. We can non afford to watch things as they happen. we should do things go on and be a portion of the solution of the multifaceted jobs that beset our state.
