Examining the use of satire in Jane Austin’s classic, Pride and Prejudice Essay Sample

Although Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is a comparatively straightforward and philosophically unsophisticated novel. Austen still endeavors to portray the deep and ineluctable influence of bad manners irrespective of category. In order to carry through this intent. Austen needed to make characters and state of affairss that were humourous. yet easy to place with and this was accomplished by the usage of sarcasm. Satire is used in the fresh Pride and Prejudice and is peculiarly manifest in the characters Lady Catherine. Mrs. Bennet. and Mr. Collins in order to leave the reader with a echt apprehension of the effects that ignorance. piousness. pride. and prejudice green goods in any category. The ensuing consequence of this device is laugh out loud wit and a pronounced contempt by the reader for these and any characters who possess a important sum of the said unwanted qualities.

Get downing at the top of the societal ladder. Austen uses satire through Lady Catherine to set up that no social group is free from gross imperfectness. Furthermore. hyperbole of Lady Catherine’s minimizing personality reveals that the upper category contains some of the most violative people out of all society. An illustration of this sarcasm occurs when Lady Catherine calls on Elizabeth in order to guarantee that there is no possibility of a brotherhood between Darcy and Elizabeth. In this scene. Austen uses Lady Catherine’s extremely abusive and farcical intervention of Lizzy satirically in order to demo that this type of patronization. irrespective of the period and despite being petroleum. is representative of a defect that permeates throughout high society. The full character environing Lady Catherine is larger than life. but it is through this sarcasm that the reader to the full grasps the deductions and feels the disdain for Lady Catherine’s pride and superciliousness.

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In contrast to Lady Catherine. Mrs. Bennet is a common member of society. Her intemperate personality and blazing ignorance nevertheless. are cosmopolitan defects that despite being highly amusing. go forth the reader with a deep sitting contempt for her built-in jobs. Additionally. though people like Mrs. Bennet surely do be. she is satirically exaggerated in the novel to exemplify how ignorance and bias ne’er work in favour of 1s cause. and in add-on cause heartache to those around them. Lizzy and Jane on the other manus have escaped their female parents ignorance and demo the reader with the aid of hyperbole that their female parents heedlessness has taught them how non to carry on themselves. The consequence of this realisation is that Jane and Lizzy are in control of themselves and stop up populating merrily of all time after. Therefore. though Mrs. Bennet’s oppressive tantrums and emotional episodes are really diverting. they serve a higher intent of uncovering the ugly nature of these defects in any state of affairs.

Finally. Austen uses satire through Mr. Collins to demo that false piousness and deficiency of decorousness are non desirable traits and merely do one to be scorned by his/her equals. After reading a few scenes incorporating Mr. Collins. one can non assist but acknowledge the in secret didactic yet sharply remorseful mode he embodies and as such despise him for it. For illustration. when he is being entertained by the Bennets and subsequently the Lucas’ he showily and sneeringly portions all the inside informations of his noteworthy constitution while at the same time fawning at the pess of his hosts. These actions are non contingent on his societal rank nevertheless. because they reveal that even people by and large held in high respect such as anyone in Mr. Collins’ state of affairs would be still endeavor to progress their image in the eyes of others. Unfortunately for Mr. Collins. this was non done really tactfully. for anyone with a nice sum of intuition such as Lizzy and Mr. Bennet could easy deconstruct his humble tactics. The sarcasm environing Mr. Collins is that the reader knows that this method of self glory is non unusual and possibly finds it distressingly humorous that Mr. Collins is so blissfully incognizant of the branchings of his intemperate address and injudicious actions.

There are many cases Jane Austen employs sarcasm in Pride and Prejudice and each state of affairs incorporates either wit. contempt for the satirical state of affairs or culprit. or both. In Lady Catherine. the reader is reminded among other things that arrogance is non glamourous. Mrs. Bennet illustrates that ignorance is non bliss. and Mr. Collins represents the necessity of a solid self-image and strong character. None of these characters though would go forth the feeling that they do without the usage of sarcasm and finally wit. Therefore. sarcasm is used in Pride and Prejudice to demo that no category is free from defects. but if one strives to larn from and laugh at the sarcasm in life. a happy stoping reminiscent of Lizzy’s and Jane’s will ensue.
