For You, My Best Friend Essay Sample

Thank you for being the friend you are. Kelli
I ne’er thought I could happen a friend like you
A friend so baronial and true
I look up to you in every manner
Because you teach me something new everyday.

With out you. I’d be lost…
Friendship is such an fumes.
But you make it seem so easy
Merely like a beautiful twenty-four hours that’s so breezy
You deserve so much more than I can give.
But without you I wouldn’t unrecorded.

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You’ve given me more than money can purchase
And for you I would give my all and my best attempt
Our friendly relationship gets stronger everyday
Hoping non to stop it. so I merely pray
You’re an angel sent from above
Reflecting from your bosom is your love
Because when you’re around everything seems right
And for you. until the terminal. I will contend.

No affair how hard you try
You’ll ever have a shoulder to shout
No affair how far off you are…
We’ll ever be following to each other in the stars
I know the existent you deep down indoors
That’s why I will ever be by your side.

Thank you for being the friend you are
You’re my best friend. a lasting cicatrix
Everything you do or that’s in you is an inspiration to make great Because you have the greatest traits!

So ne’er halt being the existent and fantastic you
Because I will back up you in everything you do
And whenever it seems like I’m non at that place
Remember this: I love you and I’ll ever attention.
This is for you. my best friend. Kelli
The one individual I can give my bosom and psyche to
Who can associate to me like no other

Who I can express joy with about the silliest things to no extent
Who I can shout to when times are tough
Who knows every inch of my life
You have ever been there for me
I can number on you like 4. 3. 2… ( it’s ever plenty )
You ever know what to state to lighten up my twenty-four hours
Because you are the Sun that shines in you
I don’t believe you know what that means to me
You have gone through so much and still hold time…

And I love you for ever maintaining a smiling on my face
And I look up to you. because you’re strong.
And lovingness.
And beautiful
Even though you don’t believe you are
I hope you know. I’m ever here for you…
To listen to you laugh. call. talk. and even sing

In all the ways I can
I will seek to be at least half the friend you are…
I hope you know. I wouldn’t be the individual I am today
Without YOU
For you. I’ll do anything. ANYTHING
My best friend. Kelli Marie Truhn
