The Tragic Hero Of Julius Caesar Essay

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The Tragic Hero of Julius Caesar

Calamity concerns itself with the ruin of a supporter ( or the tragic hero ) that suffers oppressing licking or decease. Brutus surely fits in as the supporter of Julius Caesar and the tragic hero. Since Brutus was one of the chief characters of the drama, it would be obvious that he would be the tragic hero of the drama every bit good.

The ruin of the supporter occurs through a tragic defect of the supporter. Brutus tragic defect was doing bad judgements. For illustration, he let Antony talk at Caesar s funeral, he let Antony live and besides he marched to Phillipi. Since the Romans liked Brutus, they thought that if he killed Caesar, so he had a good ground for it. However, if Brutus had non let Antony talk at the funeral, the people would non hold turned against him and the other plotters. Antony was non Caesar s best friend, like Brutus ; he merely wanted everybody to be against Brutus so they could follow him. Leting Antony live was really hapless judgement. Brutus committed self-destruction because Antony defeated his ground forces. If Antony were killed, Brutus would hold ne’er committed self-destruction himself. The March to Phillipi was besides a bad thought because if they hadn t gone everybody wouldn Ts have been killed. Brutus besides made hapless judgement on his friend Cassius. Cassius was the one persuading Brutus to go one of the plotters, if he hadn T listened to Cassius, he wouldn Ts have killed Caesar.

Brutus was one of Caesar s best friends, but he was non the greatest friend in the universe. He killed his ain best friend. Besides, every bit good as a friend Brutus was to Caesar, it appeared as though Brutus loved Rome and it s people more. If so that friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my

reply: non that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. ( 3.2.21-24 ) Loving Rome more than his ain friend was another of Brutus tragic defect. He was more loyal to people he s ne’er met before, than his ain friend. If Brutus did non love Rome more, he would non hold killed his good friend.

If Brutus felt so strongly that to salvage Rome he had to assassinate his ain best friend that decidedly must demo something. Brutus killed Caesar for the people of Rome s sake, non for his ain. A true hero would believe of other people before thought of himself. In the drama, we see Brutus feelings and actions, more than Caesar s.

Caesar dies midway through the drama, so he can non be the tragic hero if his character has non been developed yet.

Another point is that if Brutus was non portion Julius Caesar, the violent death of Caesar most probably would ne’er had happened, hence Brutus plays a really of import function in the narrative. The ground for killing Caesar was to maintain Rome together, if Brutus were non portion of the confederacy the people would believe that killing Caesar was useless. If Brutus were non at that place to state them that killing Caesar was to maintain Rome together, everybody would turn against the plotters. Brutus was exceptionally of import in the drama.

All of this is of import grounds shows that Brutus is the tragic hero. He is the hero because of what he did for the interest of his people and it was tragic because he died as a consequence of losing to his enemy. Brutus was a really of import individual, hence if he wasn T in the narrative ; there wouldn T be a narrative. Brutus was the individual who held the drama together. For that ground, Brutus is the chief character, the supporter, and the tragic hero. This was the noblest Roman of them all. ( 5.5.74 )
