The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles

& # 8217 ; Antigone Essay, Research Paper

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Antigone, is the play written by Sohpocles. There is still a great argument on who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles & # 8217 ; Antigone, Creon or Antigone.

Many people believes that it must be Antigone, herself. This is because Antigone is an outstanding illustration of person who did what she thought was right, while she was among saps, many adversities, and people who were discouragingly uncourageous. When the male monarch Creon ordered that the organic structure of Polyneices, Antigone & # 8217 ; s brother, be left to decompose unburied because he had died as a treasonist, she tried to buried him even she knew that she would be punished. She believed that a dead individual & # 8217 ; s psyche could non rest if that individual & # 8217 ; s organic structure was non buried so she chooses to dispute a powerful Creon, the male monarch of Thebes in order to allow her brother remainder peacefully. This presents a immense job for Antigone ; she feels she must obey the Torahs of the Gods and bury her brother, but the punishment would be earthly decease.

To me, Antigone is a hero, what she did for her brother was really respectful, non many could hold the strength to make so in the same state of affairs.

However, I believe the true tragic hero in Sophocles & # 8217 ; Antigone is Creon, non Antigone. Creon, as male monarch of Thebes, is at the top of the societal ladder. Yet, non merely is he king, he is besides human and possesses infirmities, which qualify him to do seri

ous errors, and he possesses endowments, which allow him besides to stand out. Hence, Creon is neither excessively good nor bad.

Appropriately, Creon & # 8217 ; s station as king topographic point shim in a place of great power, influence and duty. The extent of this power was rather apparent when he sentenced Antigone to decease for disobeying his announcement.

Creon & # 8217 ; s tragic defect was his hubris or his pride and haughtiness in the face of godly powers. His ruin began when he denied the basic Godhead right of burial to Polyneices and was cemented when he condemned Antigone for her resistance to his jurisprudence. When one closely examines Antigone & # 8217 ; s grounds for burying her brother, it becomes clear that she was merely showing her love, award, and trueness to her household. However, the ground that Creon is angered is that he feels injured and insulted that Antigone flagrantly and publically disobeyed him. He was to boot inflamed that she was his niece and betrothed to his boy, Haemon. Historically, when particularly a adult female threatens a adult male & # 8217 ; s authorization, , his self-pride is irreparably damaged. But he tired to repair the errors that he had made even he is a great male monarch.

The whole drama is sad, it is make viewing audiences experience anger and respectful. I do esteem Antigone, but personally I respect Croen more since he is the male monarch. With his such high place, he could still responsibly for his incorrect actions.
