Julius Caesar Leader Essay Sample

In the drama Julius Caesar by Will Shakespeare. Cassius and Antony were shown as two different leaders in the manner of their accomplishments in persuasion. whether they were easy swayed. and how trusty they were ; though they both have mistakes. Antony is the higher-up of the two. Anthony uses his persuasion accomplishments really good throughout Act III scene II: “When the hapless have cried. Caesar hath wept ; / Ambition should be made of sterner material. / Yet Brutus says he was ambitious ; / And Brutus is an honest man/… I speak non to confute what Brutus spoke. / But here I am to talk of what I know. ” ( III. II. 97-107 ) In this quotation mark is Antony talking to the common mob. Antony continually uses the phrase “Yet Brutus is an honest man” .

In this he is stating that Casear was accused and demoing the people how they were incorrect to believe Brutus as honest. In the terminal he persuades the people to revolt against the conpirators. Cassius on the other manus attempts to acquire Brutus to hold with him on several occasions but gets turned down every clip. “Cassius: Let Antony and Caesar fall together. Brutus: Our class will look excessively bloody. Caius Cassius. / To cut the caput so hack the limbs. /… Let us be sacrificers non butcherers. Caius. ” ( Act II. I. 173-179 ) Cassius tries to convert Brutus to kill Antony along with Caesar because he is afraid Antony would turn the crowds against them. unfortunatly Brutus ignores him and Antony does precisely that.

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When looking at how easy they are persuaded both are difficult to convert but Antony is the stronger of the two. This is shown in Act III: “Antony: Excuse me Cauis Cassius. / The enemies of Caesar shall state this: / Then. in a friend. it is cold modestness. / Cassius: I blame you non for praising Caesar so ; / But what compct average do you hold with us. ” ( Act III. I. 229-244 ) During this scene Brutus tries to convice Antony that their workss were merely. although Cassius is still disbelieving about Antony. he still listens to Brutus’ advice.

Trustworthyness should be a strong trait in any leader. Cassius is really trusty to Brutus but Antony goes against his word to the point of get downing a civil war. Cassius throughout the drama shows that he can be trusted. “Yet I fear him ; / For in the ingrafted love he bears to Caesar” ( Act II. I. 203-204 ) This quotation mark shows that even though Cassius is afraid of Antony. he still listens to Brutus and does nil to harm Antony. Antony breaks his word in Act III. In scene I Antony promises he will non talk againt Brutus “Thats all I seek: / And am more over suiter that I may bring forth his organic structure in the market place/ And in the dais. as becomes afriend/ Speak in the order of his funeral” ( Act III. I. 246-250 ) All Antony wants is to “speak” at his funeral. while reallt he plans to turn the crowd against the plotters.

Through their persuasive accomplishments. how easy they are swayed. and their trustworthyness ; these two have shown exceeding traits of a leader. In the terminal Cassius shows that he is a great leader and a friend. yet Antony has the upper manus.
