Genres in Writing Essay Sample

1. Review Test I for inquiries on Genres of Writing. Be prepared to reply inquiries by giving illustrations. Genres are types of authorship. Each genre has a specific intent. Forms are subcategories of genres. Nonfiction Narratives: Diaries and journal entries. web logs. life. personal narrations and eyewitness histories. Memoirs. Reflective Essays E. g. Sandra Cisneros’ Straw into Gold Fiction Narratives: Realistic Fiction. Fantasy Story. Historical Fiction. Mystery Stories. Myth and Legends. Science Fiction and Tall Tales. E. g. Beka Lamb. Pecos Bill. Sherlock Holmes Poetry and Description is a genre marked by: beat. rime and precise linguistic communication Kinds of Poetry: Sonnet. Haiku. Ballad. Free Verse and Prose Poem Exposition as a genre: relies on facts to inform and explicate Expository Writing: Analytic Essay. Cause and Effect Essay. Pro-con Essay. Compare and Contrast essay. Classification essay. Problem-Solution essay. Newspaper/magazine articles. cyberspace articles and on demand composing Workplace Writing: college applications. occupation applications. concern and friendly letters. sketch and memos. Research Writing: statistical analysis. annotated lifes. research studies and documented essays. Persuasive authorship: letters to the editor. op-eds. reappraisals. propaganda. columns. persuasive/argumentative essays and advertizements. Writing for media: books. web logs. advertizements.

2. Be able to place the undermentioned footings:
a. Narrative writing- to depict a sequence of events or experience in the signifier of a narrative. b. Descriptive writing- utilizations centripetal words to make a clear image of what is go oning c. Expository writing- seeks to pass on thoughts and information to specific audiences and for specific intents. d. Definition essay- draws on a writer’s emotional experience to depict something abstract. e. Oxymoron- A figure of address in which seemingly contradictory footings appear in concurrence ( e. g. . acrimonious Sweet ) . f. Onomatopoeia-The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named. g. Simile-a figure of address affecting the comparing of one thing to another of different sort utilizing “as” or “like” h. Metaphor- a word or phrase is applied to an object or action which it is non literally applicable i. Irony-The look of one’s significance by utilizing linguistic communication that usually signifies the antonym. typically for humourous or emphasized consequence.

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j. Alliteration- the happening of the same missive or sound at the beginning of next or closely affiliated words k. Assonance- the repeat of vowel sound to make internal riming with phrases or sentences and together with initial rhyme and consonant rhyme series as on of the edifice blocks of poetry. l. Consonance- the return of similar sounds particularly consonants in close propinquity m. Hyperbole-Exaggerated statements or claims non intend to be taken literally n. Personification- seting human like qualities to inanimate objects o. Parody-An imitation of the manner of a peculiar author. creative person. or genre with calculated hyperbole for amusing consequence. p. Dialect-A peculiar signifier of a linguistic communication that is curious to a specific part or societal group. q. Dialogue-Conversation between two or more people as a characteristic of a book. drama. or film. r. Monologue-A long address by one histrion in a drama or film. or as portion of a theatrical or broadcast plan s. Understatement-The presentation of something as being smaller or less good or of import than it really is t. Anecdote-A short and amusive or interesting narrative about a existent incident or individual.

u. Denotation- The actual or primary significance of a word. in contrast to the feelings or thoughts that the word suggests. v. Connotation-An thought or feeling that a word invokes for a individual in add-on to its actual or primary significance w. Myth-A traditional narrative. clairvoyance. one refering the early history of a people or explicating some natural or societal phenomenon. and typically… x. Prose Poem- takes signifier of non-verse authorship. May expression like a short narrative on a page y. Refrain-A repeated line or figure of lines in a verse form or vocal. typically at the terminal of each poetry. omega. Point of view- ( in fictional authorship ) The narrator’s place in relation to the narrative being told { . Haiku- signifier of no riming lyric poesy that was foremost developed in Japan | . Plot- ( in fictional authorship ) The narrator’s place in relation to the narrative being told. } . Cinquain- a category of poetic signifiers that employ a 5-line form ~ . Sonnet – signifier of riming lyric poesy with set regulations. It is 14 lines long and normally follows a rhythm strategy called iambic pentameter. Each line has ten syllables and every other syllable is accented.  . Ballad- is a signifier of lyric poesy that expresses the poet’s emotion toward person or something. . Limerick-A humourous. often off-color. poetry of three long and two short lines riming. Rhythm- correspondence of sound between words or the terminations of words. Internal rime

. Free verse- is a poesy that has no regular rime. beat. or signifier. It capture the forms of natural address. . Novel-A fabricated prose narration of book length. typically stand foring character and action with some grade of pragmatism. Short story-A narrative with a to the full developed subject but significantly shorter and less luxuriant than a novel

Know the difference for the followers:
A. Between/among- between connexion of 2. Among 3+ points
B. Affect/effect- affect is a verb. Effect is a noun
C. Besides/beside- besides mean in “addition to. ” Beside is “next to”
D. Fewer/less-

Word bank includes:
1. Engross-Absorb all the attending or involvement of
2. Indifferent-Having no peculiar involvement or understanding ; unconcerned ; neither good or bad
3. Intractable- Hard to command or cover with.
4. Defensive-Used or intended to support or protect: “troops in defensive places
5. Critical- Expressing adverse or disapproving judgements
6. Detrimental- Tending to do injury.
7. Relentless- Oppressively invariable ; incessant. Harsh ; inflexible
8. Demolish- Pull or strike hard down
9. Salvage- Rescue
10. Reliant- relying on another for support
