Green Marketing Essay Sample

1. 0 Introduction
Green Banking is a constituent of the planetary enterprise by a group of stakeholders to salvage environment. Bangladesh is one of the most climate alteration vulnerable states. In line with planetary development and response to the environmental debasement. fiscal sector in Bangladesh should play an of import function as one of the cardinal stakeholders. Bangladesh Bank is good cognizant of the environmental debasement state of affairs as mentioned and has already given clip to clip waies to all schedule Bankss. Commercial Bankss are now required to guarantee necessary steps to protect environmental pollution while financing a new undertaking or supplying working capital to the bing endeavors. Normally we can see the Bankss as environment friendly with their operational activities but it is of import that the environment can be effected greatly by the activities of their clients. The banking sector is one of the major beginnings of funding industrial undertakings such as Brick field. Steel. Paper. Cement Chemicals Fertilizer. Power. Textiles etc. which cause maximal C emanation.

Therefore. the banking sector can play intermediary function between economic development and environment protection. for advancing environmentally sustainable and societal responsible investing. Green Banking refers to the banking concern conducted in such countries and in such a mode that helps the overall decrease of external C emanation and internal C footmark. To help the decrease of external C emanation. bank should finance green engineering and pollution cut downing undertakings. Internally the banking operations have well increased the C footmark of Bankss due to their monolithic usage of energy e. g. illuming. air conditioning. electronic or electrical equipments. IT. high paper wastage. deficiency of green edifices etc. Therefore. to following green banking. bank should follow engineering. procedure. and merchandises which result in significant decrease of their C footmark every bit good as develop sustainable concern. 2. 0 Executive Summary

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We are cognizant that planetary heating is an issue that calls for a planetary response. The rapid alteration in clime will be excessively great to let many eco-systems to suitably adapt. since the alteration have direct impact on biodiversity. agribusiness. forestry. dry land. H2O resources and human wellness. Due to unusual conditions form. lifting nursery gas. worsening air quality etc. society demands that concern besides take duty in safeguarding the planet. Green finance as a portion of Green Banking makes great part to the passage to resource-efficient and low C industries i. e. green industry and green economic system in general. Green banking is a constituent of the planetary enterprise by a group of stakeholders to salvage environment. The province of environment in Bangladesh is quickly deteriorating. The cardinal countries of environmental debasement cover air pollution. H2O pollution and scarceness. invasion of rivers. improper disposal of industrial medical and house-hold waste. deforestation. loss of unfastened infinite and loss of biodiversity. In add-on. Bangladesh is one of the most climate alteration vulnerable states. In line with planetary development and response to the environmental debasement. fiscal sector in Bangladesh should play of import functions as one of the cardinal interest holders.

In response to the above. pressing steps are required by interest holders for sustainable development and thereby salvage the planet. Banks hold a alone place in an economic system that can impact production. concern and other economic activities through their funding activities and therefore may lend to foul environment. Furthermore. energy and H2O efficiency and waste decrease are of high concern for many large Bankss. Green Bankss or environmentally responsible Bankss do non merely better their ain criterions but besides affect socially responsible behaviour of other concern. In sing to this fact. this survey found out the part of the province owned commercial Bankss ( SCBs ) to the development of green banking sectors. 3. 0 Green banking

The term “green banking” by and large refers to banking patterns that foster environmentally responsible funding patterns and environmentally sustainable internal procedures minimising GHG emanations. Green banking therefore involves a two tined attack. First. green banking focal points on the green transmutation of internal operations of all Bankss. It means all the Bankss should follow appropriate ways of using renewable energy. mechanization and other steps to minimise C footmark from banking activities. Second. all Bankss should follow environmentally responsible funding ; weighing up environmental hazards of undertakings before doing funding determinations ; and in peculiar supporting and furthering growing of upcoming ‘green’ enterprises and undertakings. 3. 1 In-House Green Activities Include

* Reduce dependence on grid power by switching to utilize of solar power and other renewable energy beginnings to the maximal executable extent * Follow green architecture while building bank offices * Use energy salvaging engineerings such as LED. CFL etc.

* Use energy efficient digital devices
* Reduce usage of paper by acceptance of online automated work patterns * Conduct energy audit on a regular basis to supervise C footmark 3. 2 Green activities in funding include
* Carry out environmental hazard appraisal of undertakings. financing merely those that meet environmental safeguards/sustainability guidelines * Provide green loan to advance solar energy. biogas workss. outflowing intervention workss and energy salvaging end product patterns like Hybrid Hoffman Kilns in brick Fieldss * Develop green banking merchandises for clients

* Promote growing of nomadic banking and online banking
* Include environmental sustainability support enterprises in corporate societal duty ( CSR ) plans. inter alia including fiscal support to climate hazard fund 4. 0 Green Banking In Bangladesh

Bangladesh is identified by clime alteration experts as being among the states more badly challenged by clime alteration menace ; with correspondingly high urgency of readiness with mitigate and adaptative responses. The authorities and Bangladesh have remained to the full cognizant and proactive in this regard. utilizing the country’s ain meager resources besides whatever modest support is being provided by the international community. Acknowledging that the fiscal sectors can play a catalytic function in rushing up acceptance of environmentally friendlier end product patterns in the existent economic system ; Bangladesh bank has launched in 2011 a comprehensive green banking enterprise to back up and advance environmentally responsible funding ; publishing counsel inter alia for environmental hazard appraisal of borrowing proposals and for greening of internal procedures and patterns within Bankss. 4. 1 Earlier Enterprises for Green Banking

BB is good cognizant of the environmental debasement state of affairs as mentioned above and has already given clip to clip waies to all scheduled Bankss. Commercial Banks are now required to guarantee necessary steps to protect environmental pollution while financing a new undertaking or supplying working capital to the bing endeavors. Banks have been advised to ease their clients with extreme attention in opening Letter of Credit ( L/C ) for installing of Effluent Treatment Plant ( ETP ) in the industrial units. Banks have been advised to finance in Solar Energy. Bio-gas. ETP and Hybrid Hoffman Kiln ( HHK ) in brick field under refinance plan of BB. A comprehensive guideline on Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) has been issued where Bankss have been asked to concentrate difficult on associating CSR at their highest corporate degree for ingraining environmentally and socially responsible patterns and prosecuting with borrowers in examination of the environmental and societal impacts.

Banks have been brought under the horizon of E-commerce with a position to supplying the clients with online-banking installations covering payments of public-service corporation measures. money transportation and minutess in local currency through cyberspace every bit good. Sing the inauspicious effects of Climate Change. Bankss have been advised to be cautious about the inauspicious impact of natural catastrophes and promote the husbandmans to cultivate salt immune harvests in the salty countries. H2O immune harvests in the H2O locked and flood prone countries. drouth immune harvests in the drouth prone countries. utilizing surface H2O alternatively of belowground H2O for irrigation and besides utilizing organic fertiliser. insect powders by natural agencies alternatively of utilizing chemical fertiliser and pesticides. 4. 2 Adopting Green Banking Policy

Now it is the high clip for the Bankss to follow a comprehensive Green Banking Policy in a formal and structured mode in line with planetary norms so as to protect environmental debasement and guarantee sustainable banking patterns. With a position to developing green banking patterns in the state. an declarative Green Banking Policy and Strategy model has been developed for the Bankss in the undermentioned mode: Green Banking Policy needs to be covered through clip frame work which will be segregated into 3 stages.

Banks are to develop green banking policies and demo general committedness on environment through in-house public presentation. The clip run alonging for the actions to be taken under Phase-I should non transcend December 31. 2011. 4. 2. 1 Policy Formulation and Governance

Bank shall explicate and follow wide environmental or Green Banking policy and scheme approved by their Board of Directors. A high powered Committee comprises of managers from the Board in instance of scheduled Bangladeshi Banks and a high powered commission comprises Regional Chief of Global Office and members from the top direction including CEO in instance of Foreign Banks should be responsible for reexamining the Bankss environmental policies. schemes and plan. Bank shall O.K. a considerable fund in their one-year budget allotment for green banking. Banks are required to set up a separate Green Banking Unit or Cell holding the duty of planing. measuring and administrating related green banking issues of the bank. A senior executive should be assigned with the duty of heading the unit. The unit will describe to the high powered commission clip to clip. 4. 2. 2 Incorporation of Environmental Risk in CRM

Banks shall follow with the instructions stipulated in the elaborate guidelines on Environmental Risk Management ( ERM ) in consideration of a portion of the Green Banking Policy. Bank shall integrate Environmental and Climate Change Risk as portion of the bing recognition hazard methodological analysis prescribed to measure a prospective borrower. This will include integrating environmental hazards in the checklists. audit guidelines and describing formats. All of this will assist mainstream Environmental Risk that screen possible beginnings of Environmental Risk such as Land usage. Climate alteration related events ( cyclone. drouth ) . carnal diseases/pathogens such as avian grippe. solid waste including waste provender. carnal waste. carcases. deposits. effluent discharges. risky stuffs. etc will be reviewed under Environmental Due Diligence ( EDD ) checklists. 4. 2. 3 Originating In-house Environment Management

Banks shall fix an stock list of the ingestion of H2O. paper. electricity. energy etc. by its offices and subdivisions in different topographic points. Then it should take steps to salvage electricity. H2O and paper ingestion. A ‘Green Office Guide’ or at least a set of general instructions should be circulated to the employees for efficient usage of electricity. H2O. paper and reuse of equipments. In topographic point of trusting on printed paperss. on-line communicating should be extensively used ( where possible ) for office direction and do certain that the pressmans are defaulted to duplex for double-side printing to salvage documents. Banks may use Ecofont in publishing to cut down usage of ink. usage scrap paper as notepads and avoid disposable cups/glasses to go more eco- friendly.

Installation of energy efficient electronic equipments and automatic closure of computing machines. fans. visible radiations. air ice chests etc. will assist cut downing electricity ingestion. Energy salvaging bulbs should replace normal bulbs in branches/offices of the Bankss. Banks should do program to utilize solar energy at their premises to salvage electricity. Bank should take stairss to salvage energy from corporate concern travel and promote employees to buy energy efficient autos ( that consume less fuel ) can cut down gas and crude oil ingestion. 4. 2. 4 Introducing Green finance

Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries will be given penchant in funding by bank. Environmental substructure such as renewable energy undertaking. clean H2O supply undertaking. effluent intervention works. solid & A ; risky waste disposal works. bio-gas works. bio-fertilizer works should be encouraged and financed by bank. Consumer loan plans may be applied for advancing environmental patterns among clients. 4. 2. 5 Creation of Climate Risk Fund

Bank should finance the economic activities of the inundation. cyclone and drouth prone countries at the regular involvement rate without bear downing extra hazard premium. However. Bankss should measure their environmental hazards for financing the sectors in different countries for making a Climate Change Risk Fund. This will be used in instance of exigency. The bank would guarantee regular funding flows in these vulnerable countries and sectors. The fund could be created as portion of banks’ CSR disbursals. 4. 2. 6 Introducing Green Selling

Green selling is the selling of merchandises that are presumed to be environmentally safe. Green selling incorporates a wide scope of activities. including merchandise alteration. alterations to the production procedure. packaging alterations. every bit good as modifying advertisement. It refers to the procedure of selling merchandises and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a merchandise or service may be environmentally friendly in it or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly manner. Banks should utilize environmental causes for marketing their services to consumer. Green selling is expected to assist awareness development among common people. 4. 2. 7 Online Banking

Online banking is the pattern of doing bank minutess or paying measures via the Internet on a unafraid web site of the several bank that allows the clients to do sedimentations. backdowns and pay measures. Banks should give more accent to do the easiest manner to assist environment by extinguishing paper waste. salvaging gas and C emanation. cut downing printing costs and postage disbursals. 4. 2. 8 Supporting Employee Training. Consumer Awareness and Green Event Employee consciousness development and preparation on environmental and societal hazard and the relevant issues should be a uninterrupted procedure as portion of the bank’s Human Recourse Development. Awareness development among consumers and clients would be a uninterrupted occupation of a bank under its public relation section. 4. 2. 9 Disclosure and Reporting of Green Banking Activities

Banks shall describe on the initiatives/practices to BB and unwrap in their several web sites. Phase-II
The clip run alonging for the actions to be taken under Phase-II should non transcend December 31. 2012. 4. 2. 10 Sector Specific Environmental Policies Banks need to explicate schemes to plan specific policies for different environmental sensitive sectors such as Agriculture. Agri-business ( Poultry & A ; Dairy ) . Agro farming. Leather ( Tannery ) . Fisheries. Fabric and Apparels. Renewable Energy. Pulp and Paper. Sugar and distilleries. Construction and Housing. Engineering and Basic Metal. Chemicals ( Fertilizers. Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals ) . Rubber and Plastic Industry. Hospital/Clinic. Chemical Trading. Brick Manufacturing. Ship interrupting etc.

4. 2. 11 Green Strategic Planning
A bank should find green marks to be attained through strategic planning. Bank should find a set of accomplishable marks and schemes. and unwrap these in their one-year studies and web sites for green funding and in-house environment direction every bit good. For in-house environment direction. the mark countries should cover achieving energy efficiency in the signifier of the usage of renewable energy. decrease of electricity. gas. and petrol ingestion. decrease of Green House Gas ( GHG ) emanations. issue of e-statements. electronic measure wage. salvaging documents. environment friendly office edifices etc. For Green Financing. the mark countries should cover cut downing loans for certain environmentally harmful activities. achieving a peculiar per centum of environmental loans as per centum of entire. presenting eco-friendly fiscal merchandises etc. 4. 2. 12 Puting up Green Branchs

A Green Branch should be featured by the proviso of the maximal usage of natural visible radiation. usage of renewable energy. usage of energy salvaging bulbs and other equipments. decreased H2O and electricity usage. usage of recycled H2O etc. Such a subdivision of a bank would be specifically designated as a ‘Green Branch’ . A Green Branch will be entitled to expose a particular logo approved by Bangladesh Bank. The standard for enfranchisement of a ‘Green Branch’ will be circulated by Bangladesh Bank in due class of clip. 4. 2. 13 Improved In-house Environment Management

Scheme of reuse. recycling of stuffs and equipments. and beginning decrease and waste minimisation scheme should be portion of in-house environmental direction in Phase-II. Banks should progressively trust on practical meeting through the usage of picture conferencing in stead of physical travel which would assist salvaging cost and energy. 4. 2. 14 Formulation of Bank Specific Environmental Risk Management Plan and Guidelines A bank should develop and follow an environmental hazard direction manual or guidelines in their appraisal and monitoring of undertaking and working capital loans. In add-on to the conformity of national ordinance the bank may put internationally recognized higher environmental criterions. In this connexion. Green enterprises by a group of Bankss will non merely be effectual but will besides offer competitory advantage. Bank confederations may fix standard and guidelines for themselves for bettering Green Banking patterns. 4. 2. 15 Rigorous Programs to Educate Clients

Clients and concern houses should be encouraged and influenced to follow with the environmental ordinances and undertake resource efficient and environmental activities. Banks should present strict plans to educate clients. 4. 2. 16 Disclosure and Reporting of Green Banking Activities

Banks should get down printing independent Green Banking and Sustainability studies demoing past public presentations. current activities. and future enterprises. Updated and detailed information about Bankss environmental activities and public presentations of major clients should be disclosed. 3. Phase-III:

A system of Environmental Management should be in topographic point in a bank before the induction of the activities of Phase-III. Banks are expected to turn to the whole eco-system through environment friendly enterprises and presenting advanced merchandises. Standard environmental coverage with external confirmation should be portion of the stage. The clip run alonging for the actions to be taken under Phase-III should non transcend December 31. 2013. 4. 2. 17 Designing and Introducing Innovative Merchandises

Aboard avoiding negative impacts on environment through banking activities. Bankss are expected to present environment friendly advanced green merchandises to turn to the nucleus environmental challenges of the state. 4. 2. 18 Reporting in Standard Format with External Verification Banks should print independent Green Annual Report following internationally accepted format like Global Reporting Initiatives ( GRI ) aiming their stakeholders. There should be agreement for confirmation of these publications by an independent bureau or acceptable 3rd party. 4. 2. 19 Reporting Green Banking Practices on Quarterly Footing

Banks shall describe their initiatives/activities under the said plan to the Department of Off-site Supervision of Bangladesh Bank on quarterly footing. Banks shall subject their first quarterly study on June 30. 2011 footing within July 15. 2011 and likewise they will be required to go on to subject studies on the subsequent quarters within the following 15 yearss of the several one-fourth terminal. Banks shall maintain their one-year study and web sites updated with the revelations on green banking initiatives/activities. 4. 2. 20 The compliant Bankss practising Green Banking will hold the undermentioned discriminatory interventions: 1. BB will present points to Bankss on Management constituent while calculating CAMELS evaluation where there will finally be a positive impact on overall evaluation of a bank. 2. BB will declare the names of the Top Ten Banks for their overall public presentation in green banking activities in the BB web sites. 3. BB will actively see green banking activities/practices of a bank while harmonizing permission for opening new bank subdivision. 4. 3 Bank’s Green Banking Activities Based on Green Banking Policy * Policy Formulation & A ; Implementation

* Budget Allocation & A ; Use
* Green Banking Unit Formation
* Environmental Risk Rating
* Green Financing
* Climate Risk Fund Utilization
* Green Marketing and Capacity Building
* Online Banking
* In-house Environment Management
* Sector Specific Environmental Policy
* Green Strategic Planning
* Environmental Risk Management Plan
* Disclosure and Reporting

4. 4 Major Green Banking Activities at a Glance
* 45 Bankss have formulated policy for green banking
* 46 Bankss have formed a green banking unit
* 41 Bankss have introduced a green office usher
* EnvRR has been done for 13779 undertakings
* EnvRR has been done for 2926 undertakings
* 13833 rated undertakings have been financed
* 3069 rated undertakings have been financed

* 1307479. 64 million taka has been disbursed
* 513419. 39 million taka has been disbursed
* 212 subdivisions and 150 SME unit / ATM are powered by solar energy
* 37 Bankss are to the full automated
* 3226 subdivisions have been facilitated with on-line coverage
* 8 Bankss have utilized taka 9. 74 million from clime alteration hazard fund ( during July-September. 2012 )
* Banks have financed taka 3273. 69 million as green finance other than undertakings holding ETP ( during January- September. 2012 )
* At least two Bankss have created two trust financess for honoring persons and corporate for their outstanding parts toward raising consciousness and turn toing issues related to climate alteration

5. 0 Methodology

Green banking policy indicates some major green banking activities by which the function of a Bank in green banking can be measured. So. this survey used the major green banking activities for mensurating the function of the state-owned commercial Bankss SCBs- Sonali Bank Limited. Janata Bank Limited. Agroni Bank Limited and Rupali Bank Limited to set up the green banking sectors. 6. 0 SCBs Performance in Green Project Implementation

The state-owned commercial Bankss lagged behind other Bankss in implementing green undertaking. the BB Green Banking Report said. None of the state-owned commercial Bankss could accomplish a topographic point among the top 10 Bankss in green banking evaluation by the cardinal bank in the first one-fourth of the 2012. The cardinal bank published the green banking study for the first clip last hebdomad and recognized the top 10 private commercial Bankss for important parts to green banking. Harmonizing to the BB study. the SCBs lagged behind the expected degree for funding in the environment-friendly undertakings to guarantee the country’s sustainable development. There is no 1 of SCBs in top bank list of green banking public presentation. The top 10 Banks are-Bank Asia. Dutch-Bangla Bank. Eastern Bank. Islami Bank Bangladesh. Mutual Trust Bank. Prime Bank. Pubali Bank. Standard Chartered Bank. Shahjalal Islami Bank and Trust Bank. The green banking public presentations of the four state-owned commercial Bankss are analyzed below one by one: 6. 1 Sonali Bank Ltd.

Soon after independency of the state Sonali Bank emerged as the largest and taking Nationalized Commercial Bank by announcement of the Banks’ Nationalization Order 1972 ( Presidential Order-26 ) neutralizing the so National Bank of Pakistan. Premier Bank and Bank of Bhwalpur. As a to the full province owned establishment. the bank had been dispatching its nation-building duties by set abouting authorities entrusted different socio-economic strategies every bit good as money market activities of its ain will. covering all domains of the economic system. The bank has been converted to a Public Limited Company with 100 % ownership of the authorities and started working as Sonali Bank Limited from November 15 2007 pickings over all assets. liabilities and concern of Sonali Bank. After corporatization. the direction of the bank has been given needed liberty to do the bank competitory & A ; to run its concern efficaciously. 6. 1. 1 Green Banking Of Sonali Bank Limited

Although Sonali Bank ltd is a largest and taking nationalized commercial bank in Bangladesh. it lagged behind other Bankss in implementing green undertaking. The undermentioned statement has shown how much part Sonali Bank Ltd. played in green banking undertaking. Policy Formulation & A ; Implementation: Sonali Bank Ltd. has already formulated green baking policy but in instance of execution it is every bit long as far. Budget Allocation & A ; Use: Sonali Bank Ltd. has besides allocated budget Tk. 3120. 00 million for green banking undertaking. but it did non utilized its allocated budget for green banking activities. Green Banking Unit Formation: Sonali Bank Ltd. has formulated a green baking unit which is directed by the senior executive Mr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman. Environmental Risk Rating: Environmental Hazard Rating has been done for really few undertakings by Sonali Bank.

It did non finance for any EnvRR undertaking. Green Financing: Sonali Bank Ltd made Tk. 375 million of green funding for Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries and Environmental substructure such as renewable energy undertaking. clean H2O supply undertaking. effluent intervention works. solid & A ; risky waste disposal works. bio-gas works. bio-fertilizer works should be encouraged and financed by bank. But the degree of this activities is really much hapless. Climate Risk Fund Utilization: Sonali Bank has climate Risk Fund for financing the economic activities of the inundation. cyclone and drouth prone countries. But the bank does non use this fund efficaciously. Green Selling and Capacity Building: Sonali Bank made really small budget allotment for green selling and capacity edifice. But the Bank does non use this budget.

Online Banking: At present 109 subdivisions of Sonali Banks is included in the Online Any Branch Banking ( ABB ) web. SMS Banking service is running in 73 subdivisions. The bank is earnestly working on linking all subdivisions in the Real-time Online Banking web bit by bit. Branchs holding ABB installation are besides rendering SMS banking services. In-house Environment Management: Sonali Bank has yet built the in-house environment direction. Sector Specific Environmental Policy: There is no sector specific environmental policy in Sonali Bnak. Green Strategic Planning: Sonali Bnak did non do green strategic planning Environmental Risk Management Plan: Sonali Bnak did non do Environmental Risk Management Plan Disclosure and Reporting: No revelation and coverage

6. 2 Janata Bank Ltd
Janata Bank Limited is one of the province owned commercial Bankss in Bangladesh. It was corporatized on 15th November 2007. Janata Bank was born with a new construct of purposeful banking bomber functioning the turning and diversified fiscal demands of planned economic development of the state. Janata Bank Limited operates through 883 subdivisions including 4 abroad subdivisions at United Arab Emirates. It is linked with 1202 foreign letter writers all over the universe. The Bank employees are more than 15 ( 15 ) thousand individuals. 6. 2. 1 Green Banking Of Janata Bank Limited

Although Janata Bank ltd is one of the largest and taking nationalized commercial bank in Bangladesh. it lagged behind other Bankss in implementing green undertaking. The undermentioned statement has shown how much part Janata Bank Ltd. played in green banking undertaking. Policy Formulation & A ; Implementation: Janata Bank Ltd. has already formulated green baking policy but in instance of execution it is every bit long as far. Budget Allocation & A ; Use: Janata Bank Ltd. has besides allocated budget Tk. 1890. 00 million for green banking undertaking. but it did non utilized its allocated budget for green banking activities. Green Banking Unit Formation: Janata Bank has formulated a green baking unit which is directed by the senior executive Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain Chowdhury. Environmental Risk Rating: Environmental Hazard Rating has been done for really few undertakings by Janata Bank. It did non finance for any EnvRR undertaking. Green Financing: Janata Bank Ltd made Tk. 187 million of green funding for Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries and Environmental substructure such as clean H2O supply undertaking. effluent intervention works. bio-gas works. bio-fertilizer works should be encouraged and financed by bank. But the degree of this activities is really much hapless.

Climate Risk Fund Utilization: Janata Bank has climate Risk Fund for financing the economic activities of the inundation. cyclone and drouth prone countries. But the bank does non use this fund efficaciously. Green Selling and Capacity Building: Janata Bank made really small budget allotment for green selling and capacity edifice. But the Bank does non use this budget. Online Banking: At present 42 subdivisions of Janata Banks is included in the Online Any Branch Banking ( ABB ) web. The bank is earnestly working on linking all subdivisions in the Real-time Online Banking web bit by bit. Branchs holding ABB installation are besides rendering SMS banking services. In-house Environment Management: Janata Bank has yet built the in-house environment direction. Some activities are already taken in manus such as utilizing energy salvaging bulbs. Video/Audio conference in stead of physical travel. Conversion of Bank’s vehicles ( pool ) into CNG and usage of energy efficient electronic equipments. e-cheque etc. Sector Specific Environmental Policy: There is no sector specific environmental policy in Janata Bnak. Green Strategic Planning: Janata Bnak did non do green strategic planning Environmental Risk Management Plan: Janata Bnak did non do Environmental Risk Management Plan Disclosure and Reporting: No revelation and coverage

6. 3 Agrani Bank Ltd
Agrani Bank Limited. a taking commercial bank with 879 mercantile establishments strategically located in about all the commercial countries throughout Bangladesh. abroad Exchange Houses and 100s of abroad Correspondents. came into being as a Public Limited Company on May 17. 2007 with a position to take over the concern. assets. liabilities. rights and duties of the Agrani Bank which emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 instantly after the outgrowth of Bangladesh as an independent province. Agrani Bank Limited started working as a traveling concern footing through a Vendors Agreement signed between the ministry of finance. Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on behalf of the former Agrani Bank and the Board of Directors of Agrani Bank Limited on November 15. 2007 with retrospective consequence from 01 July. 2007.

6. 3. 1 Green Banking Of Agrani Bank Limited
Although Agrani Bank ltd is one of the largest and taking nationalized commercial bank in Bangladesh. it lagged behind other Bankss in implementing green undertaking. The undermentioned statement has shown how much part Agrani Bank Ltd. played in green banking undertaking. Policy Formulation & A ; Implementation: Agrani Bank Ltd. has already formulated green baking policy but in instance of execution it is every bit long as far. Budget Allocation & A ; Use: Agrani Bank Ltd. has besides allocated budget Tk. 1150. 00 million for green banking undertaking. but it did non utilized its allocated budget for green banking activities. Green Banking Unit Formation: Agrani Bank has formulated a green baking unit which is directed by the senior executive Mr. Md. Syed Abdul Hmid. Environmental Risk Rating: Environmental Hazard Rating has been done for really few undertakings by Agrani Bank. It did non finance for any EnvRR undertaking.

Green Financing: Agrani Bank Ltd made Tk. 87 million of green funding for Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries and Environmental substructure such as clean H2O supply undertaking. effluent intervention works. bio-gas works. bio-fertilizer works should be encouraged and financed by bank. But the degree of this activities is really much hapless. Climate Risk Fund Utilization: Agrani Bank has climate Risk Fund for financing the economic activities of the inundation. cyclone and drouth prone countries. But the bank does non use this fund efficaciously. Green Selling and Capacity Building: Agrani Bank made really small budget allotment for green selling and capacity edifice. But the Bank does non use this budget. Online Banking: At present 108 subdivisions of Agrani Banks is included in the Online Any Branch Banking ( ABB ) web.

The bank is earnestly working on linking all subdivisions in the Real-time Online Banking web bit by bit. Branchs holding ABB installation are besides rendering SMS banking services. In-house Environment Management: Agrani Bank has yet built the in-house environment direction. Some activities are already taken in manus such as utilizing energy salvaging bulbs. Video/Audio conference in stead of physical travel. Conversion of Bank’s vehicles ( pool ) into CNG and usage of energy efficient electronic equipments. e-cheque etc. Sector Specific Environmental Policy: There is no sector specific environmental policy in Agrani Bnak. Green Strategic Planning: Agrani Bnak did non do green strategic planning Environmental Risk Management Plan: Agrani Bnak did non do Environmental Risk Management Plan Disclosure and Reporting: No revelation and coverage

6. 4 Rupali Bank Ltd
Rupali Bank Ltd. was constituted with the amalgamation of 3 ( three ) erstwhile commercial Bankss i. e. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. . Australasia Bank Ltd. and Standard Bank Ltd. operated in the so Pakistan on March 26. 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks ( Nationalization ) Order 1972 ( P. O. No. 26 of 1972 ) . with all their assets. benefits. rights. powers. governments. privileges. liabilities. adoptions and duties. Rupali Bank worked as a nationalized commercial bank till December13. 1986. Rupali Bank Ltd. emerged as the largest Public Limited Banking Company of the state on December 14. 1986. 6. 4. 1 Green Banking Of Rupali Bank Limited

Although Rupali Bank ltd is one of nationalized commercial Bankss in Bangladesh. it lagged behind other Bankss in implementing green undertaking. The undermentioned statement has shown how much part Rupali Bank Ltd. played in green banking undertaking. Policy Formulation & A ; Implementation: Rupali Bank Ltd. has already formulated green baking policy but in instance of execution it is every bit long as far. Budget Allocation & A ; Use: Rupali Bank Ltd. has besides allocated budget Tk. 780. 00 million for green banking undertaking. but it did non utilized its allocated budget for green banking activities. Green Banking Unit Formation: Rupali Bank has formulated a green baking unit which is directed by the senior executive Mr. Md. Syed Abdul Hmid. Environmental Risk Rating: Environmental Hazard Rating has been done for really few undertakings by Rupali Bank.

It did non finance for any EnvRR undertaking. Green Financing: Rupali Bank Ltd made Tk. 187 million of green funding for Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries and Environmental substructure such as clean H2O supply undertaking. effluent intervention works. bio-gas works. bio-fertilizer works should be encouraged and financed by bank. But the degree of this activities is really much hapless. Climate Risk Fund Utilization: Rupali Bank has climate Risk Fund for financing the economic activities of the inundation. cyclone and drouth prone countries. But the bank does non use this fund efficaciously. Green Selling and Capacity Building: Rupali Bank made really small budget allotment for green selling and capacity edifice. But the Bank does non use this budget. Online Banking: At present 27 subdivisions of Rupali Banks is included in the Online Any Branch Banking ( ABB ) web.

The bank is earnestly working on linking all subdivisions in the Real-time Online Banking web bit by bit. Branchs holding ABB installation are besides rendering SMS banking services. In-house Environment Management: Rupali Bank has yet built the in-house environment direction. Some activities are already taken in manus such as utilizing energy salvaging bulbs. Video/Audio conference in stead of physical travel. Conversion of Bank’s vehicles ( pool ) into CNG and usage of energy efficient electronic equipments. e-cheque etc. Sector Specific Environmental Policy: There is no sector specific environmental policy in Rupali Bank. Green Strategic Planning: Rupali Bnak did non do green strategic planning Environmental Risk Management Plan: Rupali Bnak did non do Environmental Risk Management Plan Disclosure and Reporting: No revelation and coverage

7. 0 Problems Findingss
Lack of policy preparation and execution: Public Bankss do non take any action to implement the green banking activity decently and still they have no advancement to implement the green banking policy proactively. Insufficient budget for green banking: Although public Bankss are budgeting for green banking but they do non apportion their budget as it should be allocated and utilized. Lack of proper direction of green banking unit formation: Though public Bankss are formed their green banking unit but it is non activated suitably and at that place have no proper direction for carry oning green banking unit. Lack of Environmental Risk Rating: Public Bankss are non conducted their Environmental Hazard Rating for all undertakings.

They operate their environmental hazard evaluation for really few undertakings. Inadequate Green funding: The sum of money is financing for Eco friendly concern activities and energy efficient industries and environmental substructure are non sufficient to carry on green banking activity acutely. Lack of proper Climate Risk Fund Utilization: Public Bankss made really small budget allotment for green selling and capacity edifice. And these are non using in a proper manner. Lack of Online Banking: Public Bankss are lag behind in footings of online banking. Whereas private commercial Bankss are 100 percent online oriented. there public Bankss are be aftering to carry on on-line banking activity in all subdivisions. Lack of sector specific environmental policy and In-house Environment Management: Public Bankss have no sector specific environmental policy and in house environment direction. Environmental Risk Management Plan: Public Bankss have no program for doing environmental hazard direction.

8. 0 Recommendations
A set of recommendations can be prearranged for public Bankss to enlarge their green banking activity- * Public Bankss should explicate the green banking activity decently and implement this policy suitably for eco-friendly banking activity. * Public Bankss should raise their budget for green banking so that they can carry on their green banking activity decently. * Public Bankss should do proper direction squad to carry on green banking unit and to run this unit decently. * Public Bankss should guarantee environmental hazard evaluation for all undertakings. * Public Bankss should increase their green funding sum to carry on their green banking activity tremendously. * Public Bankss should more concentrate on online banking because their online banking is non so mentionable. So it can be suggested for populaces they can do a contractual understanding with OMNIMUS and other organisations to acquire these installation. * Public Bankss should do environmental hazard direction so that they can carry on their activity in an eco-friendly manner. 9. 0 Decision

Green Bankss and environmentally responsible Bankss non merely better their ain criterions but besides affect socially responsible behaviour of other concern. The Bankss are playing a pro-active function to take environmental and ecological facets as portion of their loaning rule which would coerce industries to travel for mandated investing for environmental direction. usage of appropriate engineerings and direction systems. Green Banking if implemented unfeignedly will move as an effectual ex ante hindrance for the polluting industries that give a base on balls by to the other institutional regulative mechanisms. The banking and fiscal sector should be made to work for sustainable development. It is clip now that province owned bank can take some major stairss to develop their eco-friend activity.
