Hollyoaks Opening Sequence Essay Sample

This cartridge holder is the 2009 opening sequence of the ITV1 show. Hollyoaks. The opening sequence of Hollyoaks starts with an utmost close-up ( ECU ) of an oculus with ‘Hollyoaks’ edited in to look like it is written in the student. This establishes the name of the show straight off and the oculus signifies to the spectator that they will be looker-ons into the lives of the characters.

The audience so hears the non-digetic sound of fast-paced music which sounds like that of the stone genre. It begins with a short guitar solo that captures the attending of the audience and has now become the signature sound of Hollyoaks and helps audiences to tie in that sound with this Television show. There is so a collage of fast-paced. high-strung picture sequences of the chief characters in order to present them to the audience. Jump cuts have been used in order to do the collage flow good and it is a good illustration of continuity as the fast-paced collage matches the high-strung background music. The characters throughout this sequence are merely have oning ruddy. black or white. Here the red could be perceived as to portray the character as ‘dangerous’ or to convey their sex entreaty. which allows the audience to already hold an thought about the character and forces them to do a determination on their sentiment of the character before the episode has even started. Propss have besides been used for this same ground.

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An illustration would be one of the characters keeping a handheld mirror to picture that she is a conceited character or a male character who is pluging a punch-bag whilst have oning a armored combat vehicle top. conveying the implicit in force beneath his composure and collected exterior. The lighting is really bright and clear. utilizing some flashes in order to do the sequence seem modern-day in order to appeal to a younger. teenage audience. The sequence concludes with the music melting out with a guitar solo and the words ‘Hollyoaks’ with the signature logo melting onto the screen in order to remind the audience of the show that they are watching. The two O’s so go larger and the scene can be seen through them. before the full ‘Hollyoaks’ word fades off. The redacting used in this cartridge holder is narrative continuity redacting that is typical of British Television Dramas.
