How is the theme of evil presented in Lord of the Flies? Essay Sample

In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. immature male childs are left to fend for themselves due to a combatant plane clang they were in. They are secluded from a atomic war happening in the ‘outside world’ . Lord of the Flies is an fable of World War 2 and is used as a footing to research the subject of immorality. Golding believes that immorality is innately within us and in civilization’s absence. will turn and lose its latency. The subject of immorality is presented through symbols. characters. events and scenes ; therefore Golding utilizations Lord of the Flies as a microcosm to convey his thoughts.

Evil is presented through the event of Ralph and Jack robbing Piggy of his spectacless to inflame the fire. This is proven when Golding provinces: ‘His voice rose to a scream of panic as Jack snatched the spectacless off his face [ ……… ] Ralph elbowed him to one side and knelt by the pile’ . Initially. Golding utilizations Piggy’s spectacless to stand for good. However. this event implies that in the incorrect custodies. the spectacless could subtly stand for immorality. This is because larceny is a wickedness ; Ralph and Jack had took Piggy’s spectacless without his mandate – this is larceny. Besides. the fire. later in the novel. was the cause of a struggle between Ralph and Jack – debate is frequently associated with immorality. Besides. the dynamic verb ‘shriek’ depicts that Piggy is frightened. Piggy’s fright implies that the action being done to him is evil. This is due to the fact that evil actions can sometimes be determined through the reaction of the victim. On the whole. immorality is presented through this event rather abundantly. Golding does this to convey his thought of evil being everywhere – even inside us. The fact that Piggy’s spectacless ( representation of intelligence – good ) is used for something evil strongly puts frontward Golding’s strong beliefs.

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The scene is frequently used to expose marks of immorality throughout the novel. An illustration of this would be the changeless obstruction of visible radiation on the island: ‘ [ … ] reclined against the light [ … ] ’ . The absence of visible radiation ( representation of utopia and good ) leaves the presence of dystopia – which connotes of immorality. Light is besides a symbol of counsel and without it there is no sense of way ensuing in pandemonium. Chaos and anarchy allow room for morally incorrect and unacceptable behaviour – immorality. Furthermore. the preposition ‘against’ suggests wars and struggle. These frequently correlate with immoralities as they are considered to be immoral or barbarian. Therefore. this foreshadows future evil facets of the novel. Golding’s belief of unconditioned immorality losing its latency is perpetuated through this development of hapless false belief ; this is one of the ways he uses the novel as a microcosm to set across his thoughts.
