Young Goodman BrownThe Awareness Of Evil Creates

Young Goodman Brown-The Awareness Of Evil Creates A Glooming Life Essay, Research Paper

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The Awareness of Evil Creates a Glooming Life

As kids people seem to cognize nil about the presence of immorality on Earth. The lone bad cats we see or are cognizant of are on telecasting or in amusing books. Finally everyone experiences certain events in their lives that change their whole position on life. We all become cognizant of immorality on Earth. This cognition can either convey us down or we can brush it off and travel on with our lives. In Young Goodman Brown a immature adult male is confronted with life changing events that change his position of the universe and the people of Salem small town. These events, and the cognition gained from them, make a suffering life for Brown. Hawthorne uses supernatural events, the uncertainness created by the dark wood scene, and brushs with sure moral advisers to do the remainder of Brown s life to go glooming.

First of all, Hawthorne uses supernatural events to do the remainder of Goodman Brown s life gloomy. For illustration, Brown encounters a black cloud mass from which the speech patterns of the townsfolk, work forces and adult females, both pious and ungodly ( 56 ) were emanating. The voices of the townsfolk coming from such an evil topographic point lead Brown to believe all of the people he knows are evil. The people he knows good and interacts with on a day-to-day footing are all populating an evil prevarication. Brown s life becomes glooming because he can no longer unrecorded merrily with the people he knows, and he can ne’er swear them as friends or good Christians once more. Furthermore, Faith s pink threads flutter [ ing ] lightly down through the air ( 56 ) and set downing on a subdivision further travel Brown toward a glooming life. The threads belong to his married woman, whom he loves and trusts. After the threads fall Brown believes Faith is portion of the immorality of the Devil every bit good, and he can non populate a happy life with this atrocious cognition. His life becomes glooming after this event


because he can no longer love or swear his married woman cognizing she as immorality within her. Finally, Brown witnesses a stone rise signifier the wood surrounded by four blaze pines, their tops aflame, their roots untouched ( 57 ) which create adequate visible radiation for Brown to see a mark of church members, celebrated for their holiness ( 58 ) . Brown is a really spiritual adult male and seeing church members at the Devil s meeting is lay waste toing. Not merely are the townsfolk and his married woman immorality but the church members are every bit good. Brown s life is farther pushed into somberness from this point because he becomes trapped in a town of immoralities so permeant, non even the church is free of it. If the church, which is supposed to be immune to the Devil s immorality, can yield to it there is no stating how many of the townsfolk are involved every bit good. All of these supernatural events cause Brown s life to go a glooming one because of new cognition he possesses.

Furthermore, other than utilizing supernatural events to do Brown to populate a glooming life, Hawthorne uses the uncertainness created by the dark wood scene. For case, as Brown enters the wood he notices, it is darkened by the gloomiest braid ( 51 ) and he fears the Satan himself might be at [ his ] cubitus ( 52 ) . Goodman Brown enters the forest knowing it is associated with immorality and the darkness created by it can easy lead on his eyes. As a spiritual individual, Brown can experience glooming

come ining the forest and cognizing immorality is so near his small town. He besides knows his intent in the wood is to associate with the Devil, which besides causes him to take a glooming being. In add-on, everything Brown sees, while in the presence of countless short pantss and the thick boughs overhead ( 52 ) , might be optic misrepresentation [ s ] , assisted by the unsure light [ 52 ] . Brown has to populate the remainder of his life shrouded by a drape of somberness and


uncertainty. He will ne’er cognize if what he sees in the wood is really true. Brown lives out the remainder of his life believing what he witnesses is non a dream even though there is some uncertainty, such as the reemergence of Faith s threads. He is torn between the thought of what he sees is a dream or world, which causes him to take a privy life. Both the malevolent experiencing cast by the wood and the uncertainness created by it do Brown to experience glooming in the ulterior portion of his life.

Finally, Hawthorne uses brushs with sure moral advisers to do the remainder of Brown s life to go glooming. For illustration, Brown encounters Goody Cloyse, the really pious and model doll [ 53 ] who catechized him, and she recognizes the Devil s touch instantly and calls him your worship [ 54 ] . Goodman Brown trusts this purportedly pious adult female for most of his life. To larn that she is evil is lay waste toing to him. His life becomes glooming because if a adult female who is his moral adviser is corrupted by evil so anyone in the universe might besides be evil. Brown becomes withdrawn from the townsfolk after this experience because he doesn T cognize whom he can swear. The inability to swear leads to gloom because a individual can non acquire near to anyone or interact with others in a normal manner. Furthermore, Brown encounters the Minister and Deacon Gookin go throughing through the forest an their manner to the Devil s meeting, where no church had of all time been gathered and where no lone Christian prayed [ 56 ] . These two work forces are Brown s trusted moral advisers like Goody Cloyse. The cognition of their immorality comes as another big blow to Brown s trust in people. Without his trust in people Brown lives a glooming life, non cognizing who is evil and who can be trusted. Last, Brown encounters the form of his ain dead male parent and a


adult female, with subdued characteristics of desperation [ 58 ] that appeared to be his female parent at the Devil s meeting. Brown had ever seen his parents as really spiritual people, incapable of evil. With the cognition of his parents secret life as Devil believers Brown becomes a glooming individual. If his parents can non be trusted no 1 can be trusted. The brushs with the sure moral advisers cause Brown to swear no on and populate his life in somberness as a lone withdrawn human being.

Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown presents a message that can be related to existent life. There comes a clip in everyone s life were they grow up and recognize that things are non ever as they seem. There are some evil people on this Earth. We can accept it and travel on with our lives or allow it problem us. Some of us accept what we learn and live our lives to the fullest with our new cognition. Others, like Young Goodman Brown, live the remainder of their lives miserably. Personally, I have learned that there is evil on this Earth but I do non allow it trouble oneself me. I try to bask life and have the most fun I can hold while I am here.
