Hydrogen Fuel Cell Benefits and Limitations Essay Sample

What are some benefits or restrictions of the alternate engineering sing economic sciences? ( What will it be to buy. re-fuel. launch. educate and administer? ) Benefits. No pollution: A great benefit of utilizing Hydrogen fuel cells is that they give off no pollution. and in fact produce pure H2O as a by-product. Even though presently applied scientists are concentrating on bring forthing H from natural gas. it will be for a short-run. Scientists are be aftering to hold renewable environmentally-friendly ways of bring forthing H in the hereafter. Efficiency: Fuel cells generate electrical power softly and expeditiously. Approximate appraisal of the fuel-cell auto efficiency is 64 per centum. While the latest theoretical account of popular trade name Honda FCX construct reportedly has 60-percent energy efficiency. Convenience: A auto could run a piece on H without traveling to a power station. The hereafter of the fuel-cell autos is assuring and merely United States along has dedicated more than one billion dollars to fuel cell research and development so far. However it will non go on overnight because scientists have to screen out a few major issues with fuel cell: Restrictions.

Cost: Many pieces of a fuel cell are dearly-won. Use of cherished metal such as Pt is required. Fuel cell systems must be $ 35 per kW. Presently the production monetary value is $ 73 per kW. Lastingness: Membranes that are portion of the H fuel cell has to stand 100 grades Celsius and still map at sub-zero temperatures. Currently membranes tend to degrade while fuel cells rhythm on and off. peculiarly as operating temperatures rise. Delivery: the air compressor engineerings presently available are non suited for the new vehicle usage. The alternate principal for fuel bringing has to be developed and become available for the new “gas” Stationss. Purity: H does of course be on Earth in its elemental signifier. Engineers and scientists must bring forth pure H from these H compounds including fossil fuels or H2O. The H that comes out of them is non pure and engineering has to be in topographic point to clean it. It besides lowers the efficiency of the fuel cell. Given that a batch of issues are still to be resolved we can non anticipate for the H goaded vehicles to instantly replace the autos we drive today. This type of autos might non be cheap at the first every bit good as cost of refuelling them. However. with the uninterrupted advancement this should shortly be stabilized. The fuel monetary value will non be dependent on the oil monetary value addition.

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