Hypertension: Blood and Heart Healthy Diet Essay Sample

High blood pressure or high blood force per unit area is a common upset when blood force per unit area remains abnormally high 140/90 or greater for a period of clip and doesn’t go down. Seniors with high blood force per unit area. a individual particular cause is non known. Factors that can raise blood force per unit area are eating excessively much salt. imbibing excessively much intoxicant. non striking. taking certain medical specialties. holding long permanent emphasis. and smoke.

If high blood force per unit area is non brought down to normal it can hold serious effects on your organic structure. It can do kidney harm over clip high blood force per unit area can contract and inspissate the blood vass of the kidney. A bosom onslaught can go on if the bosom can non acquire adequate O or if the flow of blood is blocked. Congestive bosom failure a serious status in which the bosom is unable to pump plenty blood supply to the organic structure. Arteries can indurate which causes the bosom and kidneys to work harder. Impaired vision high blood force per unit area can do blood vass in the eyes to split or shed blood. Vision may go blurred in some instances blindness. Very high blood force per unit area can do a interruption in a diminished blood vas which so bleeds in the encephalon doing a shot. The variety meats involved in high blood pressure are the bosom. encephalon. and kidneys.

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The homeostatic instability of high blood pressure is a major cause of bosom failure. vascular disease. nephritic failure. and stroke due to several factors heredity. diet. fleshiness. age ( over 40 ) . emphasis. diabetes. and smoke. The feedback system can non keep homeostasis in high blood pressure because the circulatory system is responsible for transporting foods. endocrines. and O to the cells of the organic structure. Your musculuss send signals to the encephalon that they need more O so the bosom beats faster and harder to present more O. You can assist forestall or command high blood force per unit area by following a bosom healthy diet. Losing extra weight and remaining at a healthy weight. Stay physically active every twenty-four hours for at least 30 proceedingss. Quit smoke and bound intoxicant consumption. If after making this for some clip and blood force per unit area is still high so medicines will be prescribed to assist lower blood force per unit area.
