Identify the Four Roles That Artists Play That Have Not Changed over Time Essay Sample

Harmonizing to the text. most creative persons assume one of four functions or a combination of the four. ( Sayre ) The first function that an creative person undertakes is to assist us see the universe in new and advanced ways. The 2nd function mentioned in the text is how creative persons make a ocular record of people. topographic points. and events of their clip and topographic point. The 3rd function of the creative person. is to do functional objects and structures more enjoyable and promote them with significance. The 4th function of the creative person is to give signifier to the immaterial which is defined as cosmopolitan truths. religious forces and personal feelings. ( Sayre )

The text edition. A World of Art. provides several illustrations for each of the four functions that artists assume. The book references Picasso’s. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. as an illustration of personal feelings and religious truths. He was able to happen freedom of look from both current. and classical Gallic influences. and was able to do his ain way. ( Pablo Picasso ) . The text cites the casket by Kane Kwei as a functional object with an elevated significance. At first glimpse. it would look to be a chocolate cod with the luxuriant woodworking work. The illustrations of ocular art mentioned in the text include the sculpture of Pat. by Ahearn and Torres. The object captures the similitude of the person. and brings the inanimate object to life. The Gates. by Christo and Jeanne-Claude created a ocular aureate river that disappeared and reappeared throughout Central Park. The Gates were images that allowed the people to go portion of the work of art as they passed through. ( Goddard )

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Plants Cited:

Sayre. Henry M. “A World of Art. ” Sayre. Henry M. A World of Art. Boston: Prentice Hall. 2012. 4.

Pablo Picasso. 2009. 25 October 2012.

Goddard. Donald. Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Gates Central Park. New York City. 2005. 25 October 2012
