Mapua Institute of Technology Essay Sample

In recent old ages. the Philippines has been struck by strong typhoons and heavy rains with casualties of 1000s and harm to belongings amounting to more than one million millions of pesos. The Philippines is a venue of typhoons and heavy rains being situated on the typhoon belt and besides being a tropical state. adding to that the effects of planetary heating. As a response to President Aquino’s instructions. the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards ( NOAH ) was launched by the Department of Science and Technology to supply an accurate warning system utilizing progress engineering and multi-disciplinary scientific discipline to give accurate anticipations of rains. tropical depression and implosion therapy to countries around the state therefore salvaging lives that may hold been affected if the conditions had non been decently forecasted. Statement of the Problem

The general aim of this survey is to find the effectivity and efficiency of the PROJECT NOAH in supplying aid for the populace. Besides this survey aims to find the truth of Project NOAH in supplying aid and appraisal to disaster bar and warning against possible inundations. typhoons and other catastrophes. The research workers sought to reply the undermentioned inquiries:

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1. What jobs do the users of the Project NOAH normally encounter? 2. What are the causes these jobs?
3. What are the possible solutions for these jobs?
4. How cognizant is the public sing the execution of the said Project? 5. How cognizant is the public sing the usage and importance of Project NOAH? These inquiries will be answered through the undermentioned specific aims: 1. Survey an ample figure of respondents and gather informations sing their consciousness of the said undertaking and/or the grade of aid the Project Noah has provided or has been supplying them. 2. Compare the figure of positive and negative responses. 3. Locate the jobs encountered by the users.

4. Supply suggestions as to how these jobs would be avoided.
5. Supply a decision based on how the Project Noah has been effectual and efficient. Significance of the Study

This survey will supply a general rating on undertaking NOAH based on its effectivity and efficiency and is therefore important to the followers: The Government. The proposed survey will function as an rating on their plan and will assist them analyse as to where they need to better. alteration. or take certain facets of the undertaking. To the Public. The proposed survey will raise consciousness on Project Noah. To Future Researchers. The proposed survey will function as a usher for future research workers and as a mention stuff in their work. Scope and Limitation

This survey focuses on Project NOAH’s rainfall and conditions anticipation capableness. the rain warning system. and the interface of the web site. if it has been effectual every bit good as efficient. since its launch on July 2012. for citizens to cognize the conditions for the following hr. or even the following few hours with great truth. and besides if the citizens are cognizant of the Project NOAH itself. Effective. intending the undertaking helped better the country’s conditions prognosis system. if the web site of the undertaking NOAH is the topographic point where Filipinos would travel if they did non catch the intelligence about the conditions. and if it provided truth on foretelling the conditions. Efficient. intending the citizens would believe this multi-billion peso undertaking of the Filipino authorities is non a waste of financess.
