My Cheesecake Essay Sample

It takes a spot of hubris to depict a formula as “perfect” . particularly for a formula such as cheesecake. for which so many have their ain personal favourite. Cheesecake is a dessert consisting of a crust or base made from biscuits. exceeding made of soft. fresh cheese and it’s normally flavored with fruit yummy sauce.

I ever think of my friend when I make or eat a cheese bar. her life is merely like the particular yummy cheese cake which is difficult to be done good by any 1. And merely like the cheese bar her life is made of three beds. her household is the biscuits. the base of her life ( her parents and siblings ) without the base the bar will be merely ordinary bar and her life without them means nil. they are the particular sort of that delightful biscuits that make her alone cheesecake.

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The 2nd bed of the cheese bar is the creamy fresh cheese. cheese as you all know differs in spirit from type to type. but Salwa choose the best type of cheese. her friends are the delightful. valuable cheese which makes her life interesting. and full of joy and the 1 who used on the best is barely able to accept the less.

Salwa is a miss who full with aspiration. she ne’er accept to be at the terminal she ever struggle and fight to be the best. that’s why she works difficult to develop her ego and to be alone. her aspiration is merely like the topping of the cheesecake which gives the bar the nice glummer expression and makes every organic structure expression at it with passion.
