My Future Plans Essay Sample

First. this summer. I don’t want to blow it like I did every other summer. I don’t want to kip all twenty-four hours. I want to populate. I want to see museums. travel to the film. make things I’ve ne’er done earlier merely for the interest of making it. I want to see fungi the mahimahi. I want to do friends with a random alien. I want to chew the fat up a grandma and inquire her to dance with me. who knows I may even acquire a buss. I want to mount a mountain. I want to populate. And when I die I want to see what a life I have lived. I want to populate. but non merely to populate. I want to love. I want to hold merriment with a maiden. run into her parents. I want to acquire in problem with her pa for snoging her in public. I want to populate. I want to love and I want to be happy. Then when summer ends. I want to travel to college. I hope to travel to college in Scotland. Scotland? ? Why Scotland? ? New merriment. new faces. new things to make. I want to research our universe. On a caprice. I will acquire on a plane. non cognizing where I’m traveling or for how long and see what happens. See new topographic points. seek new nutrients. and acquire thrown in gaol in a few new states.

When I do eventually settle down. I don’t want to hold to work some dead terminal occupation in a cell. non acquiring to see anybody…I desire to be out at that place speaking to the people. express joying with the people. being one of those people. I don’t want to merely be doing up the Numberss. I want to be figure one. I want to take from the forepart. I want to salvage a life or two. I want to do a difference. I am certain most of you think I’m a spot overzealous but I could non bear making the same thing day-in day-out. merely registering Numberss into a computing machine. I would prefer to saw off my left arm than work for the ‘man’ as so many flower peoples have talked about.

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My grounds are different nevertheless. I don’t attention if a multi-million dollar corporation makes a spot more net income or non. It’s merely that people who work for the ‘man’ tend to be every bit stimulating as a board of wood. I want to leap from planes for a life. I want to make something interesting and exhilarating. I want to salvage a adult female from a firing edifice. If I find a adult female I like. who likes me. I don’t want to hold to decelerate down. If she could maintain up with me. great. and if she pushed me further. so even better. I don’t want to decease immature but I don’t want to decease old after holding ‘lived’ a deadening life.
