A Dark Future Ahead Essay Sample

When discoursing the subject of censoring by authorities in the hereafter. one would most likely mention the two novels 1984 by George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury both portray a similar dystopian subject. Both of these novels center around the same thought of a inexorable hereafter in front of society and connote the same secret plan of the ability to command people through censoring. They provide two similar characters who in secret rebel against a higher authorization than themselves and a authorities who restrict the usage of literature. Although many features are shared between these books. several differences are found throughout the book on the how the characters reaction and the secret plan development.

Both of these books start with one chief supporter who in secret rebel against a higher authorization. Winston from 1984 lives in a society that is governed by the Inner Party and finally controlled by a figure referred to as “Big Brother” . No members are allowed to talk out or withstand the Inner Party. Every house or street contains a telescreen which monitors all actions of the people. If any person opposed Big Brother’s manner of sentiment. that individual will be arrested and vaporized by the Thought Police. Winston despises the manner Big Brother operates. but is forced to maintain his sentiment to himself. Even though the Inner Party can supervise everything anyone does and convert you that even “2 + 2 = 5” ( pg 293 ) Winston still in secret Rebels against them even though he knows he has no power against them. He in secret acts as the “average joe” feigning to detest the current enemy of the party. but in secret inside his head he loathes Large Brother. To add to the hatred. Winston writes in a journal. which is an act of rebellion against the Party. “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” over and over once more. He repeatedly opposes Big Brother by holding a love matter and seeking to fall in the opposing party.

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Whereas in Fahrenheit 451 the supporter Guy Montag is a third-generation fireman who burns book in a futuristic American metropolis. Alternatively of the present where firemen halt the fires. Guy Montag starts them. Any book reading. naturing basking or clip disbursement with others is banned in this society. Alternatively they watch legion hours of telecasting and listen to the wireless. At first Guy believes that firing books is righteous. but he experiences assorted upseting events including his married woman. Mildred trying to suicide and an old adult female who chooses to be burned alive along with her books. Guy easy begins to oppugn the society he lives in and feels dissatisfied with his life. He disobeys the authorities and his responsibilities and begins concealing books to read in secret at place.

He is found out. but is given 24 hours until they burn the book to see how horrid books are. In the clip given. Guy in secret rebels with the book. reading every bit much as possible. presenting its cognition to his wife’s friend. and even bespeaking aid to further understand it. As clip progresses. nevertheless. the following book firing dismay goes away and Guy finds himself at his ain house. His captain orders him to fire all his books and once more Guy disobeys by firing his captain to ashes. Guy now acts as a renegade get awaying from the authorities and their “mechanical hounds” and shortly fall in a group of subsisters who oppose the authorities and memorise books to go through it down coevalss.

Both societies have a authorities who restrict the usage of literature. They ban all literature to maintain people nescient and in order. By censoring anything that provokes thought or any causes that may organize wonder in the human head. the authorities is able to contract the human head to a cardinal and basic degree. When brought to this degree. the people can be easy manipulated. In 1984 the authorities hire workers that changed paperss that went off “Big Brother’s” beliefs. Winston acknowledges the censoring by stating. “In this manner every anticipation made by the Party could be shown by documental grounds to hold been right ; nor was any point of intelligence. or any look of sentiment. which conflicted with the demands of the minute. of all time allowed to stay on record. ” ( pg 42 ) .

On the other manus. Fahrenheit 451 has a authorities who manipulates the people to believe that they do non desire any books. This creates the censoring that the authorities uses to maintain the people submissive. As the captain of the firemans attempts to state Guy why firing books was good. She shows a old book stating that Ben Franklin was the first book burner and how they should move. “Established. 1790. to fire English-influenced books in the Colonies. First Fireman: Benjamin Franklin. ” RULE 1. Answer the dismay fleetly. 2. Get down the fire fleetly. 3. Burn everything. 4. Report back to firehouse instantly. 5. Stand qui vive for other dismaies. ” ( pg 34-35 ) This is how Ray Bradbury portrays the authorities and how the authorities can ban things and flex it to their liking.
