National Parks Money Essay Research Paper Money

National Parks Money Essay, Research Paper

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Money Traders

Keep Them Away From Our Parks

The presidential term of Ronald Reagan might hold merely lasted two footings, but it appears that it will be a long clip before its impact is no longer felt. Since the Reagan Era there is a political tendency of switching duty off from the authorities to alleged & # 8220 ; private interests. & # 8221 ; Adopting this place today is literally politically correct for a politician, whether or non the politician is a Democrat or republican. This impression of & # 8220 ; private involvements & # 8221 ; is a small skewed though. These & # 8220 ; private involvements & # 8221 ; which are accepting the duty of the authorities are corporations, in kernel animals of legal fiction which lack any value system except their ain net incomes. Unlike the authorities, corporations represent merely their shareholders. By contrast, the authorities represents the people as persons in a democracy. Thus the private involvements will non move one-sidedly to protect the environment, nor will they handle national Parkss decently under the examination of the federal authorities given their path record so far.

A corporation is a pudding stone of 1000s of shareholders, with stock traded on the public market every twenty-four hours. They grant it the same legal rights as an person in the oculus of the jurisprudence in this state. However, persons do non command the economic resources and labour a corporation wields. Therefore, a corporation can work the environment far more than anyone single in this state and pull strings the jurisprudence to accommodate its demands. Some of these national corporations these yearss are prostitutes in a political harlotry pealing unparalleled in our state & # 8217 ; s history. Simply put, the lobbyists and party organisations are pandering for the corporations ( & # 8221 ; private involvements & # 8221 ; ) and the politicians to see the duty for anyone & # 8217 ; s behavior falls nowhere that we the people can truly discern. Therefore, the duty of our national Parkss is presently in oblivion.

Federal support for the Parks has dropped by more than two hundred million dollars since the early nineteen-eighties ( Meadows 178 ) . However, the figure of visitants to the Parks has increased by 30 per centum over the same period go forthing the Parks in a province of decay and impairment ( 178 ) . The glorification and luster of our national Parkss are dwindling from old ages of blatant overexploitation and disregard. Presently a push is on in our authorities to change by reversal the diminution of the Parkss with the passing of the National Parks Commercialization Act.

It was the pattern of the authorities in the yesteryear to utilize private money from corporations to renovate and keep memorials and historic sites. Merely late the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island went under a three-hundred million-dollar redevelopment funded by private corporations ( Meadows 178 ) . They outraged many when the companies involved in the undertaking marketed their & # 8220 ; charity, & # 8221 ; and claimed recognition for making their portion to rejuvenate the national bequest ( 178 ) . We will see similar advertizements once more if they pass the National Parks Commercialization Act and private support of public operations is a regular pattern.

Soon the litter of advertizements will merely excel the litter that pollutes our national Parkss advancing the merchandises of corporate America within the national park system. The current design of the NPCA restricts corporate Sons within the boundaries of the national Parkss and limits the corporate publicity to a symbol displayed in their advertizements, much like the patrons of the Olympics ( Meadows 178 ) . It would merely necessitate the crafty usage of eager lobbyists, though, for corporations to capitalise on the potency of the national Parkss and strike the restricting clause from the act. Corporations possess no compassion for the life environment and will ravish the nature preserves of America of everything that offers the potency of net income.

The N

ational park system was founded to protect our lands from the barbarian and insatiate money traders of the late 19th century. In a sense we are merely opening the door Theodore Roosevelt so tightly shut. The corporations of today are no different from the Robber Barons of the past century. Each played their fast ones and force their buttons in Washington to steal through the clefts of societal justness. However, there is no Theodore Roosevelt on the skyline to flog them from the bully pulpit. Corporations base merely every bit much a menace to our national parks’ saving as the barons of the industrial revolution.

The Ketchikan Pulp Company, a subordinate of Louisiana-Pacific, keeps the congressional deputation from Alaska tightly tucked in its pocket to derive control of rights to deforestation of the Tongass National Forest ( Meadows GC ) . The Interior Appropriations Bill, which is presently in the Senate, bears a rider from the deputation which would hold a program for uninterrupted direction of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska by the federal authorities ( Meadows GC ) . The deputation from Alaska attaches this rider to about every measure that passes through Congress ( Meadows GC ) . If Congress ratifies a measure with the Tongass rider, they will give the Ketchikan Company a free rein to clear cut as many estates of this rain forest they desire. This & # 8220 ; denationalization & # 8221 ; bodes ill for the hereafter of our National Parks. Congress fails to see the options to the NPCA.

Possibly it clip for the authorities to set the patterns of the capitalistic economic system it so proudly protects and conserves to some positive usage. Private companies granted rights run park grants within the national Parkss. They operate with net incomes of approximately seven hundred million dollars a twelvemonth while paying merely 19 million dollars in monopoly licences which are automatically reissued ( Meadows 179 ) . The Parkss could open the command of licences to the competitory market coercing the companies to pay more for operating within the Parkss ( 179 ) . Let the authorities take this one measure further.

The National Parks Service should allow control of the grants. The National Park Service could so utilize the money to reconstruct and keep the environmental unity of our national Parks. This suggestion should non be denounced as making more & # 8220 ; large government. & # 8221 ; The National Park Service is even more benign than the Post Office. How could this perchance be perceived as an invasion on our single rights and liberty? It is every citizen & # 8217 ; s duty to protect their national hoarded wealths. We should demand the authorities protect them, non sell them!

Legally, the authorities does non distinguish between the private citizen and the corporation. However, our authorities was created in order to stand for and protect the thoughts and beliefs of every citizen. But of late, more frequently than non Congress is concerned with the involvements of private corporations over that of their citizens. There is a balance to be struck between the two. Corporate America has ne’er been excessively interested in the saving and unity of our natural environment. Similarly, our authorities has non done a much recently to protect the nature preserves of this state either. There are those in Congress, though, that represent the concerned Americans. Our national Parkss are some of the greatest gifts we have inherited from the past coevalss of our state. Yet with every gift comes sacrifice, and we must be accept that little forfeit so that the coevalss to come may have the gifts of our state & # 8217 ; s bequest. Works Cited

Meadows, Donella H. & # 8220 ; Don & # 8217 ; t Swamp Parks with Ad Money. & # 8221 ; Effective Argument. Ed. J. Karl Nicholas and James R. Nicholl. 2nd erectile dysfunction. Neddham Heights, MA: Allyn & A ; Bacon. 1998. 177-179.

Meadows, Donell H. & # 8220 ; They & # 8217 ; rhenium Still at It. & # 8221 ; Global Citizen a bi-weekly column. Uniform resource locator: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 22 Aug. 1996 )
