Native Americans And Aztecs Essay Research Paper

Native Americans And Aztecs Essay, Research Paper

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Two of the biggest and greatest civilisation in the Americas were

the Aztecs and Incas. These two civilisation were both said to be

conquered by the Spanish, but it wasn? T merely the Spanish who

conquered them. These two civilisations both fell from a

combination of a weak authorities, deficiency of engineering, new

disease introduced by the encroachers, and non being prepared for the


For many centuries the Aztec civilisation revolved around a

ideological, societal, and political system in which enlargement was the

basis. Expansion was the basis of their whole

civilisation, because their faith requested that a big figure of

human forfeits where to be made to the Gods. To acquire the

forfeits the Aztec went to war with other folks in Mexico to acquire

these human forfeits ( Conrad & A ; Demmest 47-49 ) . With each

conquest more forfeits and more land was added to the Aztec

land. The Aztec were a strong civilisation who were familiar

with organized big scale war, had specialized war heads, and a

good organized system of territorial levy in which big ground forcess could

be amassed in a short clip ( Age of Reconnaissance 124-125 ) . They

may hold been good organized for war, but they were non prepared

for internal alterations in there civilisation. When enlargement was no

longer an option there system crumbled. Without enlargement they

could no longer give human forfeits in the same sum in which

they use excessively. Upon the reaching of the Spanish the Aztec

authorities was falling apart, and & # 8220 ; Moctezuma II plans of

internal military consolidation and administrative and societal

stabilisation had failed & # 8221 ; ( Conrad & A ; Demmest ) . When the Aztec? s

foremost met the Spanish they were amazed by them. The Spanish used

the Aztec? s ain fables to take advantage of them and derive the

upper manus. Other disadvantages that the Aztecs had was the

demand to take captive to give, they were non untied with other

folks ( Spanish were able to unify with other folks to assist contend the

Aztecs ) , had crude arms, and couldn? t stay on the conflict

field for long, because they ran out of supplies rapidly ( Age of

Reconnaissance 167 ) . The Spaniards didn? T destroy the Aztec

civilisation all by their ego another factor which helped the Spanish

were the disease that they brought over to the Americas from

Europe and Africa. The debut of diseases like pox,

rubeolas, variola, malaria, epidemic parotitiss and xanthous febrility are merely some

illness that plagued the

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Aztecs. Besides the debut of different species of animate beings and

workss caused a ecological instability ( Plagues and Peopless

176-199 ) . All these are some grounds to why the Aztec civilisation

was destroyed.

With the reaching of the Spanish in Mexico rumours started to make

the ears of Spaniards about a great civilisation to the South. This

civilisation was the Inca. The Inca civilisation was inland so it made

it harder on the Spanish to make them. Unlike the Aztecs the Inca

imperium was held together by a tight societal subject based on

commercial land keeping and a system of forced labour. Discipline

was enjoined by an luxuriant cult of ruler-worship and enforced by

a military organisation which maintained fortresses and

shops at

strategic points ( Age of Reconnaissance 170-171 ) . The Incas

authorities was more organized so the Aztecs. One of their

strengths shortly became a great failing. The system that was set

up to take a emperor. The system tried to maintain the pureness of the

royal households bloodline by incestuous matrimony. The emperor

would hold to get married one of his full sisters and have a kid who

would so go the emperor upon his male parents decease. It was besides

set up to forestall civil war in the land ( Inca Decline 134 ) .

Huascar became emperor merely as the Inca imperium? s jobs

became critical. The authorities demand reforms, and Huascar

believed that the royal mas were the centre of all the

jobs. Huascar decided that the royal mas had to be

removed, because they stood in the manner of his reforms and wealth.

This determination became a political catastrophe. His assault against the

royal mas caused the high aristocracy of the imperium to turn

against him. In 1529 a civil war broke out between the crowned

emperor Huascar and his half brother Atauhualpa. This civil war

lasted for about 3 old ages stoping in 1532 with Atauhualpa emerging

as the master. Unfortunately his reign as emperor was cut short by

Francisco Pizarro and his work forces who fought and kill Atauhualpa and

his work forces when they were heading back to Cuzco ( Inca Decline

134-139 ) .

The Spanish encroachers of the America? s came for wealth, colony,

and to distribute their religion. The narrative? s of the wealth that could be

found in the America? s lured many work forces looking to acquire rich quick.

The authoritiess of the European states saw the Americas as

two things a topographic point to do money and a manner to widen their

lodgers. The Catholic church came to the America? s, because

they wanted to change over these & # 8220 ; barbarians and give them redemption & # 8221 ; .

These are some of the ground to why Europeans ventured in this

great unknown called the Americas. When the Spaniards first

arrived in Latin America they were non good

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organized ground forcess. Most of the work forces were groups of escapades,

build uping them self, or hooking up with a leader who would supply

them with arms. While they may non hold had the most good

trained work forces they did hold integrity and leading to steer them. The

Spaniards had the upper manus over the Incas and Aztecs in both

engineering and integrity. The Spanish had gunpowder, but couldn? T

usage it often because most of it was heavy heavy weapon. They did

hold a few muskets, and steal arms. The Incas and the Aztecs

were still utilizing & # 8220 ; Stone age & # 8221 ; engineering. They depended on

arms made of rock and wood and leather armour. The encroachers

had steal blades and armour ( Age of Reconnaissance ) . These

advantages along with the internal jobs of the Aztecs and the

Incas made it really easy for the Spaniards to suppress them.

Two of the greatest civilisation to of all time populate in the Americas were

destroyed in a few old ages. The Spanish are credited for the

devastation of these two civilisation, but did they truly destruct

them. By looking back on all the jobs that these two

civilisation had on the Eve of the reaching of the Spanish one would

say that they destroyed them self and the Spanish was merely at that place

to make a small work and claim the recognition for the devastation of the

Aztecs and Incas.
