Native Americans Essay Research Paper The War

Native Americans Essay, Research Paper

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The War of 1812, the Spanish-American War and World War I were non merely about national defence, but about many other things, like political relations and the peoples trust. The strength of our state is non merely in political relations entirely, but in economic sciences and the trust of its people in the caputs of authorities to make the right thing. All of the wars that have been fought by the U.S. have been more supported by economic sciences so political relations.

The War of 1812 did non get down because of a military action, but it was built up with the dissensions on trading and the taxing of goods shipped in and out of the U.S. The most of import thing that got the U.S. in the War is the intervention of the Americans on the high seas. It was largely the English that did non demo any regard to the crewmans ( by the impressment of them ) and besides the riders.

Her Majesty & # 8217 ; s Transport the leopard attacked the U.S.S. Chesapeake on February of 1807, while looking for British crewmans who have jumped ship and joined the American Navy and Shipping industry. In this onslaught three Americans were killed and 18 others were injured.

President Jefferson wanted to work out this affair with diplomatic negotiations, non war. In believing this manner he helped make the Embargo act, which was designed & # 8220 ; to convey the European combatants to their senses & # 8221 ; by cutting off American trade to France and England. The Embargo Act was subsequently repealed near the terminal of Jefferson & # 8217 ; s concluding term.

The Embargo was replaced during Madison & # 8217 ; s first term with the Non-Intercourse act, which stated that Americans were allowed to merchandise with any other state except England and France. It besides stated that if either state stopped go againsting our impersonal rights the trade would restart. The Non-Intercourse act ended on May 1, 1810. With the stoping of this act it did non assist the impairment of dealingss between America and France or England.

After the stoping of the Non-Intercourse act Congress passed Macons Bill NO.2. This measure had opened trade between America and the two other states. This measure besides stated that if one state should halt interfering with American trade within one twelvemonth so the U.S. would halt trade with the other state within three months. If those same two states did non halt the intervention so the Non-Intercourse act would restart.

Trade was non the lone thing that had started the War of 1812. It was besides the influence of the American people on their authorities. The group of people that wanted the war to go on was the War Hawks. The War Hawks were largely from the West ( Kentucky and Tennessee ) . They wanted the war because they wanted to acquire rid of the British in America because they were selling guns to the Native Americans so that

they could revolt with more power. The War Hawks tried to state the Heads of the authorities about this but they did non believe them or merely did non care. After the War Hawks pressured President Madison into war with England, he regretfully entered.

The leader of the War Hawks was a adult male by the name of H Clay. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House. He one time said, & # 8220 ; I prefer the troubled oceans of war. . . with all its catastrophes. . . to the tranquil and putrescent pool in black peace! & # 8221 ;

The Spanish-American War was besides another war that was non merely a military or political war, but largely an economical war. The United States was more interested in the rebellion in Cuba, non because of security factors every bit much as the economical worth of that island to the U.S. The U.S. had invested more than $ 30 million in sugar plantations in Cuba, which was the chief export on that island. President Cleveland wanted rigorous neutrality in the Cuban battle, and warned that if & # 8220 ; the useless forfeit of human life & # 8221 ; went on the U.S. might hold to abandon the policy of & # 8220 ; Patient waiting & # 8221 ; .

When the Maine was destroyed in the Havana Port the Press created uproar with the Americans. Peoples wanted damagess for the decease of all 258 American crewmans and in that force per unit area from the citizens the U.S. entered the war and won it for its people.

Through out the beginning of World War I the United States tried to remain impersonal, but this was non the instance once we were threatened. The Germans in the sinking of the Lusitaina threatened us. A new war arm, a German Submarine, sank the Lusitaina. The Submarines were designed to drop any ship with out warning. World War I was a really of import to the United States because it opened our markets to mass production of war arms, and the U.S. jumped at the first chance to fall in and take this market. When the U.S. would transport the supplies needed to assist the Alliess, all the other states that the U.S. did non assist looked down upon them. When this happened, the U.S. started smuggling the supplies to the Alliess through the usage of rider line drives that were traveling that manner.

When the Germans heard about what was go oning they started to destruct the rider ships so that the supplies would non make the Alliess.

When this happened, the United States had gotten threatened yet concerned, so they entered the war because their economic system was truly bad after the Germans started to drop their rider ships.

In all of the wars the lone thing that they have in common, they are all based on the American citizens coercing the president into war and the fact that economics played a large function in the starlings of the War of 1812, the Spanish-American war and World War I.

