
& # 8217 ; s Presence Essay, Research Paper

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Nature=s Presence

It was cheery one afternoon campus. The Sun was high in the sky. I was sitting underneath a crying willow tree, with the Sun at my dorsum. Watching the birds fly over caput and the land pigs chase each other by my pess. Trying to follow the way of the land pig, before it descended to its= belowground bed was doing me giddy. For a furry, what would look like corpulent for its size these small animate beings are in rather a harry to research the universe. They were wobbling into their freshly formed entrywaies before I could even wink an oculus. They about resembled tumble weeds, on a dust-covered twenty-four hours. They are in field sight when they begin to topple, but so, about all of a sudden, they rapidly vanish from sight. I could merely conceive of what their belowground universe looks like, a labyrinth possibly to the human oculus but a universe of admiration to them.

A butterfly floats above my caput, non a common insect, but on this lovely twenty-four hours it seems like should be. Minding its= ain concern in a topographic point filled with pandemonium. She spreads her wings to absorb the enjoyment of the air beneath her. Her wings give her the freedom to make whatever she wants. These wings are much unlike the human weaponries and custodies which often hold us back from the freedoms we urgently wish to bask. There is ever something that keeps us in bonds. The universe that does non esteem nature is the universe that inhibits us from being one with ourselves.

Through the trees, Graz

ing the tips of every piece of feathery grass the butterfly picks up esthesiss that entice its appetency to bask everything that nature has to offer. Unlike its marauders, with their hovering cyberspaces, this beautiful animal perches on the most juicy of flowers to banquet on, non to rupture it from its= roots to sit on someone=s java tabular array merely to shrivel and decease within yearss. The butterfly absorbs nature in all of its= luster.

On this cheery twenty-four hours an angleworm slithered by my heels. What an flagitious looking animal. His sliminess resembles his somewhat underhand personality, ever skulking in the crannies of the Earth. The land is the lone universe this insect has of all time known. What a deadening path- heterosexual and forward is the lone way for it to go. A humdrum life like so many other animals in this universe. My fellow neighbours are perfect illustrations of these peculiar animals. They are ever looking for the easy manner out of things, ne’er desiring to dispute their heads or psyches.

These are the same people that overlook the finer things in life. The universe that we are all surrounded by contains things that are meant to enjoyed by those who inhabit it. But like the angleworm there are so many people in this universe that will go on to travel on their melancholic manner. Without sing everything that heightens your senses to a about religious degree there is no point to life. Like the celebrated philosopher, Socrates said, AAn unexamined life is a life non deserving life. @
