Personal Project Essay Sample

Personal undertakings are able to allow a individual create a undertaking to their suiting. on whatever subject and make whatever they want. My end of this undertaking is to hold created a web log about books. and have reviewed and given my ideas to. My undertaking is aimed at largely adolescents in order to demo them that reading is a good thing and to non ever acquire caught up in the net. The country of interaction ( AOI ) that has best suited my personal undertaking is Health and Social Education due to the fact that the cyberspace and books are portion of instruction and both have great impacts to many peoples lives today. including mine. I intend to carry through my end by working difficult. and doing certain that I am seting all of my attempt into my undertaking to do certain that what I manus to my supervisor will be to the best of my ability. This study will sketch processs. purpose and will demo how my result will turn out.

About my Personal Undertaking

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My chief end for the assignment is to do a web log associating to books. any kind of books. whether the gender is comedy or horror and compose a book reappraisal about the books I think are rather interesting. plus the books that I read in a book nine. which a equal in my category has come up with for her personal undertaking and I have linked the book nine and the web logs that I am reading as they connect with one another. Another end for this assignment is to do video journals or a picture log. which gives the web log something different to look at. These picture diaries/log will dwell of my ideas and my position of the books that I have read. plus it will give my viewing audiences and my supervisor a different position and gives the web log a more of a factor.

There are many grounds as to why the contexts of my pick are what they are. The first ground as to why the contexts of my pick are what they are fundamentally revolves largely on engineering. handiness and the twenty-first century. When was the last clip a adolescent really took the clip out and spends a good hr rolling around bookshops and calculating out what books are good and what are non? Very rare presents. since engineering has improved dramatically over the last 15 old ages. Teenss and even people in there mid-twentiess are caught up with engineering that they forget that there is shops that are specifically for books yet people could open up iBooks on their iPad and could entree a book with merely a chink of a finger. This is where the web log comes in. The web log come into context as it is really easy to entree if you have internet which most people do. a batch of people blog mundane and has become really known and recognized by about everybody. Plus. it isn’t as clip devouring as traveling to the newsagency and picking up a newspaper such as The Sun and seeking to flick through the page looking for the Book Review column. alternatively I could open up an cyberspace browser and type in a specific book reappraisal that I intended on looking for.

Web logs have become a major factor and resort for pupils. for illustration. I have looked at assorted web logs throughout my school old ages and in all honestness. they are far more interesting than a reappraisal from a newspaper. I have even come across web logs that people of my age have made and these web logs have given me a whole new different position of books. There has even been films based on web logs. such as a Disney channel original film. Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars. Just the name of the film evidently gives you an thought that the film is based on two people combating on their ain web logs.

Area of Interaction Chosen

The Area of Interaction ( AOI ) I have chosen for my Personal Project is chiefly based on one AOI. Health and Social Education. How healthy is it for a individual to pass hours on the Internet rolling nil educational and looking at the screen for four to five hours or more a twenty-four hours? Not healthy at all. Health and Social Education plays a major function. Blogs can assist people with more than one thing. One manner as to how is that web logs have become a really educational signifier in larning in some facets. It helps give people sentiments in different facets and a chief illustration is books. Web logs can assist people read a reappraisal about a book and will likely stop up traveling to a local library and book shops to acquire the book they would wish. or even get down to read the book on their iPad of iPhone. Web logs can besides give a sense of societal instruction. as web logs have given the ability for people to compose their ain remarks and sentiments of the book and what they think about it. It gives people another manner to pass on with others interested in a peculiar type of book they like.

Plan layout

I have devised a program on how I will accomplish my end throughout the following twosome of months with the concluding result of my Blog is due for entry. These have been outlined by hebdomads. which will be shown below:

Week 3 Term 2 ( 8/5/12 ) – I have finalised what I want to make as my personal undertaking. I have besides finalised what specific Area Of Interaction will be based on my undertaking and have already started to compare and contrast between web logs in order to wrap my head around a construct. I have besides seen my supervisor at least one time by that current day of the month.

Week 5 Term 2 ( 22/5/12 ) – I have finished phase one of my personal undertaking study and have submitted it to my supervisor for taging. I besides create a end in my caput of what I want to accomplish and how my merchandise will turn out to be. I record all of what is relevant into my diary in order to non bury.

Week 7 Term 2 ( 5/6/12 ) – I have finished stage two of the studies due for the personal undertaking and have started to name what books I would wish to hold written down in my diary.

July 3 – 15 ( Three Week Holidays ) – I have started to compose up stage three in order to non be behind in subjecting my studies on the due day of the months. I have besides started to make my web log such as adding effects and custom-making different subjects and layouts. This fundamentally takes all of the vacations.

Week 2 Term 3 ( 24/7/12 ) – I have figured out which 25 books I want to set onto my web log. I besides start to take notes on my thoughts/ideas about the books into my diary.

Week 2 – Week 5 Term 3 ( 24/7/12 – 16/8/12 ) – During this clip period I have eventually completed my personal undertaking merchandise which includes reappraisals of all twenty five books. I besides would hold finished phase four and besides completed my diary in order to manus all things by the due day of the month.


My chief end for the assignment is to do a web log associating to books that will assist other people to demo different types of sentiments on a assortment of books. The first ground as to why the contexts of my pick are what they are fundamentally revolves largely on engineering. handiness and the twenty-first century every bit engineering as the iPod. iPad or eBooks which allows a reader to be able to purchase and get down reading a book with a chink of their finger. The web log come into context as it is really easy to entree if a individual has the cyberspace. and a batch of people blog mundane and has become really known and recognized by about everybody. Plus. it isn’t as clip devouring as traveling to the newsagency and picking up a newspaper and seeking to flick through the pages looking for the Book Review column. alternatively one is able to open up an cyberspace browser and type in a specific book reappraisal that I intended on looking for. Web logs have become a major factor and resort for pupils and besides for a bulk of teens particularly in western society particularly throughout the ages of 13 to twenty.

The Area of Interaction ( AOI ) is chiefly based on one AOI. Health and Social Education. Blogs can assist people read a reappraisal about a book and will likely stop up traveling to a local library and book shops to acquire the book they would wish. or even get down to read the book on their iPad of iPhone. Web logs can besides give a sense of societal instruction. as web logs have given the ability for people to compose their ain remarks and sentiments of the book and what they think about it. In order to be able to complete and subject the personal undertaking on clip. a program has been devised in order to manus everything by the due day of the month. These will include a assortment of studies and besides the existent finish merchandise of the personal undertaking and is conducted over a class of three months.

Beginnings Being Used

* First Beginning: Internet. blogging web sites
Website that will be used to make web log: World Wide Web. tumblr. com – web site that is being used by many student/teenagers around the universe. * Second Beginning: Book Club. which has been done in the environment of AIA. and conducted by Furwa Asif. a fellow co-worker throughout the hebdomads of school and is conducted during Tuesday/Thursday tiffins. * Third Source: Novels/Books. No specific type of writer or genre being used and a reasonably good figure will be used. * Fourth Beginning: Interviews/opinions of others. Scope of people will give their sentiments on books such as instructors. pupils. and adolescents. * Fifth Source: Writers perspectives. Different types of author’s sentiments from researching and the Internet will be used to demo different positions of books and what they think of different assortment of books.

Mind Map

Ways I will Use My

Justification of Techniques

Scopes of techniques were chosen in order to make this undertaking. These techniques included:
* Books
* Internet
* Variety Of Websites
* Writers
* Opinions of Others. ( eg. Other bloggers and referees )

The ground as to why these five are my techniques are because they are all critical in making my merchandise and do a great impact every bit good. Books are of import as they are fundamentally half of my undertaking as my undertaking is about the top 20 five books to read before you reach the age of 20 five.

The Internet is besides a immense technique that is being used for my merchandise. The ground as to why the Internet is a monolithic technique is because it is where my merchandise will be. Since my merchandise will be a web log about books. the Internet is a major part and will assist me aim the audience that I am taking for which are mainly adolescents of the ages thirteen to eighteen. Without the Internet I wouldn’t be able to make what I wanted to make for my personal undertaking.

A assortment of web sites is besides good to my techniques but it isn’t every bit of import as the others. This is because I would non be looking at other web sites. merely when I want to see what other bloggers. newspapers and referees have written about the books that I will be utilizing for my web log so I am able to acquire a just thought of how I review the books are right. Web sites will besides give me a better apprehension of how other people blog and review books and will besides be good as it will assist me make my web log to the best of my ability.

Merely like web sites. writers won’t do every bit much as an impact like web sites. The ground why writers are a technique is because I am able to research as to their position of why they wrote their book and what their result is supposed to be. However. I wouldn’t be utilizing this much throughout making my merchandise.

Opinions of others are one of the five techniques that will be used in making my web log. The ground being is because I would wish to see what other people think about the books I will be utilizing and their manner of reexamining these books. It will demo me different manners of blogging and what they think of books. whether it is good or bad.

These five techniques are all of import one manner or another throughout making my web log. These techniques will assist me in order to make the best web log I am able to make and even though I will be utilizing these techniques for me merchandise. they will besides assist me even after I create my merchandise.

Description of Process ( Analysis )

Calculating out what I wanted to make as my Personal Project was hard. to state the least. I had so many thoughts of what I wanted to make. and the thoughts in my caput kept going larger and larger. At first. I wanted to compose a novel and I was psyched at the fact that I was traveling to compose something. but so I realised there was no manner I would be able to complete. allow entirely go half manner in a affair of passing in my merchandise in three months. There was besides a spot of a misinterpretation as to who would be my personal undertaking supervisor and so my supervisor had been changed and so for a short period. I wasn’t able to acquire aid or inquire for thoughts as to what I could make as my personal undertaking. By the center of term two. I grasped the fact that I needed to thing of what I wanted to for my merchandise. and fast. So I thought of things that I loved. They turned out to be novels and besides the Internet. I was happy I was able to believe of techniques to utilize. but how could I incorporate those two together? Then it hit me. Why don’t I create a web log about books?

I was highly happy with what I had come up with and besides found an Area Of Interaction to travel with it. which happened to be Health and Social Education. Once I had found out what I wanted to make and what my AOI is. I consulted my supervisor and she had no expostulation to it. The following measure was to calculate out how I will stand for my web log. My first suggestion was to utilize tumblr. com since I am really familiar with it and already hold a web log with the site and cognize how to utilize the site truly good. By Term 2 Week 5. I had already handed in Phase 1 and had started stage 2. and already had the basicss of what I would accomplish and realised that I could complete my merchandise and the four studies by Term 3 Week 3. I recorded all that I needed to set into my diary and recorded what I wanted to complete and how I will be able to complete it. I met up with my supervisor on Tuesdays to do certain that everything is traveling swimmingly and to inquire any inquiries if needed.

By the clip the three hebdomads holidays arrived. I started to make my web log. It was a long process sing the fact that I couldn’t do up my head as to how I wanted my web log to look like. After the first hebdomad had tolled by. I needed to do a determination and I needed person to assist me calculate out how my design should be. After inquiring my cousin for her sentiment. I eventually figured out how my web log should be. A hebdomad and a half of the vacations passing by. I eventually got to the procedure of making my web log. It took a twosome of yearss to add all the effects and pages I had wanted in order to do the web log a contemplation of myself. and one time the layout had been done. it was a immense weight off my shoulders. However. I hadn’t started posting anything on my site as I was still seeking to calculate out what twenty five novels should be on my web log.

However. I completed stage 3 during the vacations and I was able to set clip and attempt into my web log. By the clip school came. I merely had ten books that I thought were worthy plenty to be on my web log. I asked equals in category as to what books they liked and it truly contributed dramatically. and by the terminal of the 2nd hebdomad. I had all the books that I wanted in my web log onto my diary so I wouldn’t bury. I started to really reexamine and blog abut books till hebdomad four. This was due to the fact that I had a figure of appraisals due throughout those hebdomads. but I was able to complete my web log by the start of hebdomad 5. Some of the books that I had used for my web log are: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Pact by Jodi Picoult and The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. Analysis Of Research

Research has helped dramatically in making my merchandise. Not merely has it given me more cognition as to how you create a web log. it has besides taught me that novels are things that need to be more exhaustively used. particularly with this coevals since many of the books that are used in my merchandise hold besides become major gesture images as good. Without research. I would non hold been able to acquire my merchandise to how it is now. Research has made a great impact and I ne’er realised that without researching before get downing your merchandise. you would be losing out on many chances in doing your merchandise going the best it can be. For me. research has being a great impact as I got to utilize the Internet about researching different web logs and being able to see how they designed their web log and reviewed different books. and I was able to look at scope of different people’s sentiment about multiple novels and became truly ready to hand. Some people don’t gain that research can do a great impact. even though you might believe you might non necessitate it.

Research has helped me come up with a scope of new and originative thoughts in order to assist me with the creative activity of my merchandise. For one. it has given me new thoughts as to how the layout of my web log turned out to be and alter a scope of constructs that I originally was traveling to make. but changed my position for the better. Researching for my merchandise besides gave me a much better understanding on how my Area of Interaction. Health and Social Education is used throughout the cyberspace and besides in literature in novels. I didn’t gain that the AOI that was the chief focal point of my personal undertaking had such an impact on everything around us. and non truly gaining it at the same clip.

Description of my Inspiration

I guess my inspiration was ever at that place. I have a kind of compulsion with reading. it doesn’t affair if the book is horror or love affair. one time I start reading a book I become aquiline. I think that there is nil better than acquiring yourself absorbed into a book. Even though I might hold a metric ton of emphasis on my shoulders due to a work load of school work. I take out clip if I think it becomes excessively much for me to manage and catch a book. Its about as if the words on the page teleport me to a new universe and I become excessively absorbed in the novel that for the period of clip I’m engrossed in the book. I forget about everything. literally. Assignments due the following twenty-four hours. in category appraisals that are deserving 30 per cent of my grade due the following twosome of yearss. peer/school force per unit area that about wants me to interrupt down. it all fades off and I become one of the characters in the book.

I find it upsetting that many adolescents of this coevals don’t read plenty. I think there’s nil better than a good novel. I perfectly love the Internet. I mean what adolescent doesn’t? There are so many things you are able to larn and happen out by a chink of a button. The Internet is a immense beginning of my reading every bit good. I love the Internet and novels. My inspiration was to make something that I would genuinely hold merriment making. and I don’t think I could hold created a wholly different merchandise AND really have fun whilst making it. so I decided to reexamine books at a adolescent position as my reappraisal may hold given a wholly different reappraisal from a referee who is at the age of 30. Evaluation of Merchandise

Measuring my merchandise. I think I have achieved what I have aimed for. I am highly happy with the result I produced and took a long clip to be able to accomplish what I have over the class of hebdomads. I have put as much clip and attempt as I perchance could into all four studies. my merchandise and besides my diary. Looking back at my merchandise. I realised that there were many things that I could hold done to be able to make a web log to the best of my ability. For one. I could hold organised my clip MUCH better than I originally had. The fact that my merchandise had been completed by the start of hebdomad five term three when originally my merchandise was supposed to be done three hebdomads earlier in hebdomad two. This was a major set dorsum of my program that had been created at the start of stage one and truly pushed back the day of the months of when I would be able to complete my studies. Even though I am all about administration. my program didn’t travel to be after and make a batch of defaults along the manner. Besides. I think that I could hold looked at other blogging web sites alternatively of hardly looking at any every bit at an early phase I have said that I would be utilizing Tumblr as my beginning of blogging.

However. making a web log on another web site would hold given me more accomplishments and I would hold been able to larn how to run a web log on a different web site and could hold been more of a challenge for me. but in the terminal I got the consequence I needed. However. there were great facets in my concluding merchandise and how it came to be. For one. I was highly impressed with the terminal consequence of my merchandise. Although in the past twosome hebdomads my merchandise had non been finished. I had shown a twosome of equals in category as to how my merchandise was coming along and heard some great feedback. The feedback consisted of how impressed they were and thought that the web log was truly coming along good. I was truly happy with the feedback that I had received and that gave me more will power to maintain traveling in the way I was taking for. But one time I had finished wholly touch ups that needed to be done for my merchandise ( which includes colorss and lighting of words ) I was truly impressed with what I had been able to accomplish. I had been able to make my end and took a long manner to acquire where I am now.


Reflecting back onto my merchandise. I think it has created a major impact on myself and how I reflect on books and the Internet. I now realise that the Internet can be a major beginning for many things and many people throughout the class of their mundane life usage it. My personal undertaking has besides impacted me in the manner that it has given me a much better apprehension of books and besides the Internet and how it can impact a figure of people. Overall. this undertaking has given me a much better understanding of Health and Social Education. and has given me a scope of techniques that I will be able to utilize in the hereafter. I have learnt a batch from this experience and have realised to ever pull off my clip sagely and to non blow clip on stupid things when I could be utilizing the clip on something much more good. All in all. I had a great experience making my merchandise and will take what I learnt from the past three months with me.


* Collins. Suzanne. The Hunger Games. Scholastic Press. 2008. * Picoult. Jodi. Between the Lines. Allen & A ; Unwin. 2012. * Reid. Atka. Goodbye Sarajevo. Bloomsbury USA. 2010.
* Zusak. Markus. The Book Thief. Knopf Books for Young Readers. 2006. * Picoult. Jodi. Handle With Care. Atria Books. 2009.
* Rowling. J. K. Harry Potter. Scholastic Press. 2000 – 2010. * Sebold. Alice. The Lovely Bones. Little Brown and Company. 2002. * Marchetta. Melina. Salvaging Francesca. Nopf Books for Young Readers. 2003. * Picoult. Jodi. My Sister’s Keeper. Washington Square Press. 2004. * Boyne. John. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Atria Books. 2006. * Sparks. Nicholas. Dear John. Warner Books. 2006.

* Gruen. Sara. Water For Elephants. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. 2006. * Picoult. Jodi. The Pact. Avon. 1998.
* Paterson. Katherine. Bridge To Terabithia. Harper Collins Publishers.
1977. * Heller. Joseph. Catch-22. Simon & A ; Schuster. 1961.
* Fitzgerald. Scott. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. Scribner. 2007. * Hosseini. Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns. Riverhead Hardcover. 2006. * Gowda. Shilpi. Secret Daughter. William Morrow. 2010.

* Burnett. French republics. The Secret Garden. Children’s Classics. 1911. * Pelzer. Dave. A Child Called ‘It’ . Health Communications. 1992. * Hosseini. Khaled. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Books. 2003. * Vizzini. Ned. It’s Kind Of A Funny Story. Hyperion. 2006. * Riggs. Ransom. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Quirk. 2011. * Yolen. Jane. Briar Rose. Tor Teen. 1988.

Appendix – ( Photographic Evidence )
