Powerpoint Presentation Tips Essay Sample

You’ve worked difficult to set together the research you want to portion with your co-workers -make certain that attempt wages off by making a presentation that your audience will retrieve and appreciate.

Preparation Points
On norm. you should budget one hr of authorship and pattern for each minute you speak. A 15-minute presentation should be backed up by 15 hours of readying and pattern.

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A regulation of pollex is besides that a good slide or sheet takes on mean 2 to 3 proceedingss to show. So for a 15 minute presentation you have to distill your part to 5 to 8 sheets.

Rehearse your presentation several times before you leave for the meeting. Prepare and practise plenty that you don’t rely to a great extent on your ocular AIDSs to maintain you on path.

Strive to maintain your presentation’s tone as a insouciant conversation with the audience. It should non be a session of the audience staring at the dorsum or side of your caput as you read from the screen. And don’t read the text from paper. unless you think that your English makes this perfectly necessary.

Organisation & A ; order
Your presentation creates a way for the audience to follow – be certain your debut lays out where you will be taking the audience throughout your talk. In your debut. supply a focal point ( statement of your chief thought ) . a ground to listen ( significance of the chief thought ) and an orientation ( construction of the presentation ) .

Like a newspaper article a good presentation and paper starts with supplying the focal point. the statement of the thought. the chief decision. This helps the audience to follow you.

Summarise after you finish each point. to wrap up what you’ve said and link it to the following point.

Audiences tend to be really attentive at a presentation’s get downing. less attentive during the in-between subdivision. and more attentive as it ends. Use your decision to re-emphasis the most of import elements of your presentation.

You can seek to recapture the attending of the audience in the in-between subdivision by doing a nice gag. or an interesting analogy. A nice image might besides be utile.

Set the gait
In an unwritten presentation. you control the velocity – stick to short sentences and re-emphasis the chief points. Don‘t attempt to include more information merely by talking faster. A tight. clear bringing that makes the chief points and replies common inquiries is more effectual than a rushed bringing that throws excessively much information at the audience.

Enthusiasm is contagious!
If you are excited about your information. the audience will be besides. If you deliver your presentation with a « level » vocal quality. the audience may fell asleep.

Audiences can merely absorb a few points during a 15- to 20-minute presentation. Concentrate on the most important points of your presentation and avoid complicated expressions. intricate graphs or drawn-out statistics. Your concluding paper can be read after the meeting. and audience members who want to see your complete findings will be able to make so.

Fixing visuals that are utile
When making your slides or operating expenses. retrieve that « less is more » in ocular AIDSs. Restrict the figure of elements on each slide to keep readability for the audience.

Limit the sum of information on each slide. Each slide should incorporate:

One chief point
One thought per line
No more than 5-7 words per line. Skip articles ( ‘a’ . ‘the’ ) and stick to nouns and verbs. No more than 5-7 lines per slide

Use big text sizes. For most ocular AIDSs. rubrics should be 36- to 48- point and text should be 24- to 36-point.

Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters. Wordss typed in all capital letters offer few recognizable forms to catch the audience’s eyes.

Color considerations: for PowerPoint presentations. usage dark blues. greies. leafy vegetables or black for backgrounds. White and xanthous text are the most clear and contrast good against dark backgrounds.

Use italics. different colorss or founts to add accent instead than underscoring. Underlined text reduces the sharpness of words and makes them harder to read.

Bullets should be easy to see. Check their size. coloring material and place relation to the text.

Don’t usage complicated Flash engineering or other ‘moving’ texts. It frequently takes excessively much clip and is upseting as it distracts from the message. If you have a list of points. project them at one time and don’t usage PowerPoint installations to demo them one by one – unless you have a long narrative to state on each point. Be professional and inquire a co-worker for remarks on your presentation.

For little groups. if you have a unsmooth thought on the figure of individuals in the audience. supply a hand-out in progress. That keeps the audience active with the presentation and a possibility to do notes. If you checked and passed all these points. you’re certain in progress that you will hold a great presentation with no ground to be nervous! And your co-workers will be thankful. Make Slides Legible

• If the information is of import plenty to hold a ocular assistance. it is every bit of import for it to be legible. • When utilizing capitals and lower instance. a 32-point is suggested. When utilizing all capital letters ( non as easy to read ) . you could utilize 24-point. • The tallness of the letters on the screen should be 1 inch. A sans serif font such as Helvetica. Arial. or Universal. is suggested. Vary fonts with restraint – utilize them merely to stress. Bold text is preferred to underlined text. • A good regulation of pollex for founts is to maintain sizes. colourss and placement consistent. Try to utilize no more than three complementary founts in a presentation. i. e. one for rubrics. one for captions and one for text and graph labels. What goes on a slide?

• Whatever is placed on a slide should be twice every bit simple and four times every bit bold as that used in a written study. Round off Numberss ; cut denary topographic points. Substitute symbols for words— $ is better than “dollars” ; % is better than “percent. ” Abbreviate where possible without making confusion. Delete footnotes ; Omit beginnings ; go forth them for the written paper. • Make visuals truly ocular. Don’t rely on Numberss and words. Remember if a image is worth a 1000 words ; don’t give your audience the 1000 words every bit good. • Use Less Text–More Graphics.

• Tables are by and large non effectual. If you must utilize a tabular array in a ocular assistance. show merely those figures you specifically mention in your tabular array. • If exposures are to be used. be certain they are unlittered and close-up. When utilizing charts and Graphs:

o Graphs or charts should be read from the underside.
O Show a few grid lines to assistance in reading a graph or chart. O Use a graduated table along either the horizontal or perpendicular axis of a graph. saloon chart. or column chart alternatively of Numberss at the terminals of the bars or columns. • Pie Charts

o Pie charts are good for demoing comparative parts of the whole. o Limit pie charts to no more than 6 pieces.
o Avoid demoing pieces of less than 10 % of the sum. Unite all these into an “other” class. O When possible. utilize colour instead than hatching to separate pieces of the pie. • Bar Charts

o Bar graphs are best for comparing magnitudes.
o Keep multiple bars and stacked bars to a minimal since they are harder to understand ; the audience should be able to read and understand your chart in less than 30 seconds. o Provide a fable or label the bars straight.

o Limit figure of bars shown on a saloon chart and supply equal spacing between them. • Line and Area Charts
o Line graphs show trends or correlativity efficaciously.
o Limit line charts to no more than 5 lines for readability. o Whenever possible. differentiate lines by colour and thickness instead than by symbols to avoid jumble. o Include merely those informations that illustrate the point you want to do – don’t overdo it in one chart. o Position labels horizontally instead than vertically.

o Whenever possible. label bars and lines straight instead than utilizing fables for faster apprehension. o Keep “decorations” such as tick Markss. grids and labels to a lower limit. o Divide the axis into units that are multiples of two. five. or ten for easiness of reading. o Make sure that charts are simple and clear. Axs should be labeled and units should be included. O Use the 3D consequence included with many presentation artworks bundles meagerly. o Even if the chart makes a clear point. reiterate the point in clear English on the graphic. A small overstatement ne’er hurt. o Place no more than four coincident symbols. values or lines on a graph. o Make each line or symbol clearly distinguishable from the remainder and label it conspicuously. o Label axes. include an appropriate figure of mention ticks and label their values in a logical mode. e. g. . 0. 10. 20. 30 non 0. 001. 5. 397. 6. 256. etc. Os Make the lines sufficiently bold as to be seeable from a distance. Use colour if possible. o Avoid cross hatching and diagonal shading on graphs.

o Too small shadowing ever works better than excessively much shading. Colour Use on Slides

Use colour with a intent. Such as:
• To stress a tendency line. a constituent. a row of informations. a rubric ; or • To place a repeating subject throughout the presentation ( show related informations in the same colour ) ; or • To separate existent from projected. one tendency from another ; or • To typify the significance of a word ( “losses” in bluish. “Go” in green ) . • By and large. utilize no more than four colourss in a individual ocular. • Black backgrounds cause jobs ; dark bluish plants best for slides or computing machine presentations. • Avoid utilizing bright. vivacious colourss such as ruddy. gold. bright blue or bright green as background colourss. • Blue or ruddy type is hard to read ( the most clear combination is xanthous type on a dark background ) . • Red text on a dark background is inordinately difficult to read for a slide or onscreen presentation. Red text on a dark background is inordinately difficult to read • Avoid ruddy letters all together.

• The best readability comes from high contrast of strength instead than by clangs of colour. • Dark background with light lettering by and large works best. • Do non utilize combinations of red/green. brown/gray. or red/blue. • Foreground should contrast aggressively with background.

• Choose and stick with one colour pallet throughout the presentation. • Use colored backgrounds instead than white or clear.
• Use a dull colour such as grey to expose axes. tick Markss. and grids to avoid deflecting from the informations itself. • To foreground text on a dark background. usage either a bolder fount or a bright yellow. xanthous orange or white. Highlight text on a dark background utilizing a bold fount and bright colourss • Color combinations that increase visibleness include white on medium blue. black on yellow ; ne’er use black on a dark background. • Avoid brassy colourss. cold colourss ( e. g. . blue ) . vanishing colourss ( e. g. . yellow ) and colourss at opposite terminals of the spectrum that “jump” ( e. g. . red on green or ruddy and bluish ) . Besides. be cognizant that a part of the audience may hold red/green/brown colour sightlessness. These colourss should non be placed on top of each other because they will non stand out. but depending on their strength. will intermix into each other ( e. g. . a ruddy point on a green background will non be seen ) . Presentation Plan

• Opening- Introduce participants and province your intent. • Title Slide – The first slide in your presentation must incorporate the rubric of the paper ( as printed in the Proceedings ) . and the writer name ( s ) and association ( s ) . • Purpose Slide – The 2nd slide should province the intent of the work you will depict ( i. e. . the job you have addressed ) . • Outline Slide – The 3rd slide should show a concise lineation of your presentation. • The body- Subdivide for better apprehension.

• Summary-Brief. simple. reenforce cardinal points. Ask for inquiries. • Closing- Points made from inquiries and base on balls out press release. Presentation Delivery
• Posture. place: stand up directly ; confront the audience. • Hands. gesticulation: usage gestures. but non in a excessively inordinate manner. • Eye contact: do positive oculus contact. one individual at a clip ; keep for 3-5 seconds ( “one thought long” ) ; do certain that your audience. including those at the dorsum and on your far right and left. hold the feeling that you are talking straight to them from clip to clip ; pass more clip with the audience than with your paper ; avoid utilizing text visuals as cue cards or crutches for what you’re traveling to state. • Voice. address: speak easy. clearly and non excessively fast ; do effectual usage of intermissions ; utilize short sentences ; vary the velocity and the volume to stress peculiar parts of your talk ; state the audience what you are traveling to state them. so state them. state them what you have told them. and halt ; speak clearly and avoid a drone. Let your assurance. strong belief. and enthusiasm show through. • Media. handling: maestro your proficient AIDSs with assurance. make non play about with pens. arrows or coins in your pockets ; utilize pens or crystalline arrows to direct attending to the transparences ; go forth each chart long plenty on position. • Use a arrow – optical maser or metal – to indicate to the slides and the information on them ; if you are right-handed base with the slides on your right. Talk to your audience ; don’t read them a paper. Think of this as a communicating with your audience Ask for Question Ask for Questions

• Be glad your audience is inquiring inquiries ; it shows they’re paying attending. • Be patient and listen to the inquiry without stepping on
the questioner’s words. • Pause before reacting ; don’t hotfoot your reply. Make the inquirer feel that the inquiry was of import plenty for you to believe about an reply. • Repeat the inquiry into the mike so that everyone in the room knows what it is. Answer merely the inquiry that’s been asked— no more and no less. • Answer with oculus contact on others in the room. non merely the individual who asked the inquiry. Feedback

• Ask for feedback on your ocular AIDSs and presentation manner from the session moderator. commission members. or staff. These people have seen many presentations and can supply constructive remarks to do your following presentation even better. Thankss

• Thank everyone for coming.
• Thank co-authors or others who have helped with your presentation. Below are merely a few suggestions you should utilize to get the better of your talking anxiousness. The first and most of import of all is readying. Nothing will loosen up you more than to cognize you are decently prepared. Below are 10 stairss you can take to cut down your address anxiousness. 1. Know the room – become familiar with the topographic point in which you will talk. Arrive early and walk around the room including the speech production country. Stand at the reading desk. talk into the mike. Walk around where the audience will be seated. Walk from where you will be seated to the topographic point where you will be talking. 2. Know the Audience – If possible. recognize some of the audience as they arrive and chat with them. It is easier to talk to a group of friends than to a group of aliens. 3. Know Your Material – If you are non familiar with your stuff or are uncomfortable with it. your jitteriness will increase. Practice your address or presentation and revise it until you can show it with easiness. 4. Learn How to Relax – You can ease tenseness by making exercisings. Sit comfy with your dorsum heterosexual.

Breathe in easy. keep your breath for 4 to 5 seconds. so easy exhale. To loosen up your facial musculuss. open your oral cavity and eyes broad. so shut them tightly. 5. Visualize Yourself Talking – Imagine yourself walking confidently to the reading desk as the audience applauds. Imagine yourself talking. your voice loud. clear and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful. you will be successful. 6. Recognize People Want You To Succeed – All audiences want talkers to be interesting. exciting. enlightening and entertaining. They want you to win – non neglect. 7. Don’t apologize For Being Nervous – Most of the clip your jitteriness does non demo at all. If you don’t state anything about it. cipher will detect.

If you mention your jitteriness or apologise for any jobs you think you have with your address. you’ll merely be naming attending to it. Had you remained soundless. your hearers may non hold noticed at all. 8. Concentrate on Your Message – non the medium – Your nervous feelings will disperse if you focus your attending off from your anxiousnesss and concentrate on your message and your audience. non yourself. 9. Turn Nervousness into Positive Energy – the same nervous energy that causes phase fright can be an plus to you. Harness it. and transform it into verve and enthusiasm. 10. Derive Experience – Experience builds assurance. which is the key to effectual speech production. Most get downing talkers find their anxiousnesss decrease after each address they give. If the fright of public speech production causes you to fix more. so the fright of talking serves as its ain best counterpoison. Remember. “He who fails to fix is fixing for failure – so Prepare. Prepare. Prepare”
