VIisual Aids In Presentations Essay Sample

You should merely utilize ocular AIDSs if they are necessary to keep involvement and assist comprehension in your presentation. Do non utilize ocular AIDSs merely to show your technological competency – making so may compromise the chief point of your presentation – acquiring your messages across clearly and briefly. If ocular AIDSs are used good they will heighten a presentation by adding impact and beef uping audience engagement. yet if they are managed severely they can destroy a presentation. Most ocular AIDSs will necessitate beforehand readying and should be operated with efficiency. If you wish to utilize such AIDSs in an unfamiliar room or location. look into what installations are available in progress so that you can be after your presentation consequently.

Different types of ocular AIDSs

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There are many different types of ocular AIDSs. The undermentioned advice will assist you do the most of those most normally used.

PowerPoint ( or equivalent )

Microsoft PowerPoint is likely now the most normally used signifier of ocular assistance. Used good. it can truly assist you in your presentation ; used severely. nevertheless. it can hold the opposite consequence. The general rules are:

Overhead projector slides/transparencies

Overhead projector slides/transparencies are displayed on the overhead projector ( OHP ) – a really utile tool found in most talk and seminar suites. The OHP undertakings and enlarges your slides onto a screen or wall without necessitating the visible radiations to be dimmed. You can bring forth your slides in three ways:

pre-prepared slides: these can be words or images either manus written/drawn or produced on a computing machine ; spontaneously produced slides: these can be written as you speak to exemplify your points or to enter remarks from the audience ; a mixture of each: attempt adding to pre-prepared slides when doing your presentation to demo motion. highlight alteration or signal elaborate interrelatednesss. Make certain that the text on your slides is big plenty to be read from the dorsum of the room. A utile regulation of pollex is to utilize 18 point text if you are bring forthing slides with text on a computing machine. This should besides assist cut down the sum of information on each slide. Avoid giving your audience excessively much text or excessively complicated diagrams to read as this limits their ability to listen. Try to avoid lists of abstract words as these can be deceptive or uninformative.

White or black board

White or black boards can be really utile to assist explicate the sequence of thoughts or modus operandis. peculiarly in the scientific disciplines. Use them to clear up your rubric or to enter your cardinal points as you introduce your presentation ( this will give you a fixed list to assist you recap as you go along ) . Rather than anticipating the audience to follow your spoken description of an experiment or procedure. compose each phase on the board. including any complex nomenclature or precise mentions to assist your audience take accurate notes. However. one time you have written something on the board you will either hold to go forth it at that place or rub it off – both can be deflecting to your audience. Check to do certain your audience has taken down a mention before rubbing it off – there is nil more frustrating than non being given adequate clip! Avoid go forthing out of day of the month stuff from an earlier point of your presentation on the board as this might confound your audience. If you do necessitate to compose ‘live’ . look into that your audience can read your authorship.

Paper press releases

Handouts are improbably utile. Use a press release if your information is excessively elaborate to suit on a slide or if you want your audience to hold a full record of your findings. See the virtues of go throughing round your press releases at the beginning. center and terminal of a presentation. Given excessively early and they may turn out a distraction. Given excessively tardily and your audience may hold taken excessively many unneeded notes. Given out in the in-between and your audience will necessarily read instead than listen. One powerful manner of avoiding these booby traps is to give out uncomplete press releases at cardinal phases during your presentation. You can so foreground the losing inside informations vocally. promoting your audience to make full in the spreads.

Flip chart

A impudent chart is a big tablet of paper on a base. It is a really utile and flexible manner of entering information during your presentation – you can even utilize pre-prepared sheets for cardinal points. Record information as you go along. maintaining one chief thought to each sheet. Flip back through the tablet to assist you recap your chief points. Use the turning of a page to demo patterned advance from point to indicate. Remember to do your composing clear and clear and your diagrams every bit simple as possible.

Video ( DVD or VHS )

Video gives you a opportunity to demo stimulating ocular information. Use picture to convey motion. images and sound into your presentation. Always make certain that the cartridge holder is straight relevant to your content. State your audience what to look for. Avoid demoing any more movie than you need.

Artifacts or props

Sometimes it can be really utile to utilize artifacts or props when doing a presentation ( think of the safety modus operandi on an airplane when the steward shows you how to utilize the safety equipment ) . If you bring an artifact with you. do certain that the object can be seen and be prepared to go through it round a little group or travel to different countries of a big room to assist your audience position it in item. Remember that this will take clip and that when an audience is immersed in looking at an object. they will happen it difficult to listen to your talk. Conceal big props until you need them ; they might deflect your audience’s attending.
