Questions on Voltaire’s Candide Essay Sample

1. In the really first chapter Candide is literally kicked out of the “most beautiful and delightful of possible palaces. ” expelled from an “earthly Eden. ” At the terminal of the novel. he says “we must cultivate our garden. ” What is Voltaire proposing by bordering his narrative in this manner and by repeating the Biblical narrative of the Fall? 2. Why does Candide choose Martin to be his travel comrade? How do Martin’s positions differ from Pangloss’ ? Offer specific inside informations in the two philosophers’ outlooks—yes. cite the work. 3. In what ways does Voltaire’s satire extend beyond his ain clip? To what sorts of political. philosophical. and spiritual lip service does Voltaire use his sarcasm and how make his comments still stand today? 4. What happens to the Anabaptist Jacques? How is his terminal ironic and a defense of Pangloss’ political orientation that this is the best of all possible universes? 5. Explain the wit of how Pangloss “helps” Candide who is lying under a pile of rock. How does Voltaire utilize this episode to assail optimistic doctrine? 6. Why is Candide whipped and Pangloss hanged? What is an “auto-da-fe? How does this event pertain to Voltaire’s sarcasm of the Church? 7. Who sends the old adult female to Candide?

How is this dry? What point does the old adult female service. particularly when her narrative is revealed? 8. What was a “mere affair of modus operandi. ” as described by Cunegonde? How is this satiric? What point does Voltaire do through this portion of the novel? 9. How is Cunegonde treated by the Bulgar captain? How does Don Issachar obtain Cunegonde? What point does Voltaire do through his comments about the work forces and Cunegonde? 10. How does Cunegonde go acquainted with the Grand Inquisitor? What was Cunegonde’s reaction to the auto-da-fe? Why? 11. What happens to Wear Issachar? To the Grand Inquisitor? What advice does the old adult female give to Candide and Cunegonde?

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12. Describe El Dorado. How do the occupants regard gold and gems? How does this differ from the European attitude? Why would anyone go forth El Dorado? What satiric point is Voltaire doing about the pick to go forth?
13. Why does Candide remain devoted to Cunegonde. despite all of his agony. his losingss. the obstructions that he must face—and what does this devotedness exemplify? What point might
Voltaire have tried to show?
14. What does the small farm represent for Candide. for the comrades. and for Voltaire? Why does Voltaire present Cunegonde as so strikingly changed? Has Candide lost and so regained Eden?
