Review of On Jordan’s Stormy Banks Book Essay Sample

With God’s image taking the Israelites through the forests by utilizing the manner of a temple. The Reverend H. Beecher Hicks of the Metropolitan Baptist Church and Senior Servant of its 6. 000 members. gave perceptual experience of the book On Jordan’s Stormy Banks based on his ain experiences and on how through functioning a fold a leader can capture a vision. overcome obstructions. and see the plants of God. The book shared a vision peculiarly of assisting a fold addition a pastor’s vision and attest the fighting through the procedure of seeing that vision fulfilled. Through the image of the Old Testament Tabernacle. H. Beecher Hicks captured the experience such as God’s religious instrument for taking Moses and the Israelites through their journey in the wood and certifying His glorious presence among them.

The book is a consequence of the author’s recent experiences in get bying with the necessity of the Metropolitan Baptist Church for a larger installation in the face of opposition from the community environing the church. Dr. Hicks captured and expounded the religious qualities required for such altering times as the book both Teachs and inspires. It was a manifestation for people rendering service to the church where he or she belongs to on how to cover with the ups and downs of specifying a vision. facing alteration. and covering with the obstructions that stand in the manner. from both inside and outside the church. “The job with visions. ” Dr. Hicks writes. “is that they don’t come with ‘how to’ manuals or an 800 figure to name for proficient support. ” Despite this. God showed his fidelity in many ways. sometimes after grit and grimy work and sometimes through unaccountable miracles ( Hicks. 2004 ) .

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The book aimed to transfuse to those functioning the church such as a curate. who Dr. Hocks manifested. must presume the function of priest-watchperson if he or she is to efficaciously convey the vision to the people and being one with them in encompassing the vision and guaranting its fulfilment. If a curate or any church service adult male for that affair do non turn out to be up. capable and has willingness for the undertaking. any effort to convey the vision to the people and the people to the vision will be useless. The book admonished and instructed curates who

would be visionaries of this duty and Dr. Hicks besides used this vision in his service to the Metropolitan Baptist Church which “is a vibrant. multicultural fold whose vision is every bit wide as the grace of God and a church in passage. edifice on the strength of historic yesteryear while claiming the new location for ministry that God has given. ” Dr. Hicks descriptively stated that there are minutes in every pastor’s life when God sends a godly electronic mail and it seems that the curate is the lone 1 who received it. When such minutes arrive. the curate is in the awkward place of relaying a message to the people. who view it as irrelevant at best. It frequently falls on blind eyes and deaf ears. In such minutes. doing a sacrificial committedness to the vision and utilizing the preached word to leave the vision are indispensable ( p. 26 ) . As Ezekiel said: “But if the watcher see the blade semen. and blow non the cornet. and the people be non warned ; if the blade semen. and take any individual from among them. he is taken off in his wickedness ; but his blood will I necessitate at the watchman’s manus. So thou. O boy of adult male. I have set thee a watcher unto the house of Israel ; hence 1000 shalt hear the word at my oral cavity. and warn them from me” ( Ezek. 33:6–7 )


Ezekiel. The responsibility of the watcher appointed by God: the justness of God’s ways: his judgements upon the Jews.Old Testament Bible. English College at Douay

Hicks. H. B. Jr. ( 2004 ) .On Jordan’s Stormy Banks.Michigan: Zondervan.

Metropolitan Baptist Church. ( 1864 )Our Vision and Principles.Copyright 2007. Retrieved January 3. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. metropolitanbaptist. org/
