Sanaysay Tungkol Sa Pagmamahal Sa Bayan at Wika Essay Sample

1. Bienvenido Juliano-In the span of 32 old ages as a Chemist in charge of grain quality research at the International Rice Research Institute ( IRRI ) from 1961-1993. Dr. Juliano contributed significantly to basic cognition in varietal differences in grain quality of table rice and rice nutrient merchandises and rice nutritionary quality. from his researches done at IRRI and in collaborative surveies with scientists in related subjects. Furthermore. new and improved methods for quality rating were developed and tested. 2. Jose Juliano-Dr. Juliano is known for his researches in atomic chemical science and natural philosophies. Noteworthy of his published research works which entire 50 are ( 1 ) Rapid and Non-destructive Analysis of Sulfur and Calcium by Radioactivation and Photoneutron Counting. ( 2 ) Decomposition of Iron-52 and Iron-53. His parts have helped achieve increased apprehension of atomic scientific discipline. 3. Clara Y Lim-Sylianco-Dr. Lim-Sylianco focused on mutagens. antimutagens. and bio-organic mechanisms on her research.

Her legion finds of environmental mutagens earned her research lab at the University of the Philippines the appellation of being an international preparation centre for the sensing of chemical mutagens by the Research Planning in Biological Sciences. Washington D. C. . USA in 1986. every bit good as her assignment as a member of the International Advisory Committee on Antimutagens in 1989. She is besides the writer of five books in organic chemical science. biochemistry. familial toxicology. and molecular nutrition. which are used as mentions by college chemical science pupils all over the Philippines. 4. Luz Oliveros-Belardo-Filipino chemist. Luz Oliveros Belardo researched the phytochemical belongingss of workss in the Philippines for natural merchandises. indispensable oils. and the medicative qualities. She produced 33 extractions of indispensable oils used for seasoning. aromas. and herbal medical specialties. 5. William Padolina-He is known for his plants in Phytochemistry such as biogas coevals from harvest residues. readying of natural insect powders from autochthonal workss. 6. Dr. Armando Kapauan-Amando Kapauan was a Filipino chemist who specialized in environmental chemical science.

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He is best known for his 1970s research on the consequence of heavy metals analysis on the environment. in peculiar quicksilver in Waterss. fish and dirt of the Philippines. 7. Julian Banzon-Julian Banzon researched methods of bring forthing alternate fuels. 8. Benjamin Almeda Jr. – Benjamin Almeda Jr. designed a food-processing machine. 9. Ramon Barba-Ramon Barba is best known for his promotions in Mangifera indica agriculture research and tropical tree physiology. Ramon Barba invented techniques to advance harvest blooming utilizing a K nitrate spray. The Philippines is a taking exporter of Mangifera indicas and Mangifera indica merchandises. 10. Alfredo Santos-Filipino chemist Alfredo Santos is a celebrated research worker in the chemical science of natural merchandises. 11. Eduardo Quisumbing-Eduardo Quisumbing was a celebrated expert in the medicative workss of the Philippines. 12. Enersto Del Rosario-For his outstanding research accomplishments in biotechnology and applied physical chemical science ; specifically alcohol production from cellulosic and starchy stuffs. continuous-flow intoxicant agitation procedure and barm production from waste coconut H2O.

13. Dr. Solita Camara-Besa – is a medical pedagogue and research worker. She has worked on the Na and K content of Philippine nutrients and established criterions utile in the readying of diets. Her series of 8 documents on cholesterin degrees in relation to diets of assorted sections of the Filipino population which are really of import epidemiological basic informations on Filipino give an thought of the importance of fats and cholesterin in the epidemiology of coronary artery disease among Filipinos. 14. Antonio Carlos Laurena- Researchers and their surveies are highlighted during nutrient crises. One of these research workers is Dr. Antonio C. Laurena who focused on agricultural harvests and their biochemical usage. He has done biochemical surveies on black-eyed pea. specifically sing its nutritionary betterment and post-harvest disease opposition.
