Science Today Essay Sample

The scientist. far from being adult males friend. is today his greatest enemy. How far do youagree with this statement? For the past century. scientific discipline has been viewed as a tool of enlightenment. leting Man togain penetrations into the secrets of Mother Nature. and enabling him to pull strings thiscognizance for the greater good of Mankind. As such. scientists are viewed with great respectand esteem. non merely for their talented mind. but every bit good as their service to Mankind. Assuch. I would differ with the statement. However. it is besides possible for scientists to mistake. and if they do so. such a position is justified. In this capitalist age. scientists are frequently driven by greed and their lecherousness for celebrity instead than to assist people. However. scientists are frequently notthe true wielders of the power of scientific discipline. They are moving on the bids of higherauthorities. The nature of the country of research can besides be debatable in the first topographic point. andthis might trip contention among people. To judge a scientist. it would be relevant to first addition cognition on his motivations for research. For many. the temptingness of prosperity and celebrity is hard to defy. The chance of a future lifeof luxury leads many scientists to contemplate playing or even moving against their values. Nottoo long. a Korean scientist claimed to hold had unprecedented determination in the country of genetic sciences.

He managed to derive fame nightlong. but under the examination of the scientificcommunity. defects in his work were detected and indicated that he had falsified his findings. The populace responded rancorously. and it brought shame to him and his state. If a scientistis willing to compromise on his unity to fulfill his demand. the consequence it would hold on Manis frequently adverse. In the instance where a scientist develops a potentially harmful drug butmanages to successfully go through it off as intervention. the effects could be unthinkable. At a casual glimpse. it would look that scientists control their work as they are the onescarrying it out. However. more frequently than non. scientists are non moving based on their will.

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The true wielders of the scientists finds are frequently higher powers such as despoticgovernments or predatory corporations. In North Korea. much of the state already meagre GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) is used to foster the promotion of nucleartechnology and to make arms of mass devastation. Under the government of the late Kim IlSung. it would be virtually impossible for any scientist to withstand him. To move against Kims will would be equivalent to perpetrating self-destruction. and even worse. the slaughter of their households. Hitler besides managed to sit on the credibleness of the scientists to warrant his ain pseudo-science to back up the slaughter of 1000000s of Jews across Europe. Pharmaceutical houses likePfizer and Merck devote merely approximately 5 % of their entire outgo on research to battlediseases harrying the Torrid Zones as those people would non be able to afford the treatmentanyway. Therefore. it is clear scientists do non hold much control over their research after allas they obtain financess from these higher powers.
