Sew What. Inc. Essay Sample

1. How do information engineerings contribute to the concern success of Sew What. Inc? Give several illustrations. The following are information engineerings that contribute to the success of Sew What.

a ) Computer package engineering: Website

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•For illustration. before they put up their web site ( World Wide Web. sewwhatinc. com ) concern was about all local. Duckett admitted that concern couldn’t turn optimally merely by word of oral cavity without encompassing engineering. However. after establishing web site. they now have clients all over the universe and their gross grew 45 % on the old year’s gross revenues. This shows that all growing came from web-driven gross revenues. Sew What? has enjoyed explosive growing within 2005 and making $ 4 million per twelvemonth in gross revenues by the terminal of 2006. Company president Duckett credits much of her firm’s rapid growing to its ability to leverage information engineering and the cyberspace to drive gross revenues. B ) Computer hardware and informations resource direction engineering •Running industry concern requires batch of storage. For illustration. in add-on to client information and critical operational and fiscal files. they need to hive away 1000s of curtain and fabric image files. client direction. papers files. and other types of informations. They use Intel Xeon processor and 146 Gs of disc storage. supported by runing system installed on a Dell PowerEdge 860 waiter.

2. If you were a direction adviser to Sew What. Inc. what would you rede Megan Duckett to make at this point to be even more successful in her concern? What function of information engineering plays in your proposal? I would wish to rede Megan about benchmark. Megan can better her concern by comparing it with other similar sort of concern. such as RoseBrand ( World Wide Web. rosebrand. com ) and NorthEast Stage ( World Wide Web. northeaststage. com ) . As Sew What is a monopolizer in the industry. it barely got any rivals from different sort of house. This means that Sew What should be more originative and advanced to make and better their service. be better than others. besides be more focussed personally to the clients. so that Sew What can ever acquire clients trueness. Besides. she can be more successful with IT by pull offing and treating the stock list.

Duckett stated to add barcode system that can track the fabrication procedure at the company’s warehouse. assist them bring forth accurate monetary value list for orders. This is a good thought to work expeditiously and efficaciously. 3. How could the usage of information engineering aid a little concern you know be more successful? Provide several illustrations. The usage of information engineering helps a little concern to be more successful. Recently. the most common usage of information engineering enables little concern to market their merchandises via online. This is due to about all of the people are used to utilizing devices such as cell phones. laptop. IPad. and BlackBerry. that enable to entree the cyberspace. The existent illustration is on-line store such as World Wide Web. berniaga. com. World Wide Web. tokobagus. com. etc. Those web sites provide people with simple manner of dealing. and now they are quickly developed through web site and societal media
