Strength Quest Essay Sample

“By the terminal of the twenty-four hours you must accomplish something touchable in order to experience good about yourself. No affair how much you may experience you merit a twenty-four hours of remainder. if the twenty-four hours passes without some signifier of accomplishment. no affair how little. you will experience disgruntled. ” ( PH. Ds. Clifton. O. . Anderson. E. . Schreiner. L. . Pg 26 ) When I read this quotation mark in our StrengthsQuest text I felt as if I was depicting my ain personality while starring at myself in the mirror. If there was a sentence to explicate “Chrissy” this would be it. or at least a really good campaigner when sum uping my figure one strength. After finishing my StrengthQuest study online and analysing my consequences with the three people who know me best. my female parent. and my two best friends in the full universe Maryam and Alexis the consequences proved to be highly accurate. ( I must state I was a small disbelieving traveling into this ) After finishing my study my top five strengths in ranking order ( drum axial rotation please ) are as follows ; winner. empathy. harmoniousness. duty. and communicating. In all honestness these consequences did and did non surprise me.

I have ever been really cognizant from a immature age I have ever. I mean ever strived towards accomplishment. I am that person who really suffers from guilt. promotes internal emphasis for themselves if during the twenty-four hours I am non actively accomplishing something in which I feel is of import or needs to acquire done. And this regulation applies to all state of affairss. I could be ill with a high febrility lying on the couch and I will still believe in my caput to myself. “Well I am place ; I should be utilizing my clip sagely. Why don’t you get up and travel get down some wash. make prep and clean the house so tomorrow when you are no longer vomit all of this is completed. ” This strength decidedly has its ups and downs when it comes to life in general and besides how it will assist me stand out as a instructor in the schoolroom. Having the strength of endeavoring to be a high winner will assist me to put an illustration. and be a positive function theoretical account for my pupils in the schoolroom.

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This is the strength which helps me to go “superwoman” when I need to. it will give me the ability to learn my pupils that anything is possible and when we prioritize and work hard to accomplish our ends. non merely will we bask our successes but we will besides see personal satisfaction from the growing we see in ourselves through
these successes. My 2nd and 3rd superior strength were Empathy and Harmony. Out of all the strengths these are the two I feel truly travel hand-in-hand. “Empathy-You can see the sense of emotions of those around you. You can experience what they are experiencing as though their feelings were your ain. Intuitively. you are able to see the universe through their eyes and portion their position. You do non needfully hold with each person’s position. You do non needfully experience commiseration for each person’s predicament-this would be sympathy non empathy. You do non needfully excuse the picks each individual makes. but you do understand.

The natural ability to understand is powerful. ” “Harmony-You expression for countries of understanding. In your position there is small to be gained from struggle and clash. so you seek to keep them to a lower limit. When you know people around you hold differing positions. you try to happen a common land. ” ( PH. Ds. Clifton. O. . Anderson. E. . Schreiner. L. . Pg 26 ) When I was still digesting my strengths out of all the top five listed these two I am most thankful for. and in my sentiment will be the most utile non merely in life. but besides in the schoolroom. The quotation marks I have picked to stand for these strengths above I feel as if non merely depict myself and how I utilize these strengths. but they are the quotation marks I feel which can cohesively depict and paint a ocular representation of how the strengths of empathy and harmony work together in a bundle trade. I am really understanding and accepting of people. I ever have been. The strength of empathy has allowed me to organize highly of import relationships with other persons throughout my life-time in a mostly assorted assortment within highly different groups of people. I “get” people. I may non ever agree with them. but I understand and can associate to them.

Bing an Educator I believe this should be at the top of the list when it comes to working with pupils. doing them experience comfy and assisting them to see the possible within themselves. As an single myself if I can’t relate to my pupils. understand and pick up on their emotions. or have them want to associate to me good so everything. and I mean everything else is out the window. Without holding the ability to construct a strong student/teacher relationship the instructor will ne’er assist the pupil learn because the pupil will non esteem the instructor. and without a common bond the instructor will ne’er be able to “get through” to their pupils. or other of import persons they encounter throughout their life-time.

I feel as if the strength of harmoniousness is the concluding bow on top of the bundle. Harmony completes the apprehension of other persons in its full entity. and helps the instructor happen a common land among pupils. schoolroom direction manner which works best for both pupils and instructor. My strength of duty has chiefly done me good throughout my life-time. but holding the strength in my sentiment can sometimes besides go a failing if non monitored right. I am responsible. and that is great ; one time once more this strength will assist me to put a positive illustration within the schoolroom for my pupils and assist to learn them that in order to fruitfully win in the “real world” it requires a great sum of duty. I hate to state it but without being responsible which isn’t ever the merriment option. as worlds we will ne’er carry through any of our ends. travel frontward. turn or enjoy in our ain successes. Duty is about similar difficult work. it isn’t ever fun but the terminal consequence is highly hearty. Knowing myself good plenty ( every bit good as my female parent and two best friends ) to understand without a uncertainty that I am responsible by nature reassures me that no affair what I will ever acquire the occupation done-generally whatever it takes ; the ruin to the strength is sometimes I need to larn to be more selective with whom I chose to be responsible with and what undertakings.

Necessitating to maintain equilibrium of balance. and reminding myself non to seek to take on the universe can sometimes be thwarting when you are a responsible individual. Lastly my strength of communicating will be a great part non merely in the schoolroom when it comes to presenting and learning content within the schoolroom but it solidifies my strengths of harmoniousness and empathy. When you have the ability to understand and associate to others. every bit good as happen a common land. in order for all of these strengths to play out successfully you besides need to hold the ability to be able to pass on with these other persons ; in this instance my pupils. co-works. co-workers. The manner in which one delivers his/r communicating manner is a direct correlativity with the concluding result of what one is seeking to accomplish. Whether it is a job which has arisen. seeking to present a lesson or implementing the schoolroom regulations on the first twenty-four hours of school for pupils to memorise. regard and follow for the remainder of the twelvemonth.

If communicating is delivered in a hapless mode. or an assaultive idiosyncrasy nil will acquire accomplished and both parties will revenge. This can go on in many schoolroom where the instructor may non deliberately be seeking to “put down” their pupils. but if their communicating abilities are non up to par. alternatively of assisting pupils they could be making the opposite such as detering their pupils and increasing the hazard of pupils dropping out of school and making a low scheme of ego regard. After reading over and analysing my ain consequences for a twenty-four hours or so in order to see if I felt I truly agreed with my concluding result of my StrengthQuest study I called my ma. my best friend Maryam in San Francisco. and showed them personally to my best friend Alexis here in Southern. Ca. I explained to my ma in item what I had done and merely listed off my strengths.

She reasonably much summarized in simpler words back to me what my concluding consequences were without me reading her what the concluding consequences said. Well that solidified that. With Maryam and Alexis I went over the procedure of the study. along with the consequences and what they each said about me. Both of them agreed and even gave me illustrations of different experiences throughout my life-time where they could retrieve when I used certain strengths. Chiefly these experiences/memories had to make with me utilizing my winner position ( Or as they called me a dorky overachiever ) and my empathy/harmony strengths. This truly didn’t surprise me sing these two persons I consider to be my two best friends. and with friendly relationship comes a batch of listening and assisting one another out.

All in all I found the StrengthQuest experience to be rather honoring ; the study may hold non take me down a way of detecting some new strength I was wholly incognizant of but it did assist me acknowledge the strengths I do presently hold. With a new realisation of these strengths I have built assurance in myself cognizing I have these abilities and provides a clearer. more precise way as to where I can utilize these strengths both in life and in the schoolroom.
