The Case of Baby Doe Essay Sample

This instance of babe Doe was a complex instance and a rare one excessively. It was unfortunate that by that clip there were no Torahs steering commissariats of attention as we do today. Today wellness attention directors have more tools in their disposal to assist them undertake the challenges of ethical quandary issues. Both provinces and federal Torahs now makes wellness attention directors more cognizant of ethical issues compared to 1970s. they now closely regulate instances like the one of babe Doe described in page 16 of our text of Ethical motives in Health Services Management by Darr ( 2011 ) .

What makes the instance of babe Doe an ethical quandary? Before traveling into item of the instance of babe Doe. it is really of import to understand the term ethical quandary. Harmonizing to Darr ( 2011 ) . “ethical quandary occur when determination shapers are drawn in two waies by the viing classs of the action that are based on differing moral models. changing or inconsistent elements of the organisational doctrine. conflicting responsibilities or moral rules. or an ill-defended sense of right and incorrect. ” Page 3

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Respect for individual is handling every individual. as you would desire to be treated. and from the instance of babe. Doe both the parents and the infirmary staffs did non exhibit regard for babe Doe because they allowed him to decease without giving him the opportunity to undergo the surgical process offered by the physicians. Both the parents and the infirmary knew that the surgery could assist pamper Doe but denied the surgery establishing it on the mental deceleration status which harmonizing to the narrative was non even given clip to be decently evaluated. Harmonizing to Darr ( 2011 ) . “respect for a individual has four elements and the four elements are autonomy. this requires that one act toward others in ways that allow them be autonomous – to take and prosecute classs of action and to make so. a individual must be rational and uncoerced. Other elements of regard for a individual are truth stating. confidentiality. and fidelity which is making one’s responsibilities or maintaining one’s word. ”

Did the hospital/physicians allow the parent of Doe to be independent in their decision- devising? The reply to the above inquiry is yes and is because the doctors gave to the parents of Doe all the possibilities and chances of the surgical process. The process presented to the parents had high success evaluation for the duodenal atresia surgery which harmonizing to the doctors would assist pamper Doe acquire the necessary nutriment his organic structure would necessitate to last but the because of his mental deceleration status the parents decided to deny him the process hence it resulted into babe Doe’s decease. Harmonizing Christman. John. “Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy” . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Spring 2011 Edition ) . Edward N. Zalta ( ed. ) .

URL = & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/archives/spr2011/entries/autonomy-moral/ & gt ; .

“Individual liberty is define as an thought that is by and large understood to mention to the capacity to be one’s ain individual. to populate one’s life harmonizing to grounds and motivations that are taken as one’s ain and non the merchandise of manipulative or falsifying external forces. ” Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/entries/autonomy-moral/

Beauchamp. Tom. “The Principle of Beneficence in Applied Ethics” . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Fall 2008 Edition ) . Edward N. Zalta ( ed. ) . URL = & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/archives/fall2008/entries/principle-beneficence/ & gt ; . “Paternalism is defined as the knowing overriding of one person’s known penchants or actions by another individual. where the individual who overrides justifies the action by the end of benefiting or avoiding injury to the individual whose penchants or actions are overridden. An act of paternalism. in short. overrides the value of independent pick on evidences of beneficence. ” Retrieved from

hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/archives/fall2008/entries/principle-beneficence/

From the above paragraph. one can easy reason that the parents of babe Dow were so allow to exert paternalism because they were allowed by both the doctors and the infirmary to deny babe Doe the necessary surgery. Harmonizing to Darr ( 2011 ) . “extending the rules of beneficence and nonmaleficence is acceptable for the organisation to seek intercession and obtain permission to handle an baby against the parent’s wants. The moral irresistible impulse to make so is particularly great when the parents are non moving in the child’s best involvements. but it besides noted that this moral responsibility must be exercised as a last resort. ”

Did the hospital/physicians act beneficently? The reply to this inquiry is no and is no because from the definition of beneficence from the Stanford Internet Encyclopedia. “beneficence is the term beneficence connotes Acts of the Apostless of clemency. kindness. and charity. and is implicative of selflessness. love. humanity. and advancing the good of others. In ordinary linguistic communication. the impression is wide ; and understood still more loosely in ethical theory. to include efficaciously all signifiers of action intended to profit or advance the good of other individuals. The linguistic communication of a rule or regulation of beneficence refers to a normative statement of a moral duty to move for the benefit of others. assisting them to foster their of import and legitimate involvements. frequently by forestalling or taking possible injuries. ” Retrieved from

hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/archives/fall2008/entries/principle-beneficence/

From the above definition had the doctors and the infirmary intervene to halt the parents of babe Doe. one can state yes the exercised beneficence and hence acted beneficently but in babe Doe’s it was non and the parents’ paternalism prevailed that was why the doctors withdrew the system that provided Doe with nutriment and finally he died of desiccation.

From the beginning of the instance. yes the doctors considered nonmaleficence that was why they recommended surgery for the duodenal atresia. They said it has high success rate and that was the first measure in non doing injury to one ego but since the parents of Doe did non considered nonmaleficence. they opted to deny him the surgery finally doing him his life.

Harmonizing to Washington section of instruction. nonmaleficence requires of us that we non deliberately make a gratuitous injury or hurt to the patient. either through Acts of the Apostless of committee or skip. In common linguistic communication. we consider it carelessness if one imposes a careless or unreasonable hazard of injury upon another. Supplying a proper criterion of attention that avoids or minimizes the hazard of injury non merely supported by our normally held moral strong beliefs. but besides by the Torahs of society as good. In a professional theoretical account of attention one may be morally and lawfully blamable if one fails to run into the criterions of due attention. Retrieved from

hypertext transfer protocol: //depts. Washington. edu/bioethx/tools/princpl. html # prin2

There was no justness to pamper Doe from the side of the infirmary to pamper Doe. There was no justness from the side of both the infirmary and the parents and is because the infirmary could hold intervened on behave of babe since they know that if the surgery is done it will give pamper the nourishment line of life. Merriam –Webster dictionary define justness as. “the quality of being merely. impartial. or just. ” Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/justice

Harmonizing to Darr ( 2011 ) . “Rawls defined justness as equity. ” Page 30 from this definition. harmonizing Darr it implies that a individual acquire what is due them. However. for babe Doe’s instance the parents and the infirmary did non move in a merely manner such that they could harmonize to pamper Doe what is due to him and in this instance what was due to pamper Doe was his life.

The infirmary did non make what it could because they did non utilize the option of nonmaleficence and beneficence which would let them to move on behave of baby Doe to supply for babe Doe the necessary intervention in that instance was the proviso of the intervention of surgery. In explicating the status of babe Doe. the infirmary has had account adequate for the surgical process. but they did non decently explicate the mental deceleration status and it was because of the mental deceleration status that made the parents of babe Doe to make up one’s mind against the surgery for the rectification of the duodenal atresia. However. the success rate is really high and could assist pamper Doe live.


Darr. K. ( 2011 ) . Ethical motives in Health Services Management: Health Professions Press. Inc. Baltimore. Maryland 21285-0624
Retrieved on January 08. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //depts. Washington. edu/bioethx/tools/princpl. html # prin2
Retrieved on January 08. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/archives/fall2008/entries/principle-beneficence/
Retrieved on January 08. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/justice
Retrieved on January 08. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu/entries/autonomy-moral/
