TANF Program Case Essay Sample

The fact that TANF refuses to pay for excess benefits for kids born to adult females while they are having a benefit does look to hold some good purposes. and might win in forestalling adult females from being careless about their subsequent gestations. However. the TANF policy does non take into consideration those adult females who are prevented from utilizing birth control methods for spiritual or other cultural grounds. For illustration. Catholic adult females are out the use of birth control. and other cultural beliefs may badly restrict the birth control options available to such adult females. The VDSS. as a section of the authorities within the United States. does look to ignore the sensitive issue sing cultural beliefs. In such a state. people should hold freedom to subscribe to these beliefs without fright of holding benefits denied them.

The policy does look to infringe on privateness to some extent. as it acts as a justice refering the degree of duty that people exhibit while executing sexual Acts of the Apostless that lead to the reproduction of kids. However. since the province might be required to supply financially for these kids. it seems just that they should determine that those responsible for the creative activity of these kids do move every bit responsibly as possible—in order to cut down the overall fiscal load on the Virginia State Department.

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However. some places contain parents of bush leagues that are no more suited as parents than the bush leagues are considered to be by the province. They may incorporate inattentive parents. every bit good as grownups who abuse controlled substances. They may besides incorporate grownups who are opprobrious to the minor parents and who may be opprobrious to the child/children born to those bush leagues. In such instances. the minor parents might be at hazard of being verbally or physically abused. Parents disappointed in the “misfortune” of their bush leagues who have now had kids of their ain may continually show this letdown. psychologically marking non merely the minor parents. but besides the kids born to them. Furthermore. the aid and counsel that the Virginia Department of Social Services expects to come from these parents may be withheld for malicious grounds. or merely because the grownups are unable to get by with the alteration in fortunes.


Virginia Department of Social Services. ( 2006 ) . Commonwealth of Virginia. Retrieved on December 3. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. darmstadtium. Virginia. gov/benefit/
