“The Death of Music” Robert R Reilly in Surprised by Beauty Essay Sample

I personally disagree with the impressions that music is intended entirely for the intent of any one docket.

It is a medium for contemplation. It is a mirror.

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A mirror reflects the image of whatever is directed at it ; similarly. music reflects the immediate emotion that is conveyed by the musician playing it and translates that into an hearable. touchable sound that speaks into the audience. Music entirely has no intent. merely as a mirror is empty with observing to reflect. hence in order for music to hold intent. an image to reflect must be given to it.

Initially as the article provinces. music was thought to be a remembrance of the Eden lost. It was medium that connects us to our spiritualty. which in bend brings us closer into that kingdom which is described as the Eden lost. It was believed that it was this ‘connection’ that gave music its absolute key and harmonic peace. But as the theistic beliefs of an absolute divinity died. so did this particular relationship between music and the Gods. Music was the once more stripped to nil but a mirror and since it was empty of any contemplation. and since the lone contemplation that was left was the contemplation of our animal egos. a new theory of music was introduced.

Artists such as John Cage sought to make full this nothingness with his ain image. an image that depicts a signifier of art free of any bounds and boundaries. A new school of idea that encouraged that music in its true signifier must hold no prejudice. no signifier. It was music reflecting the current status of the human being at the clip when God was non-existent. It was period of ‘finding beauty within chaos’

Both positions are neither right nor incorrect. both have defects that make each theory clang on itself. But put together. the defects. I believe. can be eliminated. As I have stated earlier. music in it’s true signifier is nil but a mirror. a tool that we use to reflect our current mental and religious province. Hence the two extremes put together can and would take us to the decision that music’s ultimate intent is what we make it to be.

Music will ne’er a have a intent of its ain. but it will ever hold a contemplation. because every bit long as we live. music has a intent. We are music. what we feel. what we desire ; what we see. what we can’t see. Everything and anything that concerns us will ever be what our music is approximately.

Music is defined by what we are as worlds.
