Robert Frost Essay Sample

How does Robert Frost win in making a clear and graphic image of the unusual incident that he depict? – The description of the scene before. during and after the incident itself – The ideas and feelings of the storyteller

– Actions and attitudes of the other people in the verse form
– Use of linguistic communication

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Robert Frost succeeds in making a clear and graphic image of the hideous incident. before during and after the event has happened. He adds ideas and feelings of the storyteller which helps. Even though it is an disconnected gap “the bombilation saw snarled and rattled in the yard” the words “buzz” “snarled” and “rattled” are all onomatopoeic words which gives them all an carnal sound about them. for illustration a bee a king of beasts and a serpent. All of these are threes of unsafe animate beings which sets the scene as unsafe before the accident. the writer besides uses personification to exemplify an animalistic and unsafe image about going life like which is illustrated to the reader as if the proverb was a serpent. this foreshadows the awful that is about to go on. “Stove length sticks of wood. scene-scented” the sibilance gives the consequence of the scene being soft and smooth and quieting which counteracts the really first sentence. Frost uses imagination to depict the scene of the work topographic point where the male child is cutting down wood in Vermont.

He talks about the mountains seeable in the distance under the sundown being able to smell the “sweet scented…breeze” coming from the wooden dust ; sibilance is used to soften the tone making a composure and relaxed environment. However this is so destroyed by the immature male child and the accident. While the male child is outside working his sister calls him for “supper” . “At the word. the proverb. as if to turn out saws cognize what supper meant. leaped out at the boys manus. or seemed to leap” once more the author is bodying the proverb so that it seems about like an animate being at the menagerie waiting for feeding clip. or so that it doesn’t slaying any longer trees. Caesura is besides used. “neither refused the meeting. but the manus! ” this gives a feeling of brusqueness and sudden realization to what has merely happened to the male child. It makes the reader feel as if they can see it in their heads oculus. It is if a decease is waiting to go on.

“The male childs foremost call was a contrite laugh” this shows how aghast he and everyone else were. “As he swung toward them keeping up the manus. half in entreaty. but half as if to maintain the life from spilling” this indicates that losing his arm would be like losing everything because it such a needful thing in this clip. to be able to half both custodies to work. Besides “life” is a metaphor for the blood that would be pouring out of him. this reinforces the fact his life is stealing off and his clip is nigh. “a large male child making a mans work. though a kid at heart” this gives the consequence that his whole life has flashed before him and his life may be over. world has hit place. Finally by the clip the physician arrived it was excessively late to salvage his manus and he was put in the “dark” . he was put to kip. this could mean decease and how it was dark and cold by the household how they merely “turned to their affairs” they went back to work and mundane concern straight off without mourning. The pulse rate was watched as it went down. “little-less-nothing” this mirrors the pulse rate in his really last minutes.
