The Efficacy of an Argument Against Technology Essay Sample

In his on-line article. Nicholas Carr discusses engineering and its consequence on the human encephalon. He conducted in depth research on the encephalon and the manner it responds to the usage of engineering. Carr makes the statement that despite its benefits. engineering has an finally negative consequence on the encephalon. He reports that through several surveies. research workers have found that although the usage of engineering additions encephalon map. it besides rewires the head in a negative manner. Professor Gary Small supports this fact stating “’more encephalon activity is non needfully better encephalon activity’” ( Paragraph 4 ) . Carr uses the cyberspace as a premier illustration of today’s common engineering usage and argues that. because of the changeless displacements that are made when utilizing the World Wide Web ; the encephalon is being rewired and restructured to restrict the sum of information that is taken in. doing a deficiency of critical thought accomplishments. His statement is steadfastly supported with a apparently eternal sum of factual information. professional sentiments. research. and metaphorical devices. This changeless usage of Son is what makes Carr’s argument effectual.

Throughout his article. Carr uses believable beginnings to support his statement. He instantly starts off by presenting Gary Small. a Professor of psychopathology at UCLA. Carr describes in item the place that Small holds on Internet and its effects on the encephalon and how it related to his ain belief ( Paragraph 1 ) . Harmonizing to Carr. the consequences of Smalls experiments proved that the changeless usage of Internet is in fact decelerating down our heads. Carr’s usage of a believable and educated professional set a strong and logical foundation to his statement. This usage of logos entreaty gives his audience tested grounds to fit his ain sentiment.

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Carr discusses the sentiments of several professionals in his article. These sentiments match that of his ain. doing his statement more plausible. Small’s research supports his sentiment that the utilizing the cyberspace does increase encephalon activity. but that is non needfully a good thing ( Paragraph 4 ) . Carr besides mentions that surveies done by professionals such as psychologists and brain doctors. all “…point to the same decision: When we go on-line. we enter an environment that promotes casual reading. hurried and distracted thought. and superficial learning” ( Paragraph 5 ) . Carr’s statement is progressively more convincing because of his usage of dependable professional sentiments.

In his research Carr found a past. real-life illustration of how engineering affects the heads of pupils. He discusses the 1980’s as a clip for turning usage of engineering in schools. Carr found that among the apparently multiple advantages of the usage of computing machines in schools. there are even greater disadvantages. Research revealed that something every bit simple as reading text from the computing machine instead than a book slowed down the learning procedure and diminished the ability of pupils to retrieve what they read ( Paragraph 6 ) . Carr’s research combined a relatable illustration with the logos entreaty to make a farther convincing statement for his audience.

To even further entreaty to his audience. Carr uses metaphors to logically reason his point. He compares reassigning information from working memory to long-run memory to the action of “…filling a bathing tub with a thimble” ( Paragraph 13 ) ; non an impossible undertaking. but decidedly a long and grueling one. He continues this metaphor with a connexion to the usage of the cyberspace. He argues that. “On the Net. we face many information spigots. all traveling full blast. Our small thimble floods as we rush from pat to tap. We transfer merely a little clutter of beads from different spigots. non a uninterrupted. coherent stream” ( Paragraph 14 ) . This metaphor describes the legion yet minuscule sums of information that our encephalons procedure when we are utilizing the cyberspace. Carr’s usage of a metaphorical device helps appeal to his audience by logically uncovering a different manner of sing his statement. doing it even more effectual.

It could be challenged that Carr’s statement is non effectual because he makes a dominant usage of the logos entreaty but really small ethos and poignancy entreaties. Although this is a valid point. one should first see the sum of one entreaty used and its possible consequence on the audience. before coming to this decision. Carr steadfastly supports his statement with plentifulness of logical information. His statement is wholly backed with believable beginnings. and nil that he argues is strictly merely his ain sentiment. Although he uses merely the logos entreaty to carry his audience. he uses it in many different ways. The believable beginnings. research. and metaphorical devices that he uses is more than plenty to logically appeal to his audience. and hence negates the demand for any other entreaties.

In his article. Nicholas Carr proposes a insouciant statement on engineering and its effects on the encephalon. Most of today’s young person have come up in a family dominated by engineering. and are nescient to the how coevalss before them got along without it. This coevals knows merely of what they have now. and are incognizant of the negative effects that engineering has on their encephalons. Because of this I would strongly urge Carr’s article to the members of today’s young person. Possibly if it was brought to their attending what engineering is making to them they would be more painstaking about the sum of clip they spend with it. This could be a little measure to forestalling the detrimental development of the human head.
