The Role of Science in Agriculture Essay Sample

The 2000-2001 World Resources Report found that environmental harm. much of it to agricultural land. could hold annihilating deductions for human development and the public assistance of all species. The study. prepared by the United Nations. the World Bank and the World Resources Institute. shows that worlds have become a major force of nature. mostly because of the success of science-based engineerings in pull outing the earth’s resources without proper concern for the environmental effects. Science. though. has a important function to play in assisting us avoid the at hand calamity that is partially of its ain devising. Possibly nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the demand for scientific discipline in developing sustainable agricultural systems.

To understand why this is so it is first necessary to see that alteration in agricultural systems. like all engineering alteration. is an evolutionary procedure. Peoples. as a consequence of the force per unit areas they face and the chances they see. bring forth new thoughts. things. and ways of organizing themselves. If these freshnesss work good so others adopt them and they spread. Agricultural alteration is built up of many reproductions of this freshness coevals. choice and diffusion procedure. merely as we’ve evolved through infinite natural choice loops.

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The chief function of scientific discipline in agribusiness has been to assist us bring forth freshnesss that allow us to bring forth more with less land and less attempt. Consequences have been dramatic. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research ( CGIAR ) . a grouping of 16 international agricultural research institutes. is best known for get downing the Green Revolution of rice and wheat in Asia. In the 30 old ages from 1971 to 2000 the improved harvest assortments produced by the International Rice Research Institute ( IRRI ) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ( CIMMYT ) have helped raise mean rice and wheat outputs by 2. 3 and 1. 65 times severally. assisting to feed an Asiatic population that grew by about 70 % in the same period.

The Green Revolution harvest assortments were freshnesss that husbandmans rushed to follow. In 1982 IR36 was planted on 11 million hectares. doing it the most widely planted rice assortment of all time. However. jobs emerged when 1000000s of
rice husbandmans all moved from turning a figure of their traditional assortments to merely one or two genetically homogeneous assortments. Some of the opposition that the breeders had given the improved assortments against plagues and diseases broke down within 3 to 5 old ages taking to immense harvest losingss. In Indonesia. for illustration. a fifth of husbandmans lost their full harvest to brown works hoppers in 1985 and 1986. Farmers in Thailand and the Philippines suffered a similar destiny.

In evolutionary footings the cause of the job was non with the freshnesss per Se. but with the choice and diffusion mechanisms that led to them to be adopted so widely without sing the effects. Farmers did non cognize the effects because they were used to runing on the graduated table of their ain Fieldss. non to believing about what might go on over 1000000s of hectares. And the research and extension systems that were promoting them to follow did non cognize the effects either. This has been a good lesson to the CGIAR: reductionist scientific discipline that isolates jobs and ignores contexts and scale issues can come dreadfully unstuck even in comparatively simple ecosystems. It does non needfully bring forth sustainable solutions.

Learning this lesson has meant a paradigm displacement in the CGIAR system in which the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ( IITA ) is at the cutting border. IITA has been good placed to take a leading function because it is based in Nigeria. works throughout sub-Saharan Africa. and hence has had to cover with much more complex farming systems than those bing in Asia. What IITA has learned is that scientific discipline has a function non merely in developing freshnesss but besides in understanding choice and diffusion mechanisms. every bit good as in likely effects of engineering alteration. IITA has besides learned that it is non sufficient to merely derive this cognition to hold an impact ; it must besides be put to utilize. This means working together with resource directors and policy shapers so that they contribute to the findings. have ownership of them. and are therefore more likely to utilize them.

IITA is making this in pattern utilizing what’s called the Benchmark Approach. One of IITA’s six Benchmark Areas is in the wood borders of the Congo River Basin. This is an country of 15. 500 square kilometers in Cameroon which IITA selected together with IRAD. the national agricultural research system. to incorporate population gradients. countries with different dirts. tree screen. and entree to market. and other factors that are known to act upon the development of agricultural systems. IITA and IRAD carried out a big study to characterize small towns in the Benchmark Area and so made this information freely available to other research administrations. and encouraged them to fall in research undertakings. There are now five international agricultural research institutes working in the Benchmark Area every bit good as the Food and Agriculture Organization. the World Bank. the World Wildlife Fund. the Johns Hopkins Institute. and assorted NGOs and farmer federations.

Together. this alliance of international and national administrations is undertaking research issues on things such as the links between human wellness. cutting down the wood and agribusiness. the domestication of fruit trees. the integrating of fish into farming systems. and the selling of non-timber wood merchandises. No individual administration could undertake all these issues. Humankind can non trust to decelerate down or hold invasion on what remains of the tropical rain forests without bettering and bracing the forest borders. Science has a function to play and specifically collaborative scientific discipline of the type that the Benchmark Approach is seeking to further.

Professor Niels Roling of Wageningen University in the Netherlands negotiations about the paradigm displacement that IITA is traveling through in footings of facing the ecochallenge ( 1 ) . Roling’s get downing point is that worlds and their actions have become a major force of nature. as the CGIAR system has learned through pest eruptions during the Green Revolution. He argues that while we have good scientific and economic cognition what we lack is widespread automatic cognition about the impacts of our corporate actions on the environment. Economicss can non assist. and is in fact portion of the job because it has built a planetary market that must turn and devour more and more of the earth’s resources every twelvemonth to map expeditiously. To run into the ecochallenge scientific discipline needs to assist lend to a model that guides our choice determinations so that we don’t all grow one rice assortment or cut down the rain forest with annihilating effects for human development and the public assistance of all species. What is needed is a intermixing together of difficult. reductionist scientific discipline with ‘soft’ societal scientific discipline.

What this means in pattern for agribusiness is that we begin with the choice and diffusion procedures and force per unit areas. that is the drivers of engineering alteration. instead than with the freshnesss as we’ve done in the yesteryear. ‘Hard’ scientific discipline is still needed because in 30 old ages clip there will be one 3rd more people populating on our planet and to feed them husbandmans will necessitate to bring forth 50 % more nutrient with less H2O and land. However. difficult scientific discipline demands to seen in the context of how and who it will profit. which is the sphere of the ‘soft’ societal scientific disciplines.

This position helps set the current argument on biotechnology into position. Biotechnology is a suit of tools that allows works breeders to present a greater array of freshness into their works assortments. and choice which work. much faster than they could utilizing conventional works genteelness techniques. There is nil inherently evil or Frankenstein-like about genetically modified workss. However. if world does non concern itself with who controls this freshness coevals and who decides which freshnesss to circulate to husbandmans. so there is a existent danger that big transnational companies may derive control over the nutrient concatenation. driven by the economic logic of presenting higher returns to their stockholders. non the environmental wellness or sustainability of the planet.

20 June 2001

( 1 ) Roling. N. 2000. Gateway to the Garden: Beta/Gamma Science for Covering with Ecological Rationality. Eighth Annual Hopper Lecture. 24 October 2000. University of Guelph. Canada.
