Time And Love Essay Research Paper Corporations

Time And Love Essay, Research Paper

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Corporations or Consumers, Who is Responsible?

The lives and day-to-day modus operandis of many Americans are affected by corporate activities. Corporations provide the basic necessities like nutrient and H2O every bit good as luxuries and pleasances of mundane life. These corporations generate wealth for the economic system and their stockholders, and supply employment for much of the population. One of these powerful corporations is Philip Morris who manufactures and distributes baccy merchandises such as Marlboro ( Morris, 1 ) . This baccy maker non merely generates wealth but besides generates wellness risky hazards for the consumer. Despite increasing warnings about the wellness jeopardies of smoke and widespread prohibitions on smoking in public topographic points, Americans disregard these warnings and still go on to smoke ( Smoking, 4 ) . Subsequently so happening themselves covering with the effects of their poorly made determinations. Therefore, a corporation should non be held responsible for supplying a merchandise. It is the users who should be held accountable for their picks.

The American people have the right to take whether to smoke or non to smoke. There is a batch of information of malignant neoplastic disease hazards from utilizing baccy available to Americans, peculiarly in the media. The American Cancer Society estimates that coffin nails are responsible for more than 400,000 deceases in the United States each twelvemonth ( Smoking, 2 ) . American consumers have been informed that baccy contains nicotine, an habit-forming drug. They besides know that by smoking baccy, it causes lung malignant neoplastic disease, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases. It besides contributes to bosom disease and low birth weight of

neonates. Chewing baccy and inhaling mummy-brown causes malignant neoplastic disease of the oral cavity, nose, and pharynx ( Tobacco, 8 ) . Regardless of these amazing facts, 47 million people still continue to utilize baccy merchandises ( Smoking, 1 ) . Therefore, corporations should non be blamed for consumers hapless decision-making.

Indeed, baccy corporations are cognizant of the wellness hazards baccy can hold on the human organic structure. But can consumers fault these manufacturers for their wellness defects when they are to the full cognizant of the effects smoking baccy has on the human respiratory system? Absolutely non, if this were true so the makers of guns would be held responsible for all the people that have been wounded and assassinated by a gun. Or the automotive corporations would be held apt for all the accidents that occur each twelvemonth. Neverth

eless, consumers are the 1s responsible when they buy a merchandise, more significantly, what they decide to make with it.

Although consumers make their ain picks in smoking coffin nails, do non-smokers hold the pick of inhaling second-hand fume? It is unjust for non-smokers to breath the air that is contaminated by second-hand fume. Each twelvemonth about 3,000 non-smoking grownups dice of lung malignant neoplastic disease as a consequence of take a breathing the second-hand fume from others coffin nails ( Tobacco, 8 ) . These deceases can be easy prevented if tobacco users took involvement in their ain wellness, and by making so, they will be forestalling non-smokers from achieving serious wellness hazards every bit good as their ain.

Tobacco companies such as Philip Morris are non merely involved in fabricating baccy merchandises, but are besides great economic subscribers to society. The Philip Morris Corporation has been back uping instruction causes, equal chance, and regard for diverseness since 1956 ( Morris, 1 ) . In the last decennary, Philip Morris has contributed more than $ 380 million in direct grants and nutrient contributions to hunger-relief charities. Furthermore, this corporation has been back uping human-centered attempts around the universe whether there are temblors, hurricanes, fires, inundations, twisters, ice storms and tragic human catastrophes. American advocators should see and appreciate the title of goodness that the Philip Morris Corporation is making for people around the universe ( Morris, 2 ) .

It is dry that the Philip Morris Company contributes to society but at the same clip they are besides fabricating a merchandise that is harmful to society. Philip Morris Corporation existent purpose is to seek society proof by runing anti-youth smoke bar. When in world it is non sensible to believe that this baccy corporation would desire the young person to halt smoke. Their scheme is to do coffin nails have the Forbidden Fruit consequence ( Klein, 465 ) . These adolescents are instinctively lured to desire what they tell them they are non old plenty to hold. When this happens the net income additions for the corporation.

Corporate duty is non an issue of being responsible of the consumers ill made determinations. A corporation s mere duty is to bring forth income for the economic system and to supply the necessary information on their merchandise. Therefore, it is the consumer s pick and duty to make up one’s mind whether a merchandise is suited for them or non, and if they are willing to cover with the duty that comes with it.

