Whole Foods Essay Sample


1. What are the main elements of the scheme that Whole Foods Market is prosecuting?

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Whole Foods Market is prosecuting the elements in their scheme of fresh. natural and organic nutrients and merchandises with no preservatives or unreal ingredients. Promote a healthier lifestyle and increasing consumer cognition of nutrient safety and environment. They besides educate consumers on how pesticides affect the land every bit good as the human organic structure.

2. Is Whole Foods’ scheme good matched to recent developments and conditions in the natural and organic nutrients section of the nutrient retailing industry? Yes. the Whole Foods scheme has worked good for the company. They have good merchandises and have happy employees who besides obtain portions in the company. They do non hold much competition merely on smaller graduated tables or little countries in bing regular nutrient markets. The company is still spread outing even in this hapless market and geting new shops and companies.

3. Make you believe John Mackey has a good strategic vision for Whole Foods? Why or why non? What do you like/dislike about the company’s “Whole Foods. Whole People. Whole Planet” slogan? Do the slogan and the rules underlying the slogan truly matter at this company or are they merely nice words and window dressing? Explain. Yes. looking at the company’s net incomes and growing John Mackey has an first-class strategic vision for this company and employees. He has managed to keep a top quality merchandise. expand shops all over the state. offer good employee inducements and spread out his nutrient shop ironss all over the USA and some locations abroad. while still doing good net incomes. The slogan to me isn’t two impressive it is merely a drama on words to somehow fit the shops name “Whole Foods” the Motto Whole Foods. Whole People. Whole Planet. If I didn’t know we were speaking about Whole Foods I would hold no thought what message that slogan was seeking to convey.

4. Make WFM’s core values as presented in the instance truly matter? Have they contributed to the company’s success? Why or why non?

Core values do matter every bit long as the company and its direction pattern what they preach. If employees aren’t behind the directors so the company’s success will either be hapless or non-existent. Besides clients can be tough. if they see words on a wall. look around and see hapless shows. moldy nutrient and unhappy/unfriendly shop associates. clients won’t come back. particularly if the merchandises being sold are high terminal and high priced. Whole Foods Market’s Core Values are good. but are really extended and should likely be trimmed down a small and still be able to convey the message the shop wants to show. The company has strived for excellence through their nucleus values and they have achieved that.

5. How good is Whole Foods Market executing from a fiscal position?
The shop is in the black and spread outing their operations and in today’s economic system that is a good thing. In Exhibit 9. Statement of Operations. their gross revenues doubled over 4 old ages but so did their cost of goods sold. Based on the figures in Exhibit 10 the shop is in the positive for working capital holding assets of $ 1. 3M over its liabilities.

6. How good is Whole Foods Market executing from a strategic position? Is the scheme working? Does the company have a winning scheme? Whole Foods Market is executing really good from a strategic position. Whole nutrients seems to be on a much larger graduated table in location. merchandise and shop size so the other wellness nutrient shops. The company does hold a winning scheme many people are willing to pass a few excess vaulting horses to shop at that place for the better quality points that you can buy at that place. The prepared nutrients and bakeshop is a large draw for people particularly individual people that want to eat good healthy/natural nutrient. but do non hold the clip or demand to cook the nutrient themselves. Whole Foods prepared nutrient subdivision is an first-class option for them.

7. What recommendations would you do to John Mackey sing the actions that direction needs to take to prolong the company’s growing and fiscal public presentation? John Mackey should appeal to a larger market and convey down the monetary values at Whole nutrients. so that more people could afford to shop at that place. The monetary value for the norm. mundane household is excessively high to patronize the concatenation for normal food market shopping. Society wants to hold a healthier lifestyle nevertheless the monetary value scope to prolong that lifestyle demands to be more low-cost. Mackey has a really steady growing pattern soon and hence go oning on the way he has set has proven to convey success.
