Working from Home: Its Implementation and Impact on Organization Productivity Essay Sample

Working from Home: Its Implementation and Impact on Organization Productivity

Telecommuting. as it is referred to in the United States. tele-working. as it is referred to in Europe. working from place. home-working. working-at-a-distance. off-site workers. or distant workers are all footings that are used convey the thought that work is something you do. non someplace you go ( Baruch. 2001 ) . Due to its assorted labels and definitions. a deficiency of lucidity exists sing many telecommuting issues. including an agreed-upon figure of telecommuters in today’s work force. In their survey “Measuring the Impact of Workplace Flexibility” the Boston College Center for Work & A ; Family defined telecommuting as “a agenda in which employees conduct their work off-site for some part of their nucleus working hours” . The location of work may be the employee’s place. a satellite office. or some other location outside of the traditional office infinite ( Example: piece on the route or from a client site ) .

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Nowadays. working from place is going an progressively common pattern in current modern epoch. Many professionals and freelance workers have work at place on a regular day-to-day footing. The attending has been focused late on the possibility of full clip employees to execute their day-to-day undertakings right from their place instead than at the employee’s workplace. Assorted factors such as engineering promotions and work-life balance can be related to working from place. Work organisations have begun to distribute beyond their temporal and spacial boundaries and work has become an unbound activity to be conducted anytime and anyplace ( Kurland and Bailyn. 1999 ) . where the employees can hold the flexibleness to execute their day-to-day occupation modus operandi from their places and acquire the same paid wage as working in traditional locations.

Before the nineteenth century. and the spread of the industrial revolution around the Earth. about all offices were little office or place office. Many professional workers such as advisers. existent estate agents and attorneies normally have a smaller graduated table offices where usually operates from their place. The place office has undergone a transmutation since the discovery cyberspace capablenesss. which enable anyone working from place to vie globally. Technology has made this possible through electronic mail. e-commerce. picture conferencing. remote desktop package. and confra-call connexions.

Working from place covers a diverse scope of occupational sectors. runing from traditional craft-based industries ( e. g. fabrics ) to modern information technology-based sectors. As engineering continues to germinate. work-at-home occupations will appeal to more than merely stay-at-home parents and seniors ( Marilyn. 2008 ) . The development of engineering such as telephones. computing machines and cyberspace installations has created a demand for larger concerns to use persons who work from place. The persons can either an in dependant concern individual or they are an employee of a larger company. Tele-work flexibleness is a desirable option for employees as they can hold the flexibleness of working hours and the comfy of working from their ain place. A 2008 Robert Half International Financial Hiring Index indicates that 13 % would see telework or home-working as the best recruiting inducements for accounting professionals. Employees can bask the flexibleness to the comfort of working at place at coveted working hours that suits with their life style. instead than traditional day-to-day commute to the working premises.

The Execution
The execution of a teleworking is wholly executable but should non be

considered a simple resettlement of the workplace or the execution of virtualization engineerings. For the

Features of Individual Best Suited for Telecommuting
Persons should be skilled at puting modus operandis and run intoing deadlines.

Employees without strong self-motivation frequently have trouble in state of affairss
missing supervising. Persons should hold adequate cognition of their place to ease working and work outing jobs independently. Persons should be solid performing artists. although it is of import for some top performing artists to stay in the office at least portion of the clip to function as wise mans to colleagues. Persons working remotely are less open to supervising and feedback and should hence hold to ability to do independent determinations.

Telecommuting can elicit feelings of isolation. Therefore persons with a lower demand for societal interaction are good suited for telecommuting agreements. It is good for new hires that will be telecommuting to first work in the office environment to ease assimilation with the organisational civilization and interaction and relationship edifice with colleagues before working remotely. With limited day-to-day demands or “check-ups” placed on employees by their directors. persons should possess the ability to agenda and form their work to run into deadlines. Persons should be extremely focussed and able to manage possible place distractions.

Persons who telecommute will necessitate to do greater attempts to remain in touch with directors and colleagues. supplying them with necessary information and updates while working off from the office scene. It is indispensable that telecommuting persons be held accountable for acquiring the occupation done to the same extent as if they were being supervised in the office scene. Common trust is an indispensable component of a tele-work agreement ( Shilling. S. 1999 ) .

In add-on to concentrating on the personal features of the employee. when sing telecommuting options it is important that directors and employees understand precisely what telecommuting entails and the deductions it will hold for both the person and the organisation.

Employment Contract
Unlike standard footings of employment. if the concern aim is to hold an employee work in a home-based environment. commissariats of the employee contract must be reviewed and may necessitate to be modified. The commissariats may include the demand. if any. for attending at in-office maps such as preparation. public presentation coaching. and other formal maps required by the employer. The demand that the employee have a dedicated place workspace that is free from break by family activities and will be systematically reserved for work usage. The designation of the assets and engineering to be provided by the employer and those that is to be provided by the employee.

Allowable mechanisms for purchase / disbursal reimbursement for services such as telephone and internet entree every bit good as necessary office supplies. The duties of the employee for attention. keeping. safeguarding. and eventual return of any belongings of the employer. The acceptable patterns for the secure disposal of company and client information. and any entree the company may necessitate to the workplace to guarantee that those needed patterns are being followed. In add-on. the employment contract must sketch the duties that the employee has with regard to carry on during working hours. including guaranting that place duties do non interfere with work duties. The contract must besides stipulate the company’s right to guarantee that those duties are being met through tools such as apparition naming. monitoring. or ( under sensible evidences of intuition ) direct monitoring by key stroke. voice entering. and other electronic techniques. Recruitment Working from place brings with it a set of challenges that the company must guarantee its employees are willing and capable of pull offing on a day-to-day footing. These include a much more socially stray environment. a higher trust on the individual’s motive and uninterrupted focal point. the ability to pull off colleague interactions without the benefit of face-to-face treatment. diligence towards an organized work environment. necessitated by the awaited clean desk policy and segregation of work from the place environment. and the ability to work independently without uninterrupted direct physical supervising.

During the enlisting procedure. these societal dimensions need to be probed. A figure of psychometric tools that focus on aptitude. ability. and personality are available to back up the rating. When enrolling. it is a good thought to cognize the work agenda of appliers to staff. so that we can guarantee that the targeted work agenda will run into the applicant’s handiness. While flexibleness is required under specific fortunes. depending on the labour pool the centre is enrolling from. it is non a good thought to anticipate the place worker to be entirely available over the full scope of operating hours for the centre. As the place worker may be equilibrating personal duties. it is in each party’s involvement to understand any restrictions the place worker may hold and how those restrictions will impact staffing.

Another of import dimension of the treatment between employer and employee is the steps and methods implemented for measuring employee public presentation. This should include the employer’s monitoring of attachment. contact direction effectivity. and ratio of non-call related clip to number logged-in clip. The employee needs to be made cognizant that in the teleworking environment. elements such as pealing no-answers. unexplained subsidiary ( non-work ) clip. and other periods of non-availability will be treated as public presentation issues. non training issues.

Finally. as a best pattern. these points should be portion of the verbalism in the employment understanding every bit good as be portion of the treatments that take topographic point during enlisting. The more complete an applicant’s apprehension of the place demands is anterior to employment. the more successful the partnership between employee and employer is likely to be.

One of the biggest challenges that surfaces with the telecommuter option is constructing and keeping an environment that permits the new employee to absorb the “communications face” of the company. experience a portion of a larger squad. go cognizant of interactions between the contact centre and associated sections and stakeholders. and incorporate the company’s values into his / her communications with clients. While new employee preparation plans typically discuss each of these elements. it is normally the initial hebdomads of work in the office environment that allow employees to incorporate these facets of the work environment into their work construction. With the place worker / telecommuter. this integrating period becomes a challenge. Three options are available to the organisation:

a ) Implement an intern plan in which the new employee works as an inoffice employee for an introductory period of clip. B ) Expand the subdivisions of the introductory plan that trade with the cultural and coveted client experience issues to guarantee they acquire to the full absorbed by the new hire.

degree Celsius ) Prosecute a “buddy system” with real-time. unrecorded cooperation between an integrated resource and the new hire until there is a sense that the new employee is independently functional.
The first option has the advantage of supplying the employee with direct in-office experience while non losing initial productiveness outlooks. However. it incurs some of the costs that the telecommuting plan is designed to countervail and may prevent entree to some of the labor markets antecedently identified.

While spread outing the preparation plan is the most obvious option. it is besides likely to be the 1 with the least success. To some grade. employees will still non be incorporating the formal and informal societal substructure. the internalisation of acceptable manners of communicating. and other less touchable facets of the “real” working environment.

The 3rd option. the brother system. provides the best chance to incorporate the employee efficaciously into a telecommuting work environment but will ensue in resource restraints in the short term.

From a training position. the greatest difference for a telecommuter is
the absence of face-to-face contact in the treatment of results and side-by-side support of hard calls. As with regular coaching plans. the initial concurrent monitoring and coaching of agents should be more intense in the early hebdomads of an employee’s battle in the contact centre. At this point. the monitoring procedure should be seeable to the new agent and treated as portion of the initial preparation instead than any inducement or public presentation evaluation procedure.

Of class. should a new hire prove entirely incapable of supplying client service in the needed mode. disciplinary action should be taken outside of the regular public presentation acknowledgment rhythm. In an office environment. this early coaching can be supported by side-by-side or lab-based monitoring. This affords the manager the ability to pass on with the employee visually and orally while the agent is on the phone. With the manager being remote from the agent. the manager can utilize IM-based and perchance picture tools as an surrogate informal. near-concurrent coaching assistance. Supervisors will necessitate to present training feedback by phone instead than face-toface. To make this efficaciously. they may necessitate to relearn the same subjects they learned as agents covering with clients by understanding communicating techniques. the communicating shortage associated with voice-only interactions. and the communicating manner of the employee. To better prepare managers for the bringing of feedback over the phone. it is by and large worthwhile to imitate coaching in this method with experient agents. supplying training in-office but over the phone.

Background noise needs to be added as a specific add-on to the training feedback rating. ( In truth. ambient noise degrees should be considered in all coaching reappraisals. non as a word picture of the agent but instead as a word picture of the contact centre and its engineerings. installations. and
concern patterns. However. it is seldom examined. ) In the teleworking environment. peculiar involvement should be paid to the possible aural invasions of other household members. pets. place contraptions. buzzers. etc. It is sensible for the company to anticipate the place worker to restrict the potency for break.

Execution in Organization
In the survey conducted by ( Turcotte. 2010 ) . about 85 % of the workers are employees. the informations were taken from the General Social Survey ( GSS ) in Canada from the twelvemonth 2000 to 2008 periods.

Beginning: Statistic Canada. General Social Survey. 2001. 2003. 2005. 2006 and 2008

Majority of them are working at a paid occupation or being freelance was their chief activity during the twelvemonth. Professionals are among the workers most likely to work at place ( Turcotte. 2010 ) and their inclination to work at place varies by industry. Some of the industry affecting the professional workers includes wellness attention and societal aid. educational services. public disposal and so on.

Beginnings: Satistic Canada. General Social Survey. 2008.

The above chart shows that the highest per centum belongs to other services with 54 % . Possibly this is due to other industries which are non covered in the survey falls into this class. Educational services covers 27 % of working professionals worked at place at least on occasion. Apart from their work in the schoolroom. instructors have other responsibilities such as category readying. prep. trial rectification and many more. All these responsibilities normally performed at place. The nature of the work performed may change from one industry to another. It may be hard to impute greater work-at-home chances to specific occupational group ( Turcotte. 2010 ) . ( Casey. 2006 ) further explained that place workers are most frequently suits for engineering based worker such as call centre. disposal. recognition control in fiscal services. and besides specialist occupations such as journalist. gross revenues and so on.

The Impact
Telecommuting or working from place nowadayss advantages and challenges for

both the organisation and the employee. Since every teleworking state of affairs is alone. the advantages and challenges will change based on organisational civilizations. direction manners. and single personalities.

Employee’s Perspective

From the employee’s position there are a figure of advantages to telecommuting. The most obvious is the clip saved in transposing to and from work each twenty-four hours. In some engorged countries. this clip salvaging can be important ( one to two hours per twenty-four hours or more ) . In add-on. another advantage of a telecommuting work agreement is the increased liberty and flexibleness of work agenda. Although employees need to be available to clients and colleagues during typical concern hours. working remotely allows persons to concentrate on work when they feel most energized and efficient. It besides can supply flexibleness to go to to outside issues and household demands. such as a doctor’s assignment or child’s activities while minimising breaks to the working day.

Although this liberty and flexibleness in pull offing work can take to increased productiveness and satisfaction among employees. it besides presents two cardinal challenges. First challenge is trouble in dividing work and place lives and feelings of societal isolation. Employees who work from place may happen it hard to make clear


Working from Home: Its Implementation and Impact on Organization Productivity


limits between work clip and personal clip. Since the ability to work can go omnipresent. telecommuters sometimes find themselves working overtime tardily into the eventides. on the weekends. or even on holiday. Harmonizing to the Center for Work & A ; Family. 46 % of telecommuters worked while on holiday as compared to 34 % of traditional office workers. In add-on. merely 24 % of telecommuters rated their work life balance as “good” or “very good” compared to 26 % of traditional workers. and 38 % of those utilizing day-to-day flexible clip ( the ability to change working hours on a day-to-day footing ) . These consequences would connote that telecommuting does non needfully take to greater feelings of work life balance.

Second challenge is a deficiency of face-to-face interaction with colleagues can go forth many telecommuters experiencing socially isolated and “out-of-the-loop” . This feeling can attest itself in many different signifiers. Job successes and accomplishments can look less exciting without others with whom to observe. In add-on. some work undertakings can look dashing if the employee feels isolated from back uping resources ( i. e. . a knowing colleague or director willing to supply feedback or advice ) . Informal acquisition that takes topographic point daily in an organization’s work environment will besides be missed by the telecommuter. One ground that parttime teleworking is considered optimum is that it mitigates such feelings of societal isolation and lights-outs into the benefits of teamwork and acquisition.

Telecommuting offers many advantages to organisations that introduce and implement this work agreement with appropriate preparation and consideration of employee / manager-fit. A telecommuting agreement can better employee productiveness as persons who work remotely are unaffected by typical office environment distractions. This facilitates a greater focal point on work for more concentrated periods of clip. Offering telecommuting work agreements besides provides organisations with a larger talent pool from which to enroll and choose. When telecommuting is offered as an option. geographical distances become less important. or potentially irrelevant. in the consideration of employment. Furthermore. organisations are better able to use handicapped. aged. or other persons who are capable of employment but whose physical fortunes may forestall them from working on-site. Another important advantage of telecommuting can be a decrease in the organization’s operating expense / installation costs. With increasing Numberss of employees working from place or in other distant locations. organisations can frequently cut down their investings and outgos in office edifices. parking tonss. and other physical capital. Despite its advantages. telecommuting besides presents challenges for organisations.

The most obvious for many is the sensed trouble in supervising employee public presentation and mensurating employee productiveness. For organisations and directors who supervise utilizing a “line-of-sight” attack. teleworking can be an unsettling work agreement that brings unwelcome and unproductive alteration into the organisation. Therefore. organisations that implement telecommuting agreements must be committed to swearing employees. authorising persons to do determinations. and mensurating by results instead than “face-time” . Another challenge presented by telecommuting concerns developing synergism and teamwork between telecommuters and their colleagues. It is frequently hard to set up a common trusting and supportive relationship among persons who infrequently interact face-to-face. For intents such as the development of working relationships. a combination of telecommuting and onsite work is preferred over a full-time teleworking work agreement ( Kurland & A ; Bailey. 1999 ; McNerney. 1995 ; HR Focus. 2002 ; Telecommute Connecticut. 2002 ) .

It can be said that the execution of working from place or teleworking

supply some advantages and challenges impact on organisation productiveness. Working from place will impact non merely to the organisation but besides to the employee. Prior to the execution. it is of import to see how teleworking may impact the kineticss of the organisation in order to extenuate bitterness that may originate among nontelecommuters and to further an organisational civilization that measures employee public presentation based on consequences instead than visual aspects.

Training is critical demand to the success of a working from place. Employees who lack appropriate preparation are far more likely to meet troubles in pull offing their new work agreement. The execution of telecommuting agreements should profit from greater employee committedness. productiveness. and occupation satisfaction.

Numerous methods were considered by employers to accommodating and commanding the resources of available labor and to retain them since employees are the most valuable plus for a company. With the consideration of working from place enterprise. it can be seen as one of the options to do the employees stay longer with the company. With the increasing popularity of advancing work-life balance in the recent old ages. working from place able to supply the best of both universe ; personal life and work duties right from their ain place.

Employees are know and cognizant of the importance of holding a balance between

work and life. But the world is. it is a great challenge for the place workers to execute the occupation duty at place piece at the same clip managing home-related activities. Employers must play their large function by giving changeless battle with the place workers or frailty versa. giving morale support and encouragement to actuate the place workers to execute better in their occupation duty and besides manage to manage place related undertakings such as child care.

A eventuality program is required for the employees working from place to get the better of certain issues such as engineering dislocation since engineerings have their ain restrictions. If those jobs arise. the place workers can go on their occupation activities by describing to work at the office to guarantee that concern are as usual. Here. communicating is the key as the place workers must inform to their superior or director at the office about the troubles they faced.

Working from place besides requires a careful planning and proper direction. Employers that implementing home-working enterprises must guarantee that the place worker acquire organized by seeking to put a proper working agenda for the yearss they plan to work and the choice of the on the job hours. The place workers should besides on a regular basis maintain reaching with their office as to maintain their superior or director informed about any troubles that they may meet at during their working at place. Good managerial accomplishments besides utile to guarantee the occupation bringing by the place worker are achieved.
