1984 The Control Of Reality For Control

1984: The Control Of Reality For Control Of The Masses Essay, Research Paper

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1984: The Control of Reality for Control of the Multitudes

3 Cardinal Points:

1. The Party Controls History

2. The Party Controls the Conditions of Human Psychology

3. The Party Controls God.

How The Party Controls Reality:

How does the party controls history?

How does it impact the present?

How does scarceness impact human psychological science?

What function does Big Brother drama?



State Subjects: The Party Controls Reality to command the people

It controls History, Psychology and God.

Paragraph 1: History: Explain Revisionism

Its Procedure

How it affects the present

Paragraph 2: Psychology: Artificial Scarcity: Affects human behaviour

Maslow Theory of Human behaviour

Paragraph 3: Supreme being: Large Brother has taken the topographic point of God: Omnipotent and

Omniscient, and under the control of the party

Among the many subjects express in the novel 1984 by George Orwell the

most interesting and terrorization is the construct of making an option

world to command a mass population. The Inner Party corsets in power by determining

the ideas and sentiments of the multitudes and it does this by making a world

where everything suits whatever it is the party needs to be believed. This is

accomplished in three ways. The first is revisionism or the act of altering

facts such as history so that the Party is ever made to look good and mobilise

popular sentiment against its enemies. The 2nd manner the party creates an

unreal world is through unreal scarceness. There is no demand for the

changeless warfare but if the demand no longer existed for the building of the

tools of war that productiveness would alternatively be put towards the industry of

goods which could really raise the criterion of life. Finally the Inner

Party controls the multitudes by making an all powerful almighty being whom they

contr ol and can state or order whatever it is they need.

Much of the success in making the Parties unreal world and therefore

commanding the people was due to the Parties ability to command history through

a procedure called revisionism. This work is done in the Ministry of Truth, in the

Records subdivision, were Winston is engaged. Daily, people like Winston, destroy

old paperss and make new 1s to cover policy alterations. In add-on,

everything printed before 1960 has been destroyed by the Party. A good illustration

of this is the work which Winston has to make in the Minitru one twenty-four hours. His order in

Newspeak reads: & # 8220 ; clip e.12.83 describing bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs

nonpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling. & # 8221 ; ( 46 ) in Oldspeak: & # 8220 ; The coverage

of Big Brother`s Order for the twenty-four hours in the Times of December 3rd 1983 is

highly unsatisfactory and makes mentions to non-existent individuals. Re-write

in full and subject your bill of exchange to higher authorization before filing. & # 8221 ; ( 47 ) A former

higher Inner Party hero, praised in one of Big Brother & # 8217 ; s addresss, has

cryptically fallen out of favour, and has likely been vaporized. It is non

plenty that the Thought Police has made him vanish. He must be removed from

the records. Harmonizing to the Party he has ne’er existed & # 8211 ; he is an Unperson.

This procedure of uninterrupted change is applied non merely to newspapers, but

besides to books, periodicals, booklets, postings, cusps, movies, sound-tracks,


photographs- to every sort of literature or certification which might

keep any political or ideological significance. In this manner every anticipation

made by the Party could be shown by documental grounds. All addresss,

statistics and records of every sort must be invariably brought up-to-date in

order to demo that the anticipations of the Party were in all instances right. With no

yesteryear to compare things with, everybody is satisfied with contemporary conditions.

Changing the records maintains the infallibility of the Party and the Big

Brother, taking facts from the records and any intimation that the Party was of all time

incorrect about anything. By commanding the yesteryear, the Party controls the present

and therefore the world of the present. The past exists merely in the written records

and memories controlled both by the Party. This is the account for the last

motto of the Party: & # 8220 ; Ignorance Is Strength & # 8221 ; . Which means that the Party supports

the citizens nescient by invariably altering the truth and world, and

destructing all informations that could turn out the state of affairs otherwise.

The Inner Party & # 8217 ; s power to make an unreal world is besides mostly

due to their apprehension of the implicit in rules of human psychological science.

Through unreal scarceness, which was created by the changeless warfare, the

productiveness of workers was used to make goods such as the natation fortress

alternatively of goods which could really raise the criterion of life therefore doing

a deficit in the sums of boots and coats available. Therefore the people

were more disquieted about maintaining warm and holding adequate nutrient instead than believe

about their lives or the political system. This straight relates to Maslow & # 8217 ; s

theory on human behaviour where human demands are ranked in a six degree hierarchy

where nutrient and shelter come first and political idea comes merely at the fifth

and 6th degrees.

Finally one of the most of import facets of the Party & # 8217 ; s world is Large

Brother. Big Brother is infallible and almighty. Every success, every

accomplishment, every triumph, every scientific find, all cognition, all

wisdom, all felicity, all virtuousness, come straight from his leading and

inspiration. Cipher has of all time seen Big Brother in individual. He is a face on the

wall, a voice on the Telescreen. Harmonizing to Goldstein, the Big Brother will

ne’er dice and is the pretense in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the

universe. Large Brother is a God under the control of the interior party. He can be

made to state anything and what he is made to state straight propagates the Party & # 8217 ; s

ain docket. Big Brother besides acts as a focussing point for love, fright and

fear, emotions which are more easy felt towards an person than

towards an organisation. Big Brother is besides efficaciously ubiquitous. & # 8220 ; Big

Brother On coins, on casts, on the screens of books, on streamers, on postings and

on the wrapper of a coffin nail packet- everyplace. Always the eyes watching you

and the voice enfolding you. Asleep or wake up, working or eating, indoors or out

of doors, in the bath or in bed & # 8211 ; no flight. Nothing was your ain except the few

three-dimensional centimetres inside your skull. & # 8221 ; ( 29 ) This farther creates the semblance

that Big Brother is god and who would seek to assume the Godhead?

The incubus world or unreality that Winston must confront is under the

complete and arrant control of the party. They control history, the head and

even God and there is merely no manner that their clasp on world can be broken.
