1984 Where The Ind Is No

1984, Where The Ind. Is No Longer In Control & # 8230 ; . Essay, Research Paper

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( George Orwell )

The person is doomed in a universe where the he is no longer in control of his ego. Forces around and in him victimise the individual, but all these forces have the same centre, they all revolve around one chief beginning. In the novel, 1984, by George Orwell, Winston Smith, the chief character, falls victim to these forces which prohibit him from commanding his ain life. One of these forces is the control the Party gives itself on the alleged truth, they take off history and replace it with whatever tantrums their demands. Another force that victimizes Winston is the Party s policing and unwritten Torahs, which in the terminal bend out to be the ruin of Winston s life. Winston besides falls victim to his ego ; he is invariably contending a conflict within his head against the immoralities of newspeak and doublethink. Winston Smith loses control of his ego because of one chief beginning ; this beginning is the Party.

The Party takes control of Winston s life utilizing many methods, one of these ways is through their use of the truth in the yesteryear. In Winston s universe any unpure idea may strike the Party as immorality, if so they will do one disappear, or be an unperson. This is one of Winston s many fright & # 8217 ; s. He is afraid of what might go on if the Party is to see his diary. All he can believe about is a destiny worse than decease but, obliteration. How could you do entreaty to the hereafter when non a hint of you could physically last? ( Orwell, p.29 ) . The Party eliminates anyone who dares to face them. This leaves Winston, along with others, experiencing inferior ; they can no longer command their ain lives, but must trust on swayers whose exclusive attention is the luxury of their lives. News of wars with Eastasia/Eurasia could take one to believe that other lands exist outside of Oceania. But if so, why is there no agencies of Travel? This of class non being a portion of Outer Party member activities. Vacations or travel outside of Oceania would be of class forbidden. In the old ages before the revolution it may hold been different but there were non many people left whose thoughts were formed before that clip. In the novel it reads, The older coevals had largely been wiped out in the great purgings of the 1950ss and 1960ss, and the few who survived had long ago been terrified into complete rational surrender. & # 8221 ; ( Orwell, pg.74 ) . So these conditions may merely be in Oceania and non the remainder of the universe. The lone solid grounds of an outside being or people are the Eastasia/Eurasia captives bound in ironss and transported by truck through the streets for all to see heading for who knows where. Are these even captives of war? Surely no 1 would of all time be able to speak to them without being carted off themselves. In this universe of theirs, as it reads in the novel, The Thought Police would acquire [ anyone ] merely the same ( Orwell, p.21 ) . These people may non even be captives of war at all, merely the members of the outer party or workers, that disappear every twenty-four hours due to believe offense, or are believed to be unsafe and are sent off to decease at the custodies of Big Brother. Oceania could be a self-contained state commanding its people and feeding them lies. Its people would ne’er hold any manner of cognizing otherwise or any ground to believe so. The remainder of the universe could be free and no 1 would be the wiser. Just toys in a game being played with and discarded at will being pushed around and controlled by a maestro manus from above. No longer in control merely a pawn in the greater strategy.

Although the Party s clasp on the people through the use of the past plays a great part to Winston s loss of control of his ego, the Party s methods of patroling besides plays a function in it all. In a universe controlled by a higher power, invariably populating in fright of making or stating something incorrect, invariably being watched, and observed without cognizing. There is no flight from the Party, even one s place has a telescreen watching every facial look and entering any unnatural organic structure linguistic communication, any motion everyplace one goes. Winston s journal is an first-class illustration of the lengths some people go through for security and that the authorities goes to for its control of its population. Winston begins composing his journal in the hope of ulterior coevalss utilizing it as a footing for revolution, but even he knows that will ne’er go on because the Party keeps an oculus on everything. When Winston starts his journal he carefully puts a piece of hair on top of it so he will cognize if anyone looked at it while he is at work. But, Whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did non made no difference. The Thought Police would acquire him merely the same, ( Orwell, p.21 ) . The Party will happen out no affair what he does, the secret can non be held everlastingly, and when they find out

Winston will pay with the worst penalty of all time. The Party does nil for the citizens but constabularies them to do certain they are non cabaling against the Party. The Party has little cameras and mikes hidden all around Oceania, this is how the thought constabularies catch Winston. He and Julia had rented a room in the proletarian vicinity, where they committed their Acts of the Apostless against the Party. It turns out that there is a camera, as it reads in the novel, behind the image ( Orwell, p.230 ) , in their room. The Party destroys Winston and Julia s full lives. They have nil to populate for, merely a few last minutes of life before the Party brainwashes and they live out the remainder of their life as mindless workers. Imagine non being able to acquire off or turn off the power of the Telescreen and “Big Brother” . For Winston this is the instance. When he and Julia go to see O Brien, Winston says ( mentioning to the telescreen ) , You can turn it off! Yes, said O Brien, We have that privilege. , ( Orwell, p.176 ) . This seems scaring but unwittingly that it is possible that everyone is being watched by the authorities or a, Big Brother, of kinds and may non even recognize it. Through the forepart of person s overseas telegram t.v. box “Big Brother” may be peering into everyone s room, having information about them. The wiring in their house or phones may be being used as a hearing device by the authorities to maintain checks on their programs, lives and concern. Cameras and security devices are found every where, under expressway subwaies to catch hurrying, and atop street lamps to track every move. Spy satellites able to take elaborate exposure from infinite. In a universe like this privateness is non possible and privateness is a portion of life that makes it one s ain.

Even though the Party s methods of patroling are portion of the ground for Winston to lose control of his ego, Winston s changeless conflict in his head against the evil s of newspeak and doublethink are besides a ground why. Winston commits thoughtcrimes all the clip, which in the Party s oculus are the worst of all discourtesies. A individual may be able to believe that it is impossible to acquire caught for believing something but, as the novel says it, Thoughtcrime [ is ] non something that [ can ] be concealed everlastingly. You might dodge successfully for a piece, even for old ages, but earlier or subsequently they are bound to acquire you, ( Orwell, p.21 ) . It is impossible to maintain something to oneself ; it is in human nature to necessitate person to speak to. In the terminal it all comes down to whether Winston could contend his ain ideas, brought on by the Party because of the anguish he must prolong. At the Ministry of Love Winston has to travel through strenuous physical and emotional hurting in anguish, he got to the point where he, did non even know which answer he [ believes ] to be the true one, ( Orwell, p.260 ) . When it all came down to this concluding force he could non conflict it any longer. This is likely the most of import point, in a universe where you can non command one s actions, forced to make person else s command, but to even hold lost one s head. A individual s head is the most of import portion of a individual ; a individual needs that at least. But the Party is non interested in the organic structure of the individual, merely their head. When person commits a thoughtcrime they are non interested in the existent act, they are merely interested in the complete inspection and repair of that individual s head. When Winston is being tortured in the Ministry of Truth O Brien explains it to him, We do non destruct the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we ne’er destroy him. We make the encephalon perfect before we blow it, ( Orwell, p.267 ) . The Party is afraid of firing the misbeliever at the interest because he is still a heretic, and with that decease comes the belief to others that it is possible. That it is possible to lift up against the Party and destruct it. This is why the Party destroys the head before they kill the adult male. Through this the Party destroys Winston s head.

Winston loses control over his ego because of the Party. This is seen through the Party s clasp on the past and alleged truth, their methodological analysis of patroling the multitudes and besides through the intense emotional hurting they cause Winston, which destroys his head. In their universe the people are unhappy, and they will ever be unhappy. This is non because they do non wish to be happy, but because they can non wish for felicity because they do non have their lives. When Winston and Julia commit their first act against the Party there is a bird vocalizing to itself in the wood, it sings to delight itself non others, the workers sing to themselves for the same ground, the Party does non sing. The Party does non sing because they no longer command themselves. A universe where the person can no longer sing is no universe to populate in.


Eric Blair 1984. Penguin Books Canada Ltd. , 1987

