1984: Propaganda and Persuasion Essay Sample

A ) The 5 illustrations of different techniques of propaganda and persuasion from 1984 are: * Glittering Generality- emotionally appealing words that are applied to a merchandise or thought. but present no concrete statement or analysis. * Ad Hominem- Attacking one’s opposition. as opposed to assailing their statements * Milieu Control- An effort to command the societal environment and thoughts through the usage of societal force per unit area. * Bandwagon- Entreaties attempt to carry the mark audience to fall in in and take the class of action that everyone else is taking. * Cult of Personality- when an single utilizations mass media to make an idealised and epic public image.

1 ) I. “WAR IS PEACE” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” . ( Orwell 4 ) . II. “As usual. the face of Emmanuel Goldstein. the Enemy of the People. had flashed onto the screen. There were hushings here and at that place among the audience. The small sandy-haired adult female gave a squeak of mingled fright and disgust” . ( Orwell 11 ) . III. “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” ( Orwell 2 ) .

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IV. “We do non simply destruct our enemies ; we change them. ” ( Orwell 253 ) . V. “2 + 2 = 5” ( Orwell 290 )

2 ) I. Glittering Generalization
II. Ad Hominem
III. Milieu Control
IV. Bandwagon
V. Cult of Personality

3 ) I. The Glittering Generality quotation mark satisfies the 4 standards for propaganda by carrying people with tricky mottos. denoting it to all citizens. follows the Big Brother docket. and has faulty concluding and emotional entreaties. II. The Ad Hominem quotation mark satisfies the 4 standards for propaganda by carrying people that Goldstein is a bad individual and that they should be enemies with him. it applies to all citizens. follows the Party’s docket by converting people to be enemies with their enemies. and it has emotional entreaties and faulty logical thinking. merely to derive power as a state.

III. The Milieu Control quotation mark satisfies the 4 standards for propaganda by carrying people that they shouldn’t be in secret rebellion against the Party because Big Brother is ever watching you. it applies to all the citizens. follows the Big Brother docket. and has emotional entreaties. IV. The Bandwagon quotation mark satisfies the 4 standards for propaganda by carrying people that if they have thought offense they won’t any longer one time they catch them and is besides stating that the Party is the best state by altering people. it applies to all people that suspiciously look like they have thought offense or people from other brotherhoods. who they are enrolling. to alter them. the quotation mark follows the Party’s docket. and has emotional entreaties. V. The Cult of Personality quotation mark satisfies the 4 standards for propaganda by carrying people that no affair what history and math say. the Party is ever right. it applies to all citizens ; it follows the Party’s docket. and has faulty logical thinking.

B ) Propaganda in 1984 that is similar to the universe today.
* Beautiful people
* Demonizing the enemy
* Chauvinistic
* Pull offing the intelligence
* Name-calling

1 ) I. “We are the dead. Our lone true life is in the hereafter. ” ( Orwell 176 ) . II. “As usual. the face of Emmanuel Goldstein. the Enemy of the People. had flashed onto the screen. There were hushings here and at that place among the audience. The small sandy-haired adult female gave a squeak of mingled fright and disgust” . ( Orwell 11 ) . III. “The pick for world lies between freedom and felicity and for the great majority of world. felicity is better. ” ( Orwell 271 ) . IV. “It’s a beautiful thing. the devastation of words. ” ( Orwell 51 ) . V. “I bask speaking to you. Your head entreaties to me. It resembles my ain head except that you happen to be insane. ” ( Orwell 259 ) .

2 ) I. Beautiful people
II. Demonizing the enemy
III. Flag-waving
IV. Pull offing the intelligence
V. Name-calling

3 ) I. Like our universe the quotation mark of beautiful people on propaganda is carrying people that their state is the best. by stating they are believing of their hereafter. it applies to everyone. it follows the Party’s docket. but has faulty concluding. II. Similarly to our universe the quotation mark of demonising the enemy on propaganda is carrying people to turn away from the enemy and to detest him because the party hates them. it applies to all citizens. it follows the Party’s docket. and has an emotional entreaty. III. The Flag wave quotation mark is propaganda because it persuades people to fall in the Party because it is loyal. which it isn’t. it is a dystopia. the propaganda applies to everyone. it follows the Party’s docket. and has faulty concluding. IV. The quotation mark about pull offing the intelligence is propaganda because it is prevarications made by the Party to carry people to believe Big Brother is ever right. it applies to everyone. it follows the Party’s docket. and has faulty concluding. V. The Name-calling quotation mark is propaganda because it persuades people to believe that everyone else is incorrect except Large Brother. and by naming other people names it makes them sound more powerful. this kind of propaganda applies to everyone. it follows the Party’s docket. and has an emotional entreaty.

C ) Essay
1984 was written by George Orwell in 1949. Orwell presents a vision of the universe and how it would look in 1984. and this vision is scaring. He predicted that people would hold no rights. freedom. or privateness whatsoever. The two chief characters are Julia and Winston Smith who live in an autocratic society and Rebel against the lone and almighty political party. Winston even wrote “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” ( Orwell 18 ) in his journal. Since the Party and Big Brother. the governing party dictator. have all authorization and literally ne’er lose sight of the citizens. Winston and Julia’s program does non work out and they are finally caught and separated from each other. The universe today may non look every bit bad as Orwell predicted. but people have different sentiments. Still. we are left with many inquiries. One of which being: will our universe of all time look like Orwell’s 1984 or. is American society already nearing a clip when the authorities watches our every move? At the terminal of the novel. the chief secret plan struggles are resolved and the declaration is successful. Throughout the Big Brother was almighty and could ever watch what the citizens were making from the telescreen.

Posters all around the metropolis reminded citizens. “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” ( Orwell 2 ) and no 1 had the right to talk out against this oppressive Party. Winston and Julia harmonizing to the jurisprudence. were guilty of idea offense even before they began inflaming a love affair and roll uping illegal “artifacts. ” The Party even had thought constabularies to seek for such people. Winston and Julia were lovers and despised the Party because they had no freedom to hold a relationship. The two would run off and run into at an old old-timer store on the 2nd floor. in a room off from all the telescreens… at least they thought so. They even thought that O’Brien. a chief leader of the Party. exemplified thought offense and tried to outline Winston into the anti-Party Brotherhood. Winston was drawn to O’Brien because he seemed to portion the same misgiving and freedom of idea. but all along O’Brien was an agent for the thought constabulary. He was merely corroborating Winston’s guilt. The room Julia and Winston would remain in had a telescreen but it was hidden. The telescreen popped out and said in an Fe voice “you are the dead” ( Orwell 221 ) .

The two were terrified when they saw and heard the telescreen as the constabulary broke in through the door and window. captured. and separated them. At this point in the novel. O’Brien interrogates and anguishs Winston in an attempt to bring around him of rebellious ideas. He is given these hideous doublethink analogies like ; “2 + 2 = 5” ( Orwell 290 ) . At first Winston refuses. Then he even tries urgently to accept the false belief. but still O’Brien tortures him. It is merely after they drag him to room 101 to face him with his greatest fright. rats. that he is “cured” of any impulse to doubt the party. Julia goes through the same procedure and after the apparently eternal brainwashing they endure. the relationship they shared is impossible. At the terminal Winston loves large brother. “He loves Big Brother” ( Orwell 297 ) . In decision. the stoping was successful and the struggles were resolved even though it was in a wicked and cheerless manner. It was a sad stoping. Winston and Julia suffered more maltreatment because of their planned rebellion.

Winston did non genuinely love Big Brother. he was brainwashed into wishing the Party. This novel was based on a anticipation made by Orwell. exemplifying what our universe would be like in the hereafter. For modern Americans. the thought of one supreme party in the United States that Hunts down any resistance every bit efficaciously as Orwell’s Big Brother seems impossible. but that is merely an sentiment. non a known fact. Others have opposing sentiments. but the universe is decidedly non like that in the present epoch. and the twelvemonth 1984 has passed. A good technique to maintain our universe from turning into “Oceania” is to esteem civil autonomies. seek to remain off from excessively much power in the cardinal authorities. and turn away from communism because it led to the constitution of an autocratic government that did resemble Orwell’s Oceania. the Soviet Union. If we pursue these values we will ne’er near Orwell’s vision.
