Healty Food vs Fast Food Essay Sample

Many old ages ago. people ate nutrient that do non incorporate. preservatives ; furthermore. people used to pass a batch of clip cooking their ain nutrient. Therefore those people did non hold jobs by the nutrient that they ate. because all the nutrient that they ate was natural and healthy. However. today many people. peculiarly immature people prefer to eat fast nutrient such as beefburger. pizza or fried poulet. As we can see there are two sort of nutrient: healthy nutrient and fast nutrient. One manner to make up one’s mind between fast nutrient and healthy nutrient is to compare them on of import points. Both Fast nutrient and Healthy nutrient are delightful. As we know. we have a big assortment in nutrients. for illustration you can conceive of a beefburger or salad fruits both are delightful. While fast nutrient and healthy nutrient can both are appealing. the healthiest manner to eat is by fixing our ain nutrient. It is of import to advert that in malice of the lone one similarity about this subject ; we can happen differences through three positions: cost convenience and wellness. Although fast nutrient is cheaper. you can salvage more money if you eat healthy nutrient. Many parents feel that they can salvage money when they eat ace sized threes of pizza ; they believe that an S/ . 20 of pizza to feed four people may look like a deal.

However. when you consider the fact that fast nutrient is habit-forming and unhealthy. all of a sudden the money that you have saved bends into 1000000s of colloidal suspensions. because many people spend a batch of money as consequence of many diseases produced by eating fast nutrient. The truth is that eating healthy nutrient is cheaper. Fast nutrient is more convenient than healthy nutrient. Many people in our state work log hours for that ground. they do non hold clip to happen ingredients or fix good nutrient. so fast nutrient is good option because fast nutrient is quicker to fix or buy than healthy nutrient. So that you can salvage clip depending on the life style of the individual has.

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In fact. fast nutrient is convenient because it can be obtained rapidly and easy. Healthy nutrient is nutrient-rich. but fast nutrient tends to be nutrient-poor even it is high in Calories. It is of import to cognize that fast nutrient can carry through our day-to-day thermal demands ; however. it exceed with ingredients that are damaging to our wellness. For illustration fast nutrient is high in concentrated fats and trans fats. besides it has preservatives. chemicals. unreal colourss and spirits. Fast nutrient affects our wellness and cause unsafe diseases. such as fleshiness. diabetes. high blood force per unit area. On other manus. healthy nutrient conserves and protects our organic structure from diseases. because it contains vitamins proteins and minerals. In decision. both fast nutrient and healthy nutrient have their pros and cons. so we have to take the best option and it should be said that eating healthier is a life manner and intelligent pick.
