The French And English Revolutions Essay Research

The Gallic And English Revolutions Essay, Research Paper

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The Gallic and English Revolutions

Essay submitted by MassA


The Gallic Revolution was effected and caused by many things and people. Some

people that had to make with the Gallic Revolution were, Louis XVI, and, Marie

Antoinette. Marie played an active function in the Revolution but suffered for her monarchist

understandings. King Louis XVI besides played an of import function in the Revolution, seeing as

how he was the male monarch and all. When Louis XVI came to be King, he inherited a France in

debt, and he was left with no pick but to raise revenue enhancements even though they were already

high plenty. This had made the people of France really angry. Paris had become ferocious

and take to do a large scene.

This was besides one of the causes of the Gallic Revolution. Some believe that the MAIN

ground for the Revolution was all based on, Louis, being excessively immature and inexperient to

run an ENTIRE state by himself. He was merely when he got married to Marie and he

was merely 20 when he officially became male monarch of France.

As the people of France grew more and more angry with Louis, it had started taking

Gallic Officials, such as, Tax aggregators, and altering all of the male monarchs appointed work forces

to intendants. Reasonably shortly there were curses and things for Louis to subscribe everyplace.

Curses such as the & # 8220 ; Tennis Court Oath & # 8221 ; , and the & # 8220 ; Declaration of the Rights of Man and

the Citizen & # 8221 ; , and the & # 8220 ; Constitution of 1791. & # 8221 ;

Two effects of the Revolution were, c

hange the vote by caput, giving the 3rd estate

an advantage because they had as many people as the first and 2nd estates, and

the decapitation of King Louis XVI.

This subdivision has shown how the Gallic Revolution was effected and caused by many

things and people.


The English revolution was besides effected by many people and things, merely like the

Gallic Revolution.

Some people holding to make with the Revolution were King Charles II, and King James II.

Charles and James both were male monarchs of England for their ain portion of clip, act uponing

the state and its motivations.

After a short spot, Charles died out of the blue from natural causes at the age of 55. Then

James, brother of Charles, became King. This was a ground for the Revolution in some

people & # 8217 ; s eyes.

The alteration of Charles to James was a stammer in the economic system. It caused a major

tumult, non against James, but merely a batch of disturbance and speak amongst the people.

This happened because the decease of Charles was so unexpected. Then James made

some stupid errors and was forced out. His short reign ended with the Revolution at

the reaching of William of Orange.

Two effects of the English Revolution are, the & # 8220 ; Declaration of Rights & # 8221 ; , and, the & # 8220 ; Bill of

Rights & # 8221 ; . These paperss have held authoritiess together, non merely in England, but

here in the USA excessively.

This subdivision has shown the how the English Revolution was effected by many people

and things, merely as the Gallic Revolution was.
