Are Performance Enhancing Drugs The Answer Essay

Are Performance Enhancing Drugs The Answer? Essay, Research Paper

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& # 8220 ; The overpowering bulk of jocks I know would make anything, and take

anything, short of killing themselves to better athletic public presentation & # 8221 ; ( Donohoe, Johnson

1 ) . This statement is made by a one time Olympic hammer-throw title-holder in 1973. It barely

portrays the importance that substance maltreatment has with respect to jocks and athleticss. If

you are one of the many jocks in the United States, you have no uncertainty in your head that

this is an on-going job in the broad universe of athleticss. If you live breathe, and shed blood

athleticss, than you know the importance of winning. You, in your head, know that losing is

non an option. You will non stand for it and for that, travel to great lengths to be the best,

even if chemicals and drugs are the reply. Peoples have gotten banned from the topographic point,

earnestly hurt and even died due to drugs that they have used to heighten their

public presentation. Although people may non recognize it, there are many effects to utilizing

public presentation heightening drugs. & # 8220 ; In some athleticss, it has been suggested that it may be

impossible to & # 8216 ; acquire to the top & # 8217 ; without the usage of these illegal substances, but many think

that they can come near without being affected by side effects and long-run effects on

wellness, they are incorrect. ( Donohoe, Johnson 1 ) . Performance heightening drugs are non the

reply and it is non deserving fring your life or calling over a athletics.

& # 8220 ; Doping & # 8221 ; is now a common term that people use to depict the usage of a substance

of the intent of heightening public presentation. ( Donohoe, Johnson 2 ) & # 8220 ; Doping has been

defined as the disposal to, or the usage by, a viing jock of any substance

foreign to the organic structure or of any physiological substance taken in unnatural measure or by an

unnatural path of entry in to the organic structure, with the exclusive purpose of increasing public presentation

in an unreal and unjust manner. & # 8221 ; ( Donohoe, Johnson 3 ) . Using stimulations and other

drugs to increase public presentation is non anything new. The thoughts has been around for

100s of old ages. & # 8220 ; Roman gladiators and knights in mediaeval tilts used stimulations after

prolonging hurt in order to go on the combat. & # 8221 ; In these instances, it is known that these

gladiators uses herbs and dried figs and even when every bit far as utilizing the rear hooves of an

Abyssinian buttocks, land up, boiled in oil, and flavored with rose petals and rose hips to

better public presentation. ( Donohoe, Johnson 2 ) There are many types of advanced

chemicals that may be usage in this twenty-four hours and age to consequence public presentation such as analgesics,

stimulations, and anabolic steroids to call a few.

A large job in the athleticss universe with respects to public presentation heightening drugs

are analgesics. Every athletics is affected by these alleged needed drugs. There are instances

where drawerss are massaged with an ointment mixture incorporating cocaine to supply some

kind of anaesthesia during battles. ( Donohoe, Johnson 4 ) There are many drugs blunt the

organic structures ability to experience hurting and since athleticss demand a individual to develop longer, harder, and

earlier in life, these drugs are ever in demand. Pain is a reaction of the organic structure to warn us

that we need to take it easy. ( Nelson 84 ) Most jocks take analgetic to ease the

uncomfortableness and enable them to go on. ( Donohoe, Johnson 94 ) . Football is a athletics

where these drugs are over used. In this athletics, a individual is put in unsafe state of affairss that

hold the ability to earnestly ache an jock. If an jock is given a analgesic due to one of

these state of affairss, the jock continues, non cognizing that more hurt can come consequence if the

job persists. Since the jock does non experience the hurting, than he is ready to win the

game. You may non recognize it, but everyone has some signifier of analgesics at their disposal.

Aprain is a signifier of analgesic the people use for mild hurting and achings and besides may be really

hurtful if abused. Morphine and codeine are other types of drugs used by jocks to assist

them feel no hurting. These drugs are really unsafe and could do decease if non taken

decently. With respects to painkiller, you may believe this is the best while playing but you

will shortly recognize that is was non such a smart move when you come crashing down.

Another unsafe drug is a stimulation. They were given to both allied and

German forces in W.W.II to increase watchfulness and endurance. ( Eldeson 75 ) With respects

to cycling, which uses stimulants the most, the first instance that has been reported of the first

doping-related decease was in 1886. Races placed utmost physical and psychological

demands on the riders ; accordingly many of them turned to assorted stimulation to fix.

Arthur Linton was trained by & # 8216 ; Choppy & # 8217 ; Warburton in cycling for the Bordeaux to Paris

race. He seemingly died after an overdose on strychnine which was given to him by his

trainer. Warburton was know to give all his athletes the drug during the competition. No

one is truly certain that the long-run effects of the drug that killed him, since his decease was

R / & gt ;

ruled the consequence of enteric fever febrility and non an overdose. Warburton was since banned for life

from the athletics. In the 1960 Olympics in Rome, one Danish bicycler died because of an

overdose of pep pills and nicotinyl tartrate which increases the blood supply to the

musculuss. Two other Danish teammates were hospitalized because of toxic conditions.

( Donohoe, Johnson 5 ) . Stimulations were besides banned from the NFL. Arnold J. Mandell,

the squad trainer, was caught giving these drugs to participants and was dismissed in 1974 due

to the case that was placed when participant sued over drug related hurts. Mandall was

found guilty of giving over 1750 pills to participant in a three month period and one participant

entirely received 400 pills. ( Donohoe, Johnson 28 ) . An jock can easy acquire hooked on

these drugs and may ensue in an overdose if taken in big measures which is non

uncommon since depression is a common side consequence of the drug. ( Garell 76 ) Stimulation

cause hallucinations and may even do paranoid schizophrenic disorder. Despite these hazard the

jocks continue taking these drugs to populate in the minute and non worry about the long-

term effects. As you can see these results could hold easy been prevented. These are

a few illustration that stimulations, execute heightening drugs, ruin lives and in this instance is the

cause of decease in some. ( Donohoe, Johnson 4 )

The biggest and well-known drug in usage today is steroids. It is non limited to any

peculiar athletics, amateur, nor professional sports. ( Nardo 18 ) . Steroids are frequently used

by jocks to construct musculus and as strength edifice AIDSs. ( Nardo 21 ) . Another athletics that

widely uses steroids is, once more, football. Because the size and strength is needed, these

participants will travel to great lengths to acquire to where they want to be, and that is the

title game. There are many negative effects of utilizing steroids. It could do

liver jobs, cut down sperm production, and increase the hazard of a bosom onslaught and or

shot. ( Nardo 23 ) . There are many psychological or emotional effects on a individual who

utilizations steroids. Many users frequently experience temper swings and cause minutes of fury and

increase their hostile mode. ( Nardo 25 ) Using steroids to heighten public presentation, it is

besides an issue of equity in the athletic competition. All these side effects and jobs

that arise due to the usage of steroids greatly outweigh the addition, and for that you are seting

your ain life at hazard to be the best and win a game.

As you can see, there are many cases that people have been earnestly hurt bargain

utilizing public presentation heightening drugs. Peoples have been banned from the athletics for life if

found caught utilizing and/or administering these drugs, rendered unfit to play as a consequence of the

side effects and hold even died because the wanted to win and would make anything they

could to be better than their opposition. It is non deserving losing you life over a athletics. & # 8220 ; At

least 80 per centum of top sportswomans are slaves of endocrine products. & # 8221 ; ( Donohoe, Johnson

80 ) . Even if person thinks that it could non and would non go on to them so they are

the true also-rans. Athletes should maintain the game pure and win because you are better

jock, non because your are a existent life signifier of the unbelievable giant. & # 8220 ; Unless something is

done shortly, international athleticss will be a competition between circus monsters manipulated by

international chemists. & # 8221 ; ( Donahow, Johnson 102 ) .

Are Performance Enhancing Drugs

the Answer?

Plants Cited

Edelson, Edward. Sports Medicine. New york: Chelsea House, 1988.

Donohoe, Tom, and Niel Johnson. Foul Play: Drug Abuse in Sports. New york: Basil

Blackwell, 1987.

Nardo, Don. Drugs and Sports. San Diego, CA: Lucent Overview, 1990.

Nelson, Elizabeth. Coping with Drugs and Sports. New york: Rosen, 1995.


A. Introduction-

1. Thesis- Its non deserving losing your life over a athletics

2. My opinion- Same as thesis

3. Overview- Talk about how bad jocks want to win

B. History-

1. Drugs have been around for a long clip

2. Definition of & # 8220 ; doping & # 8221 ;

3. Types of drugs I will be speaking about

C. Painkillers-

1. Drawerss utilizing cocaine

2. Reason for analgesics

3. Football- Effectss on jocks: being banned, side effects, decease

D. Stimulants-

1. Use in W.W.II

2. Cycling

3. History of decease and hurt caused by stimulations

E. Steroids-

1. Well-known drug in usage today

2. Used for strength

3. Side Effects.

F. Conclusion-

1. Wrap it up

2. Repeat thesis

3. End with a quotation mark


Edelson, Edward. Sports Medicine. New york: Chelsea House, 1988.

Donohoe, Tom, and Niel Johnson. Foul Play: Drug Abuse in Sports. New york: Basil

Blackwell, 1987.

Nardo, Don. Drugs and Sports. San Diego, CA: Lucent Overview, 1990.

Nelson, Elizabeth. Coping with Drugs and Sports. New york: Rosen, 1995.
