Beauty Pageants Feature Article Essay Sample

Contention: Argues that the eccentric universe of pageantry is bogus and fabricated.

Headline: Sugar and Spice. But all things nice?

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Tone: Logical. strong. polished yet somewhat conversational tone

Target Audience: Middle aged working female parents and households.

Body Paragraph

Argument: The mother’s are doltishly disregarding the virtuousnesss of maternity as they place force per unit area and unwanted emphasis upon their immature kids.


Evidence. quotation marks from the show Toddlers and Tiaras provide credibiblity to the piece. supplying existent images of what the mother’s are like to the reader

Repeat: she lists all the names the female parents gave their kids in order to further picture the bias opinion that if a name is unusual and bogus. the parents must be unnatural.

Attack: she denigrates the female parents to be unmindful to exploitive and damaging behavior they are bring downing upon their kids. this forms the reader to perceive pageants as an administration filled with people who are farcical and insensible. hence sing pageants to be so excessively.

2 ) Argument: pageants will destroy the child’s hereafter and lifestyle due to the cost and fiscal hazards parents feel they have to take.


Entreaty to the Hip Pocket nervus: She lists the high costs tie ining with pageants and references what the consequence would hold been if that money was saved.

Repeat: Lists the legion things that costs money within beauty pageants.

Entreaty to household tradition: entreaties to the premise that households should populate in a nice place. which has been taken off from kids as their female parents spend all their money on pageants

Attack: Attacks the female parents on their pathetic disbursement wonts. besides attacks the professional trainers within the industry for learning the kids to boom on money in life.


3 ) Pageants teach girls the erroneous message that to accomplish in today’s society you must look beautiful and win pageants.

Analysis of Sugar and Spice: But all things nice?

It’s being written all over the media as they consistently argument and difference over whether beauty pageants are worthy of come ining Australian shores. The Age published a recent Opinion piece on May 4. 2011 that argues that the eccentric universe of pageantry is laughably bogus and fabricated. Nina Funnel. the writer of the article. utilizations such a strong. logical. polished yet somewhat conversational tone to portray and pass on her strong message and point of view of beauty pageants. Her cagey look and good phrased sentiment comes across in the article’s headline ‘Sugar and Spice. But all things nice? The headline provides grounds of a normally used cliche look that has been altered to suit in with the contention. This is targeted to link with the strong emotions and ethical motives of the responsible center aged female parents of Australia.

The writer opens up by portraying the mother’s of beauty pageants to be doltishly disregarding the virtuousnesss of maternity. She criticises their practises. supplying quotation marks picturing the unwanted force per unit area they place upon their kids. Funnel provides believable grounds by using quotation marks from the celebrated telecasting show Toddlers and Tiaras. These quotation marks like “Flirt! You’re non flirting” and “Stand up directly. suck your pot in! ” grant credibleness to the piece. supplying the reader with existent images of what the female parents are like in the universe of pageantry. The writer so uses repeat by naming the legion names the female parents gave their kids. including the varying spelling and wrong grammar like ‘Kayleigh. kailee’ and ‘AshLynn and BreAnne’ .

This usage of repeat communicates the bias opinion of the unmindful female parents to the reader. which is hence reenforcing the statement adding accents to the issue and making a sense of urgency. Nina Funnell besides intentionally onslaughts and denigrates the female parents to be unmindful to the ‘exploitive’ and ‘damaging’ behavior they are bring downing upon their kids. She uses words like ‘stage mothers’ and begins the sentence with ‘Of course’ . this is a deliberate onslaught which places the reader to comprehend the pageant mother’s to be farcical and hence the pageants to be besides.

Body Paragraph 2

Nina Funnel smartly moves onto the elaborate effects and consequences of these beauty pageants upon kids. She contends that pageants will destroy the child’s hereafter and lifestyle due to the cost and fiscal hazards parents feel they are complied to take. She truly entreaties to people’s fiscal concerns and hip pocket nervus as she lists the tremendous costs associated with pageants. adverting the costs of American “Glitz” outfits that ‘cost up to $ 10. 000’ she besides states one female parent ‘has spent more than $ 15. 000 that twelvemonth entirely on pageants’ . This places the reader to experience strong emotions and indignation at the consummative behavior of ‘stage parents’ and concern to the effects this disbursement will hold on the child’s hereafter. Funnel besides employs repeat when naming the legion readyings that cause parents to serve out money. she lists the costs such as ‘waxing. coloring. picture. tanning and bleaching’ . This provides the reader with constellating images of these dearly-won practises. organizing their consummative behavior to originate and differ with the pick of disbursement.

Nina Funnel so begins to farther onslaught the pageant female parents on their disbursement behavior saying they talk about taking “second pageant jobs” to ‘pay for the expensive and legion competition fees’ . Funnel besides attacks the professional trainers of the industry utilizing grounds in pass oning the wrong ethical motives they inflict upon the kids “I state them to acquire with the smart boys… when they grow up. they’re traveling to be the rich 1s. and you can be a trophy wife” . This effectively places the reader to pull attending towards the implicit in messages the pageants imply. The techniques highlight the righteous ethical motives most people hold. as they criticise the valuing of beauty and money over all. Using professionals as grounds provides the statement a stronger credibleness and consequences in a more emotional response in the reader.
