Boar Helmets in Beowulf Essay Sample

Beowulf: A Verse Translation. a narrative passed on through the centuries in Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic civilizations. inherently speaks through originals while still keeping true to the cultural Zeitgeist of the times. In an heroic poem such as Beowulf. where war is a common subject. the archetypical images of arms and armoury of course enter the complex allegorical secret plan line. Specifically. the helmet of Beowulf and the other soldiers frequently becomes a footing of analytical idea. This analysis offers different suggestions as to the significance behind the helmet both in actual usage and the nonliteral usage of the narrative Tellers of the clip.

The most common helmet used at the supposed clip Beowulf took topographic point was the Sus scrofa helmet. The Sus scrofa helmet is as it sounds. a helmet with a Sus scrofa shaped piece at the top of it. One archeology survey states that these helmets were frequently fitted with cherished metals such as bronze. Ag. and gold. and frequently made with an Fe base ( Webster 217 ) . Depending on the location the helmets were trimmed with different metals. For case. in Torslunda. Oland. Sus scrofa helmets have frequently been found with bronzy spare dating to about the 6th and 7th centuries. However. much earlier in Denmark. Sus scrofa helmets were frequently encrusted with Ag trim ( Speake ) . The different regions’ mineral wealth determined the antediluvian significance of the Sus scrofa helmet. The consolidative construction of Fe remains changeless nevertheless the different trims can alter the symbolic significance to the civilization. Furthermore. a characteristic that did stay invariable was the construction of the existent helmet itself. Models found in both York and Sweden had face masks. cheek guards. and cervix protection ( Webster 217 ) . Last. and possibly most significantly. a little Sus scrofa on the top of the helmet remains changeless.

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The most interesting facet of this helmet appears to be the different metals used in the different civilizations. Beowulf happens to utilize every metal in mention to these helmets. “Boar-shapes flashed above their cheek-guards. the brilliantly forged work of goldsmiths” ( Heaney 303-305 ) . “To guard his caput he had a glittering helmet… It was of beaten gold” ( Heaney 1448-1453 ) .
