Classic Airlines and Marketing Essay Sample

Classic Airlines is the 5th largest air hose company in the universe. Similarly to the rivals it is enduring from high fuel costs. ensuing in lower net incomes. Many companies dropped figure of flights ( with the net consequence of raising rider burden factors and efficiency on staying flights ) . raised monetary values. developed really big gross watercourses from checkered luggage fees and other charges. and kept really tight palpebra on all governable disbursals ( University of Phoenix Library. 2013 ) . This manner the air hose companies minimized the disbursals and raised the gross. The heel of Achilles for Classic Airlines is the partial engaged flights. That is why that the good planed selling scheme is critical to its success. The attractive force of the larger client section will raise the demand on the company’s merchandises. The higher flight tenancy rate will take down the disbursal costs for the company.

The Selling Merchandises
Marketing trades with identifying and meeting human and societal demands. One of the shortest definitions of selling is “meeting demands productively ( University of Phoenix Library. 2013 ) ” . The direction of the company needs to take in the consideration that there are different client sections with different outlooks. Some of them are interested in low monetary values while another’s are concerned with the quality of the service. In this scenario Classic Airline offers clients service of presenting them from one finish to another. The great manner of pulling clients in service supplying companies is to make the extraordinary experience. In this instance the company can retrain the employees to supply its clients the exceptionally friendly client service. Authoritative Airlines can ever increase its grosss from extra fees such as charges for checked bags. precedence seating and nutrient and drinks on board. On board. many riders are paying for drinks. repasts and even pillows and covers. Many air hoses have begun bear downing fees of $ 30 for reserving seats in the first few rows in manager cabins ( University of Phoenix Library. 2013 ) .

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This manner the clients will hold the chance to make up one’s mind how much they want to pass and what service they want to acquire. The research shows that the client satisfaction rises when they feel to be in charge. ( Center for the Study of Social Policy. 2007 ) Selling Challenges Classic Airlines has a wages plan that allows the clients to gain the free stat mis for their every trip with the company. After certain sum of points they can gain free trips. This selling scheme is attractive to the consumers and encourages them to book more flights with the company. However. the flow of the plan is that one time the client will gain adequate points to acquire a free flight it is inconvenient to book a flight. There are excessively many distractions’ about booking the nonstop flight. inaccessibility to choose certain day of the months. and etc. Another selling challenge for the company is to vie with the air hoses that created confederations. The confederations are giving the rivals the advantage of offering their clients better pricing and more locations. Decision

The key to the Classic Airlines success is to sort the different client sections and run into their demands while remaining profitable. It means that some of the clients will anticipate the low monetary values while another’s are seeking in exceeding service.


Center for the Study of Social Policy. 2007. Customer Satisfaction. Retrieved January 14. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. cssp. org/publications/constituents-co-invested-in-change/customer-satisfaction/customer-satisfaction-what-research-tells-us. pdf

University of Phoenix Library. 2013. Plunkett Research Ltd. Introduction to the Travel Industry. Retrieved January 9. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. plunkettresearchonline. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/ResearchCenter/Trends/display. aspx? Industry=17

University of Phoenix Library. 2013. MKT/571 Week One Readings. Chapter One. Retrieved January 10. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //ecampus. Phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx
